Vague Visualizations to Reduce Quantification Bias in Shared Medical
Decision Making
Michela Assale, Silvia Bordogna and Federico Cabitza
Universita degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Viale Sarca 336, 20126, Milano, Italy
Uncertainty Visualization, Medical Decision Making, Visual Metaphor.
This paper aims to contribute to the research focusing on how to render properly uncertainty in decision
making, especially in regard to classification (like in medical diagnosis) or risk prediction (like in medical
prognosis). Information visualizations leverage perception to convey information on data in ways that make
their interpretation easier. Unfortunately, many visualizations omit uncertainty or communicate it less than
effectively. We devised a novel way, which we call vague visualization, to render uncertainty without convert-
ing it in any numerical or symbolic form, and tested the usability and task fitness of these alternative solutions
in a user study that involved a panel of lay people (as proxies of potential patients). In so doing, we aimed
to understand whether our solutions facilitate (or at least do not hinder) communication and understanding
of probabilistic estimates in a medical context, and if one solution is more effective than the others. We ob-
served that three different vague visualizations convey the right sense of risk with respect to chance (50%) of
percentage shown, and inspire an interpretation of the magnitude of the percentages that replicates the typi-
cal response of decision making under uncertainty condition. We then claim that these methods are effective
because they allow for data interpretations that are uncertain (vague), and yet correct and compatible with
appropriate decisions and actions.
This paper aims to contribute to the research focusing
on how to render and present uncertainty to the de-
cision makers in proper ways, especially in regard to
classification (like in medical diagnosis) or risk pre-
diction (like in medical prognosis).
One could rightly observe that defining a “proper
way” here is not a trivial task. If decisions can be as-
sessed as being either right or wrong (even a posteri-
ori), then a proper way is the way that helps decision
makers increase or maintain an acceptable accuracy.
However, there many decisions that cannot be traced
back to a matter of “right or wrong”. For instance, in
medicine (that is our reference domain), when uncer-
tainty regards an estimate of the probability of reach-
ing a specific condition after a treatment, one could
compare different ways to present the odds and risk
of a set of options and focus on their role in suggest-
ing the option that helps get the best health outcome,
or helps predict the effects of the intended course of
This approach can be denoted as consequential-
ist (as it focuses on the consequences of a decision)
and purposely disregards whether the decision mak-
ers have “understood” the extent estimate of proba-
bility on risk. Although this is probably the sound-
est approach, it is difficult to pursue. Similarly to
other researches (e.g., (Kosara et al., 2001; Finger and
Bisantz, 2002; MacEachren et al., 2005; Kinkeldey
et al., 2014)), we also equate the “proper way” in
terms of the accuracy of those who reads the visu-
alization to reconstruct the quantitative estimates be-
hind it: the more effective is the visualization (of un-
certain estimates), the easier to get the uncertain quan-
tities therein represented (Mackinlay, 1986).
However, we would argue that effectiveness
should not be optimized, but rather the embodied un-
derstanding of the uncertainty involved. Failing to
achieve this understanding could be the main reason
why “many visualization authors choose not to visu-
alize uncertainty” (Hullman, 2019). In this paper we
investigate purposely uneffective methods to convey
a perception of uncertainty that not necessarily must
be translated into quantitative numbers.
This contributes to the research on the role
Assale, M., Bordogna, S. and Cabitza, F.
Vague Visualizations to Reduce Quantification Bias in Shared Medical Decision Making.
