cerebellum and brainstem (detection rate of 0.6829).
Indeed, some lesions seems to be more challenging,
specially in the cerebellum, whose appearances are
similar to their surrounding tissues (Fig. 6, Image
6). However, its FP scores are similar to those of
hemispheric lesions which confirms the stability of
the method (compare rows 2-4 for BADRESC in Ta-
ble 1).
We presented a new unsupervised method for brain
anomaly detection that combines registration errors
and supervoxel classification. Our approach, named
BADRESC, adapts a recent supervoxel-based ap-
proach (SAAD) to detect outliers as anomalies from
registration errors in the hemispheres, cerebellum,
and brainstem. BADRESC was validated on 3T MR-
T1 images of stroke patients with annotated lesions,
attaining similar detection accuracy to SAAD for le-
sions in the hemispheres and substantially less false
positives. BADRESC also detects lesions in the cere-
bellum and brainstem with promising results.
For future work, we intend to improve BADRESC
by optimizing its parameters and using additional vi-
sual analytics techniques to improve seeding and fur-
ther investigate other anomaly features and classifiers
to yield better detection rates, specially for the cere-
bellum and brainstem.
The authors thank CNPq (303808/2018-7), and
FAPESP (2014/12236-1) for the financial support.
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BIOIMAGING 2020 - 7th International Conference on Bioimaging