the normality cluster and the other one as the abnor-
mality cluster. The mean image of the frames in both
clusters highlights the difference between them.
Finally, the frames classified as normal are pro-
vided as input for a background subtraction approach
(e.g., MOG, MOG2, kNN). With the normality infor-
mation provided by the cluster we can make the sub-
tractor even more effective when applied to the video
frame as shown in the next section.
The experimental analysis considered three differ-
ent image datasets: (i) MPEG-7, 1400 images, 70
classes (Latecki et al., 2000); (ii) Flowers, 1360 im-
ages, 17 classes (Nilsback and Zisserman, 2006); and
(iii) Corel5k, 5000 images, 50 classes (Liu and Yang,
In order to evaluate our approach for anomaly de-
tection in videos, we used the ChangeDetection 2014
(CD2014) (Wang et al., 2014) dataset, which is com-
posed of 11 video categories with 4 to 6 video se-
quences in each category, given a total of 53 videos.
All the videos consist in the task of foreground seg-
mentation given a background frame (that can be
static, dynamic or even present shadow or luminance
variations, for example).
For all the experiments, we considered c
= 3 and
k = 50, except for MPEG-7, where k = 15 was used
based on the lower class size presented by the dataset.
For the compared clustering methods, the number of
cluster was defined to the exact number of classes in
the dataset and the Euclidean distance was used.
For evaluating the accuracy and robustness of
the proposed approach, we used different exter-
nal measures: Precision, Recall, F-Measure (Sax-
ena et al., 2017), Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) (Hu-
bert and Arabie, 1985), Normalized Mutual Infor-
mation (NMI) (Strehl and Ghosh, 2002; Kuncheva
and Vetrov, 2006), and V-Measure (Rosenberg and
Hirschberg, 2007). In this work, the true positives,
false positives, true negatives, and false negatives
were computed considering all the possible pairs of
the available dataset elements. The true positives, for
example, were computed as the number of all the pos-
sible pairs where two elements belong to the same
Our approach was employed on traditional clus-
tering tasks and video anomaly detection. We also
provided some visualization results.
5.1 Clustering Evaluation
The proposed clustering approach was evaluated in
comparison to different clustering approaches (k-
Means, Agglomerative, FINCH, AffinityPropagation)
considering different effectiveness measures. Table 2
presents the results for image datasets. It can be seen
that our results are better or comparable to the base-
lines in most cases.
Table 2: Results for external measures on image datasets
considering predefined parameters.
Dataset Desc. Method
Agglom. 0.5131 0.5042 0.9043 0.8676
FINCH 0.4745 0.4650 0.8707 0.8372
Aff. Prop. 0.0353 0.0089 0.6632 0.1924
ReckNN 0.9104 0.9091 0.9699 0.9676
Agglom. 0.6060 0.5994 0.9143 0.8881
FINCH 0.6347 0.6286 0.9152 0.8752
Aff. Prop. 0.0622 0.0374 0.6103 0.3582
ReckNN 0.8269 0.8243 0.9660 0.9530
K-Means 0.1780 0.1250 0.2844 0.2822
Agglom. 0.1458 0.0744 0.2519 0.2320
FINCH 0.1095 0.0031 0.3366 0.2040
Aff. Prop. 0.0817 0.0628 0.5008 0.3876
ReckNN 0.1890 0.1355 0.2912 0.2863
K-Means 0.6205 0.5967 0.7375 0.7356
Agglom. 0.4380 0.3941 0.6661 0.6235
FINCH 0.2166 0.1306 0.6530 0.5145
Aff. Prop. 0.2973 0.2808 0.8335 0.6590
ReckNN 0.6582 0.6363 0.7727 0.7684
K-Means 0.2206 0.2041 0.4739 0.4708
Agglom. 0.1462 0.1215 0.4237 0.3895
FINCH 0.0831 0.0490 0.4856 0.3625
Aff. Prop. 0.1335 0.1268 0.6382 0.5359
ReckNN 0.2469 0.2320 0.4987 0.4931
K-Means 0.7735 0.7687 0.8956 0.8903
Agglom. 0.4765 0.4625 0.8309 0.7859
FINCH 0.4098 0.3916 0.9006 0.8131
Aff. Prop. 0.3269 0.3217 0.9304 0.7753
ReckNN 0.8300 0.8266 0.9136 0.9073
For a better understanding of how our approach
performs compared to the methods already proposed,
we provide a visual analysis for the different cluster-
ing methods considered in this work. In this analysis,
we considered three different toy datasets that contain
samples which can be represented in a 2D space: from
anti and Sieranoja, 2018), we considered the two
datasets “Spirals” and “Jain” from the “Shape Sets”
category. We also considered a synthetically gen-
erated “Two Circles” pattern, which consists in two
concentric circles.
In the first experiment, we applied an agglomera-
tive average-linkage clustering method on the gener-
ated “Two Circles” dataset points. In order to show
the impact of the manifold learning, we used the dis-
tance measures calculated by the manifold learning
step of our approach as input to the same agglomer-
ative clustering method. The results are presented in
Figure 4. The agglomerative average-linkage cluster-
ing method was not able to separate the classes cor-
Manifold Learning-based Clustering Approach Applied to Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos