the data is specifically captured in that workspace, then
the performance of the network can be improved
We proposed a cascaded CNN pipeline for the upper
body pose and the 3D hand pose estimation. Heatmaps
and regression techniques are the norms for pose
estimation in direct RGB images. We experimented
with the stacked encoder-decoder architecture for
heatmap based 2D detections and 3D direct regression.
Two large-scale RGB datasets and a new SSMH
custom dataset were considered for training and testing
the performance of the proposed network. We
observed that the network performs well under
occlusions for all the datasets. We achieved the mean
error as low as 20 mm for images containing minimal
or no occlusions and mean error is over 60 mm for
highly occluded images from SSMH dataset. To apply
the proposed pipeline in real-time Human-Machine-
Interaction applications, occlusion dataset must be
extended and retrained. Further improvements like
kinematic fitting and tracking could help in fingertip
This research is supported by Saechsische
AufbauBank (SAB β application no. 100378180).
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