infer the decisions suitable to detected anomalies by
operating the inter-operation of the engines. The de-
cisions obtained are achieved through multiple infer-
ence rules, multi-point measures, and a variety of ex-
pert knowledge about pathologies.
The paper contribution is three-fold. First, we
propose an architecture of a smart healthcare system
carried by a WBAN, which integrates heterogeneous
wearable and implantable medical devices and sen-
sors, to supervise multiple diseases and promote the
diagnosis and reactions to occurred anomalies. Sec-
ond, we implement a multi-engine artificial intelli-
gence, to allow analyzing the interdependence be-
tween the evolution of measured parameters and the
health anomalies occurrence, and correlating between
the different occurred anomalies related to multiple
diseases. Third, we integrate the use of a smart central
node which implements the multi-engine artificial in-
telligence. This node integrates at least two communi-
cation interfaces to ensure the data exchange between:
the IMDs and the nodes part of the WBAN, and be-
tween the WBAN and a remote supervision system.
The remaining part of the paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 provides a literature review of
the developed WBAN based healthcare systems and
presents the requirements of an efficient healthcare
system. In Section 3, we detail the proposed archi-
tecture of the healthcare system. Section 4 illustrates
the implementation of the multi-engine artificial intel-
ligence. In Section 5, we present a case study exem-
plifying our proposal. Section 6 concludes the paper.
This section reviews WBAN based healthcare sys-
tems and highlights the main requirements.
2.1 Literature Review
Because of the life-staining functions they can pro-
vide to patients, several research works addressed the
design of WBAN based healthcare systems. For in-
stance, a body sensor network for the detection of a
cardiac arrhythmia, namely Atrial Fibrillation (AF),
was proposed in (AlMusallam and Soudani, 2019).
This system uses a smart electrocardiogram (ECG)
sensor to detect AF episodes and to send alerts to the
base station. This proposal can only detect a single
type of arrhythmia, which makes it inefficient. In-
deed, a patient could suffer from multiple arrhythmia.
In (Sahoo et al., 2018), a healthcare system for the
detection of multiple arrhythmia was proposed. This
system supervises the non-invasive seismocardiogram
and the ECG signals, to guarantee a reliable detection
of arrhythmia. However, it does not consider the case
when the patient carries an IMD (e.g., cardiac defib-
rillator) treating detected arrhythmia.
A healthcare system for diabetic patients was pro-
posed in (Alfian et al., 2018). This system measures
the patient’s vital sign and transmits the sensed data
to a remote server, which performs data processing to
predict diabetes and blood glucose level, using ma-
chine learning methods. Another healthcare system
to manage Bipolar disease, was proposed in (Valenza
et al., 2016). This system implements a methodology
allowing it to assess the patients mood status and pre-
dict mood changes based on heartbeat dynamics.
All of the presented healthcare systems provide
the supervision of the patient’s health status, to man-
age a single disease. Some of these proposals allow
the prediction of anomalies, while others only provide
the real time detection . Moreover, these systems ex-
hibit the lack of proactive techniques allowing them
to respond to the detected anomalies. The only reac-
tion consists in notifying healthcare professionals. In
particular, no one of these systems discusses the in-
tegration of medical devices to enable delivery of the
suitable treatments when detecting anomalies.
Multiple research works reviewed the communi-
cation technologies for a WBAN based healthcare
system and discussed their efficiencies. In (Teshome
et al., 2018), the authors reviewed the progress
of communication technologies of implants (devices
which are surgically implanted, ingested, or injected
in the patient’s body). The authors in (Rizwan
et al., 2018) reviewed the nano-sensors integrated in
WBANs together with the nano-communication net-
works intended for healthcare applications. They
highlight the need of robust solution ensuring a nano-
communication in large-scale nano-networks.
2.2 Healthcare System Requirements
To provide an efficient supervision and control, the
healthcare system should at least fulfill the following
requirements. First, it should guarantee continuous
and real-time surveillance of the patient’s physiolog-
ical parameters. Indeed, the suspension or the delay-
ing of the surveillance of any parameter could lead
to an erroneous evaluation of the health status. This
makes the system unsafe, since an erroneous evalua-
tion induces the absence or the inappropriate delivery
of treatments, which could cause harms to the patient.
Second, the healthcare system should allow man-
aging multiple diseases. For this, various physiolog-
ical parameters need to be monitored. This could be
A Smart Healthcare: Methods based on WBAN and Multi-engine Artificial Intelligence