We have presented MORPHYTHM, an approach based
on machine learning that combines rhythmic and mor-
phological features extracted from ECG data to de-
tect AF events. We compared MORPHYTHM with the
method introduced by Zhou et al. (2015), the most
accurate on the AFDB in the literature. The results
show that (i) MORPHYTHM globally achieves better
results compared to the baseline, since it is able to
correctly classify about 4,400 more heart beats, and
(ii) that some of the patients for which all the fibril-
lating heart beat were mis-classified by the baseline
were correctly classified by MORPHYTHM.
The improvement achieved is promising; how-
ever, there is still much room for improving the ac-
curacy. In order to increase the generalizability of
our results, we aim at apply in the future at least one
classifier for each family. In this work, for exam-
ple, we did not consider Bayesian networks, Rules-
based classifiers, and Neural Networks. Also, to max-
imize the accuracy of MORPHYTHM, it would be de-
sirable to use feature selection, to remove useless fea-
tures that could decrease the classification accuracy.
Specifically, since morphological features can be very
patient-dependent, it could be useful performing fea-
ture selection for each single patient rather than glob-
ally. Finally, we plan to perform a cost-benefit anal-
ysis. Indeed, in some online applications, it could be
necessary to have some constraints, such as the total
reduction of FN, even if the FP rate increases. Thus,
we would like to study this specific scenario and ob-
serve if the application of a cost-benefit analysis can
suite some specific constraints.
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HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics