Mirror Symmetry Detection in Digital Images
L. Mestetskiy and A. Zhuravskaya
Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Mirror Symmetry, Measure of Symmetry, Fourier Descriptor, Contour Analysis.
This article proposes an approach to the recognition of symmetrical objects in digital images, based on a
quantitative asymmetry measure construction of such objects. The object asymmetry measure is determined
through the Fourier descriptor of a discrete object boundary points sequence. A method has been developed
for calculating the asymmetry measure and determining the most likely symmetry axis based on minimizing
the asymmetry measure. The proposed solution using the Fourier descriptor has a quadratic complexity in
the number of the object boundary points. A practical assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of the
algorithm is obtained by computational experiments with silhouettes of aircraft in remote sensing images.
Symmetry is an important classification feature in
solving various problems of analysis and recognition
of digital images and video. The mirror symmetry
property can be used when segmenting and classify-
ing objects. The orientation of symmetrical objects
can be determined on the image by the symmetry
axes found. For example, the symmetrical silhouettes
of aircraft and their orientation can be determined
among the many objects obtained by segmenting im-
ages in remote images (Fig. 1).
Methods for determining symmetric objects in im-
ages solve the problem in various settings, for exam-
ple, they look for objects with axial or central, global
or local symmetry (Liu et al., 2010), (Lee and Liu,
2012), (Widynski et al., 2014). Another important as-
pect of the method is the use of preliminary segmenta-
tion of objects in the image or working directly with
the image without preliminary processing. We con-
sider the problem of determining global axial sym-
metry for segmented images. It is assumed that the
segmentation of objects is carried out, but the quality
of this segmentation is not very high. An example is
shown in Fig. 1. Such a problem arises in the analysis
of images obtained by remote sensing of the Earth.
The image sizes are very large, the search for sym-
metrical objects without preliminary segmentation re-
quires a lot of computational time. The source im-
age is segmented based on thresholds or using trained
neural networks. The result is a binary image in which
it is necessary to recognize objects of a particular
class by their shape. In this case, objects in the binary
image are distorted by noise. Objects of the desired
class are symmetric, but their binary images are not
symmetrical in the strict mathematical sense. Thus,
the task is reduced to determining the degree of sym-
metry of binary image objects in order to further clas-
sify their shape. Moreover, algorithms for calculating
the degree of symmetry should be computationally ef-
ficient for use in processing a stream of large images.
Symmetry of human or animal figures can be used
for pose definition on an object silhouette. Based on
the symmetry evaluation of the object in the frame,
the correct shooting angle can be selected when the
camera is automatically positioned.
In order to determine whether an object is mirror
symmetric, it is enough to find its symmetry axis ex-
plicitly, or to establish that there is no symmetry axis.
This is an easy task for the human eye. Known algo-
rithms allow to find symmetry axes for perfectly sym-
metric objects. Such objects can be found in high-
quality images, where the symmetry shows up very
well and is easily evaluated (Zahn and Roskies, 1972),
(Yip et al., 1994). However, when automatic recogni-
tion of real digital images, there are problems asso-
ciated with the inevitable image segmentation errors
due to insufficient resolution, low contrast, poor illu-
mination, etc. Such errors are clearly visible in the
example in the figure 1. For these reasons, in prac-
tical work with real images and videos, the shape of
symmetrical objects is far from being perfect. There-
fore, the development of a reliable effective algorithm
for estimating the object symmetry in images is rele-
Mestetskiy, L. and Zhuravskaya, A.
Mirror Symmetry Detection in Digital Images.
DOI: 10.5220/0008976003310337
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2020) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-402-2; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved