each light rays to utilize spectral sensitivities of hu-
man visual systems. This display can control the
4-dimensional light field and 1-dimensional spectral
distribution, and then we call the display 5D light field
By using the display, we propose an image dis-
playing system with encryption by a particular visual
characteristic of the human. In this system, special
encoded light-field are emitted from the display, and
the field is decoded only by a target user. If the other
human observes or peeps the display, their visual sys-
tem cannot decrypt the light field to the original im-
age. Therefore, a secure and involuntary image en-
coding system can be achieved.
Light field display is studied extensively(Wetzstein
et al., 2011; Hirsch et al., 2014; Hung et al., 2015;
Huang et al., 2014) and utilized for various kinds of
image representation. The most representative light
field display is an autostereoscopic display. The au-
tostereoscopic display presents different images in
the right and left directions. Thus, different images
to be observed in the right and left eyes, and it re-
alizes stereoscopic viewing. The light field display
has been utilized for visual correcting display with-
out glasses(Huang et al., 2014). In this display, vi-
sual characteristics such as myopia and hyperopia are
corrected by controlling the light field without using
glasses. Furthermore, a method measuring the de-
tailed optical characteristics of human eyes has been
proposed(Hori et al., 2017). In this system, observers
observe different images according to their character-
istics. In this case, the observation results indicate the
characteristics of the observer, and thus, we can mea-
sure detail characteristics without individual measur-
ing devices.
On the other hand, many methods that focus on the
spectral sensitivity of the human visual system have
been proposed(Nonoyama et al., 2013; Muramatsu
et al., 2016). Nonoyama et al. proposed a technique
that presents different images for each observer who
has different sensitivities(Nonoyama et al., 2013). In
this method, a multiband display which can control
spectral distribution pixel by pixel is utilized. Also, a
method to measure human spectral sensitivity based
on observation results has been proposed(Muramatsu
et al., 2016).
Although both of these methods are based on hu-
man visual characteristics, both require special im-
age presentation devices and have been independently
studied. However, since these multiple factors are in-
cluded in a human visual system, more various ap-
plications can be expected if these characteristics can
be used simultaneously. In this paper, we propose
an encrypted image presentation system based on op-
tical characteristics as well as spectral sensitivities.
Furthermore, we construct a 5D light field display to
achieve the abovementioned displaying system. The
5D light field display built for this purpose can be ex-
pected to be applied to a broader range of information
presentation technologies in addition to the encrypted
image presentation proposed in this paper.
In this section, we describe the characteristics of hu-
man visual systems that are utilized in our system.
As described in 1, human visual systems have sev-
eral kinds of characteristics, such as color sensitivity,
response time, and so on. Besides, these character-
istics have individuality, and then, the characteristics
are different in person by person. In our system, we
focus on the differences of the characteristics. Based
on the differences of the characteristics, we propose
an image encryption method to a light-field which can
be decoded by only a particular user who has a tar-
get visual characteristics. Especially, we utilize the
individuality of spectral sensitivity and optical aber-
ration of human eyes, and we describe the details of
the characteristics in this section.
3.1 Spectral Sensitivities
We first describe the spectral sensitivity of the human
visual system. In our eyes, light-rays from the tar-
get objects pass through the pupil, and light-sensitive
cells, which are called cone cells, receive the light
rays. The cells emit stimulus depending on the input
light rays.
There are three kinds of cone cells, which are L,
M, and S cells. Each cell have different spectral sen-
sitivity x(λ), and the cells emit a stimulus which de-
pends on their sensitivity and spectral distribution of
the received light as follows:
= K
(λ)dλ, (1)
where a indicates a kind of cell, λ is a wavelength of
the light, E(λ) is the spectral distribution of the input
light, and K is a coefficient for the normalization. In
this case, the observed color is determined by a com-
bination of these stimulus S
. Therefore, the observer
observes the same color when the combination of S
is the same even if the light spectral E is different.
Encrypted Image Display based on Individual Visual Characteristics