DOI: 10.5220/0008969802090216
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2020) - Volume 3: IVAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-402-2; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of quantification in modern society (Porter, 1996),
where it is generally critically reflected on the ways
in which the hard sciences tend to quantify uncer-
tainty, for instance in terms of probabilities or con-
fidence scores, i.e., as real numbers between 0 and 1
(or, equivalently, in terms of percentages). This way
to present uncertainty is appealing, especially for its
role in making decision makers get an intellectual, ab-
stract, symbolic comprehension of the probabilities
involved, but it can also lead to what is called quan-
tification bias, to denote both a sort of “overestima-
tion of the importance of quantification in defining the
concept of risk” (Boholm, 2019) and an over-reliance
on quantified thresholds to make a decision. For in-
stance, if a treatment is associated with a probability
of positive outcome of .78, it is considered more likely
to be effective than an alternative treatment that is as-
sociated with a probability of .75 even if the margin
of error is 5%; another common case of quantification
bias occurs in statistical analysis, whenever only find-
ings associated to an observed confidence level (or P
value) lower than .05 are considered “significant”
However, it is a truism that many aspects in med-
ical observations, which can lead to probability es-
timates, cannot be quantified: quantifying those as-
pects is convenient and sometimes acts as an effective
approximation for any practical aim, but it is still a
recognized fallacy in medical reasoning and decision
making (O’Mahony, 2017): render signs or symptoms
in terms of numbers on ordinal scales, or clear-cut cat-
egories, does not make them more objective or free
from noise, error and uncertainty.
According to this approach to uncertainty, data vi-
sualizations usually render the quantities related to
probabilistic estimates in visual forms that allow their
users to derive numerical values quite straightfor-
wardly; and purposely so: for instance, in terms of
position along graduated scales; or segments of spe-
cific length in a Cartesian plane; or, less frequently,
as angles, areas and color shading. In fact, a oft-cited
paper (Cleveland and McGill, 1984) ranks these dif-
ferent methods according to the accuracy of the com-
parisons that they enable, suggesting to avoid the lat-
ter encodings (like areas and shading) as too vague for
the human perceptual systems.
In this study we purposely pursue vagueness as a
way to provide decision makers with a less cognitive
and more immediate, concrete feeling of the uncer-
In more sophisticated settings, also the confidence in-
tervals can be computed and presented, but this does not
change the main evaluation process: if the lower band of an
interval estimate is higher than the upper band of the other
one, then the two quantities are considered different to any
practical aim.
tainty that affects a specific condition, or prospect. To
this aim, we devised some alternative vague visual-
izations (VV). A VV is a pictorial image to which a
visual effect is applied proportionally to the amount of
uncertainty that we want to convey with the VV (see
Figure 2 for some examples).
We consider VV as an “extreme” way to render
uncertainty, to some extent even more extreme and
difficult to decode than areas and color shading; their
purpose is to represent uncertainty by means of a per-
ceptual analogous that could hinder, rather than facil-
itate, the comprehension of the underlying numerical
estimation, as this is how uncertainty works!
In this paper we report about the first user study on
the use of VV. In particular, we simulated the use of
VV in shared decision making (Barry and Edgman-
Levitan, 2012), that is a situation in which both doc-
tors and patients have to consider the odds of a series
of treatments to understand which one to undertake.
This study is a preliminary step before we can sug-
gest the adoption of VV in the real world and their in-
tegration in computational decision support systems.
We wanted to test their capability to challenge the
users without mislead them, and assess the extent our
different methods could trigger the right interpreta-
tion of the underlying probabilities. In particular, in
this user study we considered two related research
questions, which we will consider in Section 3: in
short whether VV allow to ascertain relative differ-
ences between quantities, and their absolute magni-
tude, at least coarsely. We achieved significant find-
ings on these aspects, which we will discuss in Sec-
tion 5.
2.1 Visualization of Uncertainty
Visualization can be an important means to help peo-
ple understand the complex concept of uncertainty.
Although a wide variety of visualizations have been
created to communicate uncertainty, there is limited
empirical and widespread evidence of how alterna-
tive formats affect human understanding and deci-
sion making and why one solution is better than an-
others. There are several reasons why it is not yet
well established which are the best formats to use,
but both hue and color have been observed to be the
preferred channel to convey a sense of uncertainty in
readers (Hullman et al., 2018).
