1- Açai 100 g /100 mL of water;
2- Açai powder with 13 g /100 mL of water;
3- Commercial contrast;
4- Açai frozen with 100 g /100 mL of water;
5- Açai more concentrated, 100 g/80 mL of water;
6- Açai powder with 6g /100 mL of water.
2.1.2 Experiments with Patients
The MRCP examination protocol was the same as for
the samples of juices described above, besides the
acquisition of multiple thin slices in the coronal plane
for this work: Half Acquisition Single Shot Turbo
Echo (HASTE), Turbo Spin Echo (TSE), following
thick radial cuts in FSE/TSE also with strong
weighting in T2. Here the cutting plan is directed to
the distal common bile duct.
The acquisitions were
made in Axial 2D FIESTA (with fat saturation) Array
Spatial Sensitivity Encoding Technique (ASSET)
and the radial cholangio sequence for two days of
tests, in order to compare the effectiveness of
contrasts (Sanchez et al., 2009; Pinho et al., 2018).
Each patient was identified by the respective
gender after a cardinal number (female, male), e.g.:
F1, M2 to facilitate image acquisition and storage.
The application of the MRCP protocol followed a
sequence tested in healthy volunteers. In addition,
doctors were available to perform MRCP exams in
that clinic. Since the patients would need the
examination report, on the first day a commercial
contrast (labeled A) was administered with a total
abdominal sequence and administration. On the
second day the natural contrast of açai juice (labeled
as B) was administered, and after the sequence of
MRCP was started. The dose of each contrast was 200
mL divided into 2 portions of 100 mL, one dose was
given after the anamnesis and another 10 minutes
later (Pinho et al., 2018).
2.2 Image Evaluation
For image analysis, 2 radiologists participated and
were identified (this study) as evaluator 1 (E1) and 2
(E2), both with experience in the field of diagnostic
imaging, in order to identify the effect of the contrasts
on the images.
After the exams were completed, the images were
saved in the PACS (Picture Archiving and
Communication System) (Marques et al., 2005)
system and available on file so that each evaluator
could access and analyze the effects of the contrasts
(commercial and natural), according to the scale from
1 to 4. By observing the regions of interest for
examining MRCP, i.e,. the oral contrast should erase
the sign of the stomach and duodenum. Score 1 means
that there is a hyperintensity signal of stomach and
duodenum and it is not possible to evaluate these
Score 2: assessment occurs when there is
a partial view of the structures.
In score 3,
hyperintensity signal does not hinder the analysis of
the structures, and score 4 means that there is no
signal hyperintensity for stomach and duodenum,
which makes clearer the MRCP image (Duarte,
Furtado and Marroni, 2012; Pinho et al., 2019).
Image J® software
(obtained free from
) was employed to analyze and
compare the image quality of the patients by
separating a common bile duct region, with
the same
dimension (selection rectangle with size
approximately 97.85 mm x 2.58 mm (length and
height)), in Figures 4, 5, 6 e 7. The chosen sections of
the Figures were selected by the radiologists and used
later for the Image
J® estimation of gray levels since
those regions are used for medical evaluation in order
to detect physiological alteration or correlated
diseases. For the construction of the figures with
J®, the length corresponds to the anatomical
region of interest and the value to gray levels
(intensity pixels).
For that, it was chosen among the
assessed medical images, which ones
a coincidence between the two MRCP
sequences for the two contrasts, and about same
scores provided by the evaluators (Brianezi, Camargo
and Miot, 2009; Pinho et al., 2019).
3.1 Experiments with Phantom
For the 6 samples tested, only 2 (sample 2 of açai
powder and 5 of açai more concentrated) remained
dark on T2 weighting, which prevents their use as
contrast agent. It is observed that in the T2 sequence
presented, the dark images of the juices and mixtures
provided the details required in the MRCP
examination, since for the bile and pancreatic images
acquisition, the administered contrast must eliminate
the residual signal.
The images of açai samples taken from Figure 2
were handled and their Regions of Interest (ROI)
values were measured. The best samples were 1, 3, 4
and 6 for T1 and T2 weighting, as seen in Figure 3.
ROI values of T1 weighting should be as great as
possible, and the values obtained were ≥ 1038
(samples 1, 3, 4 and 6). The value of 527.6 of
substance 3 is not compatible in T2 since it was low