Table 1: MSE loss of the generated images: output per hour and its mean.
model leaf1 leaf2 leaf3 leaf4 leaf5 leaf6 leaf7 leaf8 mean
RGB Channel concat 0.707 1.006 1.009 1.413 1.800 1.867 2.324 2.754 1.610
+ GAN 0.975 1.364 1.371 1.636 2.060 2.348 2.587 2.949 1.911
) 1-layer LSTM 0.866 1.284 1.127 1.759 2.446 2.286 2.228 2.282 1.785
+ GAN 0.913 1.368 1.200 1.692 2.107 2.043 2.256 2.453 1.754
3-layer LSTM 1.629 1.454 1.463 2.182 2.745 2.679 2.912 3.029 2.262
+ GAN 1.564 1.377 1.305 2.053 2.560 2.685 2.993 3.100 2.205
Depth Channel concat 1.846 2.328 2.619 2.998 3.264 3.200 2.751 3.107 2.764
+ GAN 2.994 3.100 3.249 3.292 3.477 3.239 2.577 2.623 3.069
) 1-layer LSTM 1.730 1.998 2.424 2.735 3.305 3.236 2.690 2.567 2.586
+ GAN 1.916 2.072 2.457 2.719 3.344 3.359 3.142 3.408 2.802
3-layer LSTM 1.856 2.108 2.495 2.781 3.331 3.311 2.826 2.817 2.690
+ GAN 2.558 2.665 3.050 3.239 3.687 3.614 3.328 3.495 3.204
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3D Plant Growth Prediction via Image-to-Image Translation