A comparative study (MacEachren et al., 2012)
has assessed the best visual variables to communicate
uncertainty through a system of symbols involving
IVAPP 2020 - 11th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
color value, color hue, size, color saturation, location,
orientation, grain, arrangement, shape, fuzziness and
transparency (Figure 1). Among these means, fuzzi-
ness and location were associated with the best results
in terms of intuitiveness, followed by color value, ar-
rangement, size and transparency. On the contrary,
saturation, which is commonly considered to be re-
lated to uncertainty, was ranked low. MacEachren and
Figure 1: Visual variables taken from (MacEachren et al.,
colleagues confirmed that abstract sign-vehicles can
lead to quicker, though possibly less accurate, judg-
ments. An important concept to consider is the role
of the visual metaphor, by which fog and blur are
metaphors for the lack of clear vision and therefore
could be interpreted more quickly as signs of uncer-
tainty (Kinkeldey et al., 2014). Resolution variation
was tested in a study (Finger and Bisantz, 2002) in
which the authors use resolution to represent uncer-
tainty (with coarser resolution associated with higher
uncertainty) and found that users can adequately un-
derstand the message.
Some researchers (Slocum et al., 2003) evaluated
the effectiveness of intrinsic vs. extrinsic visualiza-
tion techniques. They compared colour coding, trans-
parency and line glyphs. In their user study, they
found that those with a scientific background pre-
ferred glyphs, while less experienced users preferred
color coding and transparency. This confirms that the
most appropriate technique also depends on the pur-
pose and capabilities of the target audience.
In this section, we illustrate the empirical study that
we aimed at the evaluation of the use of Vague Visu-
alizations (VVs) to understand probability estimates
and risk scores. In particular, we assessed the repre-
sentational effectiveness of three image effects: blur,
transparency and noise in rendering a probability
value (in what follows we use this expression as
equivalent to risk score). With representational ef-
fectiveness we mean the extent a solution allows for
accurate answers, that is it does not mislead the user
in the interpretation of a probability value. In fact, as
we wrote in Section 1, the proposal of VVs in med-
ical interfaces is aimed at reducing the users’ over-
reliance on quantitative representations and having
them avoid the quantification fallacy and bias. How-
ever, VV must not hinder comprehension to the point
of misleading interpreters of medical facts, like, e.g.,
if a dichotomous outcome is more likely than mere
chance, or the odds for recovery are more than 1 (i.e.,
in both cases, above the 50% probability threshold).
Thus, we can formulate the following two re-
search questions that we will address in the rest of
the study.
1. Do VVs support (or hinder) the comprehension of
probability estimations?
We relate this question
to an effectiveness analysis of the VVs involved.
2. In case the former question has a positive answer,
is there any effect that is better (i.e., more effi-
cient/more effective/less misleading) than the oth-
ers? We relate this question to a comparative anal-
ysis among alternative VVs.
Finding a positive answer for the former question
would allow to demonstrate the feasibility of our pro-
posal. Finding a positive answer for the second ques-
tion would give recommendations for the adoption of
a specific effect in medical applications.
3.1 Context
The domain of this application is the medical one, in
particular the interpretation of medical results com-
ing from decision support systems and probabilistic
models. Many statistical models can yield a proba-
bility score associated with a given classification or
the likelihood of a certain event to happen. Instead of
representing the uncertainty related to this confidence
or estimated likelihood with a parameter and related
confidence interval we want to express probabilis-
tic uncertainty by means of visual uncertainty (i.e.,
vagueness, indistinctness, fuzziness) to make physi-
cians interpret the results not on the basis of a defined
number but rather on a visual impression.
The quantification of a probability in a very spe-
cific number seems counterproductive in that it can
make us overconfident about machine predictions,
A related question would be: do VVs support the com-
prehension of the uncertainty that is intrinsic to probability
estimation? We do not address this further question here.
Vague Visualizations to Reduce Quantification Bias in Shared Medical Decision Making
blind to anomalies in data, or wary of intuition,
which nevertheless may have human decision mak-
ers consider clues that the algorithm could not in-
clude (Cukier and Mayer-Sch
onberger, 2013).
Our experiment is based on the conjecture that vi-
sual metaphors make the interpretation of the mes-
sage more intuitive, if not more accurate, and that in-
tuition can be more important of accuracy in many in-
stances of naturalistic decision making (Klein, 2008).
In particular, we focused on three metaphors, or ef-
fects, with which to create a VV: blur, noise and trans-
parency, defined as follows:
1. Blur: the effect that makes contours less defined
creating an out of focus effect;
2. Noise: the random substitution of image pixels
with blank pixel;
3. Transparency: the overlapping of the image with
the background color;
3.2 User Test Design
To test our research questions, we developed a sim-
ple Web-based tool to create VVs
. This tool accepts
any raster picture as input, all together with a proba-
bility value (in percent terms) as parameter; as output
it yields the same picture affected by one of the above
image effects proportionally to the percentage indi-
cated: 100% was associated with the original image
(no effect: 100% purity
); while 0% was associated
with a highly distorting effect (see Figure 2) and max-
imum uncertainty. In doing so, we generated a set of
6 VVs, corresponding to different effect percentages,
that is almost nil, first quartile, close to 50%, third
quartile, and almost 100%, respectively: 10, 25, 40,
60, 75, 90.
We then developed an online questionnaire that
could display the above VVs to a number of respon-
dents, mostly bachelor students and acquaintances
whom we invited during class and by email. Respon-
dents participated voluntarily, with no incentives. In
this questionnaire, participants were invited to asso-
ciate each of six different VVs (for each image ef-
fect, 2 VVs randomly chosen from the above gener-
This simple tool, and its code, are available at the
following addresses:
pixel-e-percentuali and
pixel-e-percentuali/, respectively.
In the pilot test we observed as the respondents found
more natural to cope with the concept of image purity rather
than with the (complementary) concept of image fuzziness
(as a proxy for uncertainty). Thus, we decided that the purer
an image could be perceived, the lower the associated level
of uncertainty, and the higher the probability or risk score
that the user should try to guess by looking at the image.
ated ones), in two tasks of increasing difficulty. For
both tasks, we showed a three-VV reference set that
indicated a 0%, 50% and 100% value, respectively.
In the first task, the respondents were invited to
select whether the VV, with respect to the reference
set, represented a value either clearly higher, perhaps
higher, perhaps lower or clearly lower than 50% (i.e,
the threshold for purely random decisions). We called
this the relative accuracy (RA) task (in that it regards
accuracy with respect to the random threshold).
In the second task, the respondents were invited
to indicate the exact underlying probability value that
the VV was expressing, by means of a slider ranging
from 0 to 100. We denoted the second task as the
absolute accuracy (AA) task.
Thus, each respondent had to perform two RA
tasks and two AA tasks for each effect, for a total
number of 12 tasks. In particular, for the RA tasks,
we defined 2 measures of accuracy (or VV effective-
ness): the rate of adequately accurate responses (ade-
quate accuracy); and the rate of approximately accu-
rate responses (approximate accuracy). The former
accuracy was defined for the different percent values
differently: the ratio between the total number of re-
sponses and the number of the respondents who an-
swered clearly higher, perhaps higher, perhaps lower
and clearly lower for, respectively, the 90%-, 60%-,
40%- and 10%-VV, and any type of higher-than-50%
(and respectively, lower-than-50%) attribute for the
75%-VV (and 25%-VV). For these two latter VVs we
did not define the approximate accuracy, which was
defined for the 90%-, 60%-VV (and 40%- and 10%-
VV) in terms of the number of higher-than-50% (and
respectively, lower-than-50%) responses.
We expected two possible sources of bias that
could affect our analysis: the order of the questions
(i.e., order bias), and the value of percentage shown
(i.e., sampling bias). In order to mitigate the for-
mer kind of bias, the online questionnaire was imple-
mented to present the 3 different effects to the respon-
dents in random order.
More than 100 respondents participated in the user
study, in the age range 19-30. Since the sample en-
compassed only bachelor or master students aged be-
tween 19 and 30, we did not stratify the respondents
on the basis of age or education level. We decided
to remove from the sample the respondents who did
not conclude the questionnaire, considering this evi-
dence of low commitment in task execution. The size
of the final sample, after cleaning it from partial an-
IVAPP 2020 - 11th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Effects applied on image to render 25%, 50% and 75% risk. T, B and N are, respectively the effect of Transparency,
Blur and Noise.
swers, was 88 users. The number of tasks concluded
for each combination of image effect, task type and
percentage value was between 25 and 32.
As said in the previous section, the goal of the
study is to understand if VVs are a proper means to
convey probability and risk. To this aim, we tested
the accuracy of the answers through statistical tests.
Accuracy was measured in various ways: for the RA
tasks in terms of adequate and approximate accuracy
(see Section 3): a good performance for a type of VV
is defined according to the extent the corresponding
accuracy rates are significantly above the 50% thresh-
old of chance effect; when assessing the AA task, ac-
curacy was determined in terms of the difference be-
tween the estimated value and the real values: a good
performance was then associated with a hypothesis
test failing to reject the null hypothesis that the above
average difference is null.
We have decided to rely both on confidence in-
tervals and non-parametric hypothesis tests (the Chi-
Square and the Binomial tests): these latter tests were
adopted either because the data were ordinal in na-
ture, or as in case of the AA task, their variance was
skewed. This choice makes our conclusions more
conservative and therefore more reliable in terms of
reproducibility in real-world settings but also more
prone to fail to detect small effects, also due to the
relatively small size of the sample.
4.1 Relative Effectiveness Tasks
For the RA task, the results are indicated in Figure 3
and Figure 4 for the approximate accuracy and ade-
quately accuracy constructs defined in Section 3, re-
4.2 Effect Comparison
In this subsection we want to verify if there is any
difference in accuracy comparing the three methods
used to create VVs.
To this aim, we performed a chi-square test of
goodness of fit to determine whether there was any
better effect among those tested. We checked for any
difference in each percentage level and then in the cu-
mulative case. Thus, we observed that for all of the
cases the distribution of errors for the three effects
was not significantly different from the uniform one,
and no significant difference was detected among the
three effects, neither with respect to single percentage
levels nor across all the considered effects.
The greatest difference among the three effects
Vague Visualizations to Reduce Quantification Bias in Shared Medical Decision Making
Figure 3: Success rate in regard to approximate accuracy for the probability levels where this construct is defined.
Figure 4: Success rate in regard to adequate accuracy for the probability levels where this construct is defined.
can be observed in the case of the 40% level (ade-
quately correct) which corresponds to a p-value of .19
(2, N = 68) = 3.31). In this case, the difference be-
tween the Noise effect and the Transparency effect is
statistically significant (p=.034), being this latter one
significantly more effective (χ
(1, N = 32) = 4.5). In-
stead, the case of the smallest difference among the
methods occurred in the case of the 75% level (ade-
quately correct), with a corresponding p-value equal
to .99 (χ
(2, N = 68) = 0).
4.3 Absolute Accuracy Tasks
In this section we explore if the effectiveness of the
effects varies with the level of percentage rendered as
VV. Through exploratory analysis it seems that small
percentage values were overestimated, while the op-
posite is observed for high values. The effect is de-
tectable, at descriptive level, for each of the three
To test this idea we used a non-parametric test,
the Mann Whitney U, to verify whether the true value
of median of errors is lower/greater than 0. We ob-
tained a p-value equal 3.12 10
for the VVs at
risk level 10%: we can then reject the null hypoth-
esis that median of the difference between answers
and real value is zero and accept the alternative one.
Considering that the confidence interval is between
+8.00 and +12.49, we can also say that the inflation
of the estimate is statistically significant. With the
same test we have evaluated risk level 25%, p-value
is 3.48 10
and even in this case we reject the null
hypothesis. The estimation coming from this method
does not have a distribution with median equal 0.
With a confidence level of 95% we can say that con-
veying a risk/probability level through blur, noise or
transparency effects, have users overestimate the true
value. In 95% of the responses, the real median value
is included in the related confidence interval, that, in
this case, is between +5.00 and +10.00. P-value at
level 40% is instead equal to 0.9. As suggested by
the descriptive analysis, in this case it is reasonable to
believe that the distribution of the answers has a me-
dian in 0. Once crossed the 50% the effect reverses:
in fact we notice an underestimation of the real value;
p-value at level 60% is equal to 0.01, and, for 75%
and 90%, percentage shown p-value is near 0.
