essarily that the entire regions of person body and ob-
ject are visible). As can be seen from scenes (c) and
(d) in Figure 7, when an object is hold by one per-
son’s hand after another, the proposed method detects
such human-object interaction individually and cor-
rectly (frames 180, 250 of scene (c) and frames 143,
195 of scene (d)).
These experiment results shows the effectiveness
of the proposed method in detecting human-object in-
teraction for diverse situations.
In this paper, we have focused on the type of human-
object interaction where a person is in the middle of
moving an object with his/her hand, and proposed a
novel method for detecting such type of human-object
interaction by the motion distribution in an individual
area surrounding each hand. Since our method needs
not explicitly extract object regions from input im-
ages and recognize their correspondence to person re-
gions, the effectiveness in detecting the human-object
interaction is expected to be improved for diverse sit-
uations. Through the experiments on human activity
video images, we confirmed the effectiveness of our
proposed method in the situations where a person is
right in the middle of moving a relatively large object
roughly parallel to the image plane.
We will conduct further experiments on a variety
of environments such as the different angles of cam-
eras, the various types of objects, the different num-
bers of persons, and the diverse conditions of occlu-
sion areas. Currently, our proposed method achieves
several decision processes as thresholding procedures
by Eqs. (1), (9), and (10). We would like to investigate
approaches for achieving these processes as machine
learning based procedures.
In future work, we plan to extend our proposed
method to multiple camera environment. This is be-
cause, we can expect to deal with the decrease in in-
teraction detection accuracy from unsuitable image
condition by the following approach: several images
of the same person are taken from different angles,
unsuitable condition images, where his/her hand is
hard to detect, overlaps considerably with other body
part regions, or moves roughly perpendicular to the
image plane, are excluded from the taken images, and
human-object interaction is detected by using the re-
maining images.
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A Method for Detecting Human-object Interaction based on Motion Distribution around Hand