A solution for this problem is to create an algo-
rithm that is capable to perform a decision based on
the robot force on three axes, the actions and the po-
sition on three axes. This implies a Q-matrix with ten
dimensions. Another solution is to implement three
tri-dimensional Q-matrix, each one evaluating each
axis and another that will evaluate the movement in
terms of the resultant force.
The rehabilitation is actually of main importance for
the society. The use of a collaborative robot to per-
form this task could be a tool to help the therapist to
treat his patients. This paper addressed a UR3 col-
laborative robot as an assistant to the rehabilitation
process. The main contribution of this work is the
development of a system that brings together emerg-
ing technologies to improve the human-robot relation-
ship. Besides, the insertion of a self control module
removes the need for the robot’s path planning and its
configuration to each patient. Since there is a simula-
tion environment for the proposed system, it possible
to identify any failure and make adjustments, prin-
cipally when this technology is applied together to
human touch. The reinforcement learning was used
to adjust parameters and adapt the movements to the
patient on-the-fly. Once the simulation is tuned, the
UR3 robot is used to test the SARSA algorithm in a
real environment. It allows validating the proposed
system. As future work, more data can be acquired
from the patient to adapt the robot movements more
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