Table 4: Classification performance on MPEG7 dataset.
Distance type Distance + angle Distance only
Euclidean 86.14 73.13
Inner 85.52 72.61
Skeleton 87.35 77.25
ing only with distances is much more impressive.
This leaves open the question of a better determina-
tion of the angles between the points of the shape. In
addition, histogram comparisons based on the χ
terion are also not well suited for fairly concentrated
distribution, such as skeleton-geodesic shape context,
that leaves the task of designing a better way to com-
pare such histograms for future research. We also
note that, as in the previous experiment, the inner-
distances did not demonstrate their advantage over the
Euclidean ones, being used in completely the same
In this article we proposed a method for describing
the shape using the distribution of distances between
its points, which are calculated using a skeleton. It
is shown that using a continuous skeletal representa-
tion, the basis of calculations can be reduced to clas-
sical algorithms on graphs. Proposed distance can be
used in many 2D shape recognition algorithms as a re-
placement for the Euclidean or geodesic distance, for
example, we designed an analogue of very popular
shape context descriptor. Remarkable that such de-
scriptor can be considered from the point of view of
probability theory, it can be calculated with high accu-
racy based on the continuous model, and all the nec-
essary formulas are derived analytically. Estimates
of temporal costs show that the method takes some
time to preprocess the image, but after that it does
distant transformations much faster than this is done
for commonly used inner-distances, so with a mass
query, the gain in time consumption is powerful. A
computational experiments demonstrate that the pro-
posed method of specifying distances is more resis-
tant to a fairly wide class of flexible articulations than
the usual geodesic distance and, especially, Euclidean
one. The way to develop our approach is to design a
more efficient procedure for comparing descriptors.
The work was funded by Russian Foundation of Basic
Research grant No. 20-01-00664.
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VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications