explore and qualify the effect of the diameter of the
manipulated part on movement time.
The research reported in this paper showed an
analogy between the results obtained in the original
Fitts’ law experiments and the task of moving
cylindrical parts in virtual assembly environment
including haptic feedback. The rate of movement
time recorded in three experiments increased
uniformly as movement amplitude was increased for
each category of target width, and increased
uniformly as tolerance was decreased for a category
of movement amplitude except for the experiment 3.
The index of performance is constant over a wide
range of the task index of difficulty. This confirms the
hypothesis of Fitts’s law stating that movement time
varies with task difficulty in such a way that the index
of performance is constant over a wide range of
movement amplitude and tolerances. However, the
results obtained in the experiment 3 require further
investigations in order to evaluate the effect of the
diameter of the moved part on movement time. This
could lead to a new formulation of Fitts’ law as a
model of the movement time in assembly task. It is
also worth noting that in order to ascertain the
statistical significance of the results, it is planned to
run the experiments with involving bigger number of
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