Results are reported in Figure 5. We can see that
some confidence intervals (indicated by the boxes’
notches) overlap, in particular at 60% the median
could be very similar to the one at 75%, but it could
also be confused with 40%. In the same way 25% and
10% are not clearly different.
IVAPP 2020 - 11th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
Figure 5: CI of median of distribution of error at confidence
level 95%, obtained through Mann-Whitney test. Low per-
centage values (e.g. 10%) are overestimated while higher
values (e.g. 90%) are underestimated.
To summarize the results obtained through the two
tasks of the user test, we can conclude that:
The blur, noise and transparency effects are effec-
tive in conveying the idea whether probability is
different from chance and risk is lower or greater
than chance (50%), with error rate almost nil.
There is an overestimation/underestimation at the
boundaries of the value range, which has had
an impact on the error rate of the AA task (i.e.,
the task where users had to guess the accurate
risk/probability level).
Depending on the purpose of the visualization, the
proposed methods can be of varying effectiveness. If
the goal is to convey an idea of the relationship be-
tween different estimates (e.g., with respect to the 0%,
50% or 100% levels) the VV method was proved ef-
fective; otherwise, if the intention is to communicate
probability estimates accurately, a bias similar to re-
gression to the mean will distort the perception of the
original percentage.
The distortion in perception of proportions is not
a new concept in decision making under uncertainty
condition. A similar s-shaped line has already been
observed (Tversky and Kahneman, 1992) during the
studies to develop prospect theory, which describes
how individuals assess in an asymmetric manner their
loss and gain perspectives.
Figure 6: For each of the six percentage values shown, the
box-plot of the answers is given. Combining the medians
(red dots) we can draw a s-shaped line. The dashed line
represents the ideal case in which the value estimated is ex-
actly the same as the value shown.
Moreover, we could not detect significant differ-
ences between the three methods; however, the small
size of the sample prevented us to verify if, at a spe-
cific percentage levels, estimates are different. For ex-
ample, the overestimation of lower risk values could
be more or less emphasised using one method versus
another, but only a greater sample could allow to get
significant results, if any.
This work aims to contribute to the research field fo-
cusing on novel and effective visualization methods to
communicate the uncertainty underlying a numerical
and probabilistic estimation of risk, with a particular
interest in the domain of doctor-patient communica-
We performed an agile review of the state of the
art that allowed us to understand why communicating
uncertainty is a crucial step in the process of extract-
ing information from data to make better decisions in
real-life situations.
The main aim of the study was to verify whether
avoiding to rely on objective percentages or numbers
to render uncertainty and, instead, using a “paradox-
ical” visual metaphor (in particular the blur, trans-
parency and noise effect on pictorial images) can al-
low to communicate communication effectively. In
particular, we tried to verify if vague visualizations
are a valid way to convey probability, and if there is
any vague visualization method that is better among
Vague Visualizations to Reduce Quantification Bias in Shared Medical Decision Making
the proposed ones.
All the three effects we employed to build a vague
visualization convey the idea whether risks are greater
or lower than chance of the percentages effectively
(i.e., a percentage lower than 50% is correctly per-
ceived so, as well as those greater than 50%). We also
observed that vague visualizations are a valid means
to communicate intermediate values, while we have
observed a regression to mean when extreme values
are shown. Finally we have not found any method to
be better than the others.
We will soon undertake further experiments in
controlled, as well in real-world settings, to see
whether the decisions made by physicians are differ-
ent when they are supported by a risk prediction that is
rendered in terms of clear-cut quantities, or conveyed
through a vague visualization and if they are equally
satisfied of their decision support.
The authors are grateful to Laura Nesossi who, during
her bachelor project work, developed the tool used to
create the VVs used in this study and for her bachelor
thesis helped the authors collect the responses of the
online questionnaire.
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IVAPP 2020 - 11th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications