get scene differs from the ones used for training only
in the background or in the lighting conditions, but
exhibit similar perspective and scale; their perfor-
mance is considerably worse when target and training
scenes significantly differ in perspective and scale,
instead. As a possible solution to improve cross-
scene effectiveness when no manually annotated data
from the target scene is available, and it is also dif-
ficult to obtain non-annotated data for unsupervised
domain adaptation methods, we envisage the use of
synthetic data sets reproducing the same perspective
of the target scene. We are currently investigating
this approach, and preliminary results can be found
in (Delussu et al., 2020).
As a final remark, the still large gap between
same- and cross-scene performance suggests to avoid
focusing future work on improving crowd counting
accuracy on benchmark data sets under same-scene
scenarios (somewhat according to the suggestions
given in (Torralba et al., 2011) for other computer vi-
sion tasks), and to address the efforts toward achiev-
ing a higher invariance in perspective and scale.
This work was supported by the project “Law
Enforcement agencies human factor methods and
Toolkit for the Security and protection of CROWDs in
mass gatherings” (LETSCROWD), EU Horizon 2020
programme, grant agreement No. 740466.
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VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications