One example is the application of this framework
to active learning mechanisms as most of the available
algorithms are specific to specific conditions, while
not detecting others. The ability to detect similar ab-
normalities in the ECG signal, the classifier could ac-
tively create new labels for patterns that diverge from
the normal ECG signal, while increasing new diag-
nostic possibilities. That said, this technique could
not only aid in the diagnostic of arrhythmias, but also
contribute to the study of these pathological anoma-
lies, by finding correlations between the different ex-
pressions of the ECG morphology, and also by ex-
ploring these manifestations with different variables
in mind such as the patient’s gender, age, medications,
among other factors. Another example is by analysing
billions of data points in wearable data, the medical
doctor could focus only in the parts which contained
different aspects of the signal, so that he could diag-
nose without wasting hours or days of analysis.
This method helps to increase the possibilities, not
only for detection, but also for studying what exactly
is a normal cycle and which are the deviation patterns.
By having early detection procedures, one could early
seek for medical help without developing a symp-
tomatic episode. This preventive point of view could
represent a major change in perspective in how medi-
cal care should be delivered in the future.
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