the effect on people who formerly carried out that
task. This might be a positive effect, if tedious, repet-
itive, difficult or dangerous tasks are eliminated, free-
ing the person to do more interesting things. This au-
tomation could be life-enhancing and beneficial. One
might think of the automatic washing machine remov-
ing the drudgery of laundry day, the modern sewing
machine allowing long seams on heavy fabric to be
sewn securely and also precise reproduction of the
same embroidery pattern easily and quickly, or of in-
dustrial production lines being made safer with re-
duced industrial accidents.
Software testing is an essential part of software
development and increasingly a focus for automation.
Testing is hard to do well, time-consuming and expen-
sive. It includes activities that are repetitive, such as
executing tests on multiple occasions and also activi-
ties that are cognitively expensive, such as data com-
parisons. Some testing is not possible without the use
of tools, either because it is too difficult or because
it is too time consuming: “no matter how valuable
in-person testing is, effective automation is able to in-
crease the value of overall testing by increasing its . . .
range” (Harty, 2011). These activities are candidates
for automation, and many organisations are pursuing
projects to automate some or all of their testing.
3.2 Effect of Automation on Motivation
Successful automation, where a person’s work and
life are enhanced may be a motivating factor for that
person. However, there are circumstances where au-
tomation of all or part of a job could be demotivating.
These include (1) the fear of redundancy (2) the ef-
fect of an unbalanced task mix (3) the effect of the
automation being flawed.
3.2.1 Motivation, Redundancy and Dissociation
When a role or job can be completely automated, then
the experience of the person who formerly had the
role is of redundancy and this can have a massive
negative impact on the individual, their families, and
whole communities. The community of people shar-
ing a task can build a sense of belonging and of self-
worth. One’s work-role can be the way one defines
oneself. When we meet people, we commonly ask,
“What do you do?” and the reply is often a job title,
or even a former job title: “I’m retired but I used to
In software testing, the dream of automatic test-
ing is talked of by academics (Bertolino, 2007) and
refuted by testing community experts, with software
testing expert Michael Bolton rapping at a number
of conferences “Just don’t tell me you can automate
the testing” (Toledo, 2017) and other testers publish-
ing blogs, books, and industry conference papers on
the limits of automation (Fewster and Graham, 1999;
Johnson, 2011; Martin, 2017; Rachel, 2017). During
conversations at industry conferences during 2019,
software testers reported that their organisations had
“sacked all the testers” as part of their desire to have
all tests automated and replace people with technol-
Testers have a strong community (evidenced by
the number of conferences, meetups and slack chan-
nels worldwide) which are mutually supporting and
full of lively debate, but there is a fear in the commu-
nity, noted for example by Bach and Bolton (2016)
that “the term ‘test automation’ threatens to dissoci-
ate people from their work.”
Bach and Bolton distinguish between testing, an
activity that by definition can only be done by a
human because it involves high cognitive skill, and
checking, a subset of the testing activity that can be
automated because it is routine. Their view is: “the
basic problem is a shallow, narrow, and ritualistic ap-
proach to tool use. This is encouraged by the pan-
demic, rarely examined, and absolutely false belief
that testing is a mechanical, repetitive process. Good
testing, like programming, is instead a challenging in-
tellectual process.”
The threat posed by automation to testers’ self-
perception as worthy, intellectual, highly skilled in-
dividuals may be a real threat, or a perceived threat,
and in either case, the attitude of testers to automation,
and their experiences of automation projects are an in-
teresting area of investigation, worthy of research, to
help us understand whether the testers’ experiences
affects the automation project, as well as how the
automation project affects the testers. Understand-
ing the threat to testers’ self-perception will require
a multi-disciplinary understanding of the world of the
testers, including insights from sociology, psychology
and organisational engineering, among possible influ-
ences, and as part of our future work, we want to ex-
plore and use insights from those disciplines.
3.2.2 Motivation and Job Task Mix
In studies during the 1990’s of the job design and mo-
tivation of IT workers, Warden and Nicholson (1996)
found that the quality and testing roles are remark-
able in being both the most boring and the most over-
stimulating and stressful of all the jobs in IT. Later
motivation studies by Reid (2015) indicate that Hack-
man and Oldham’s job design measures (Hackman
and Oldham, 1974) are still a reasonable predictor of
testers’ motivation. Hackman and Oldham noted that
if the task mix within a job is not optimized then that
HUCAPP 2020 - 4th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications