can tell from Figure 3 that the results could be very
different from projection pursuit which is specialized
in finding the optimal direction.
We further compare our results with a random
projection search by generating 10
uniformly dis-
tribution random points on the 13-dimensional unit
sphere. The estimated weights are presented in Fig-
ure 4. From the plot we can easily tell that there is
considerable differences for all variable weights ex-
cept one. Our explanation is that even though we
generate 10
uniformly distribution random points on
the 13-dimensional unit sphere, they are actually still
distributed very sparsely in the space. These random
points may not be able to cover the whole space, and
hence may very likely to miss the try direction that
will maximize our projection index which is defined
as MAE in this particular example.
Figure 3: Weight of each of 13 variables in Boston Hous-
ing dataset. The red bars denote weights found using two-
stage projection pursuit algorithm. The orange bars denote
weights found using principal component analysis.
Figure 4: Weight of each of 13 variables in Boston Housing
dataset. The red bars denote weights found using two-stage
projection pursuit algorithm. The blue bars denote weights
found using random projection pursuit method.
In this note we have introduced a new technique,
namely the two-stage projection pursuit algorithm in
achieving variable selection with high dimensional
data. We stress that PCA is based on maximizing the
proportion of total variances explained by the prin-
cipal components which may not be suitable in vari-
able selection under certain scenarios as shown un-
der our simulation studies. Projection pursuit algo-
rithm, on the other hand, can be applied to a more
flexible objective function which include PCA as a
special case. Previous efforts have been made in op-
timizing such projection indices only in lower dimen-
sional unit sphere due to computation burden. Our
proposed two-stage algorithm overcomes such limi-
tation in the optimization process within a high di-
mensional variable space. We believe this projec-
tion pursuit based method is more flexible and can
be more efficient for feature selection. In this pa-
per we used a common dataset in machine learning
to illustrate the performance of our projection pursuit
based method. Note that the proposed method can
be applied to other application settings without much
modification. Furthermore, a larger and more inten-
sive simulation study is needed to consolidate our pro-
posed method and will be included in future work.
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BIOINFORMATICS 2020 - 11th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms