are shown in Figure 8 for each subtype. It is apparent
that both, mse and r models have failed to learn some
of the subtypes. Nevertheless, the mse model was able
to distinguish more classes in both color spaces com-
pared to the r model. The mse model also presents a
more balanced performance in terms of precision and
Low classification precision of negative samples
in r models indicates that many positive samples have
been rejected during classification and assigned to the
rejection class. This is, again, explained by the clas-
sifier bias. Furthermore, this assumption is confirmed
by the high recall score of the rejection class, mean-
ing that most of true negative samples have been clas-
sified correctly and low precision is a result of erro-
neously rejected positive samples.
Note that supertype classification still holds a high
overall performance, even when some subtypes have
not been recognized. This means that samples in
those subtypes have been assigned to a sibling sub-
type, contributing to a better supertype classification
overall. It is worth noting, that only supertypes with
just one subtype have not been recognized. Poor
classification performance also correlates with low
amount of samples available for each class.
It is evident that the Swiss traditional costume dataset
is desperately small, but this is also the rationale for
this work. We use poselets, similar to (Chen et al.,
2012), to define reproducible features that cannot be
located visually. We also propose to compute descrip-
tors for features by iteratively merging sample im-
ages of these features, while allowing for displace-
ment during pair-wise comparisons. We demonstrate
that the F
-score of mse-models computed with dis-
placement increases by 0.07-0.12 on the test set, com-
pared to F
-score without displacement. This model
performs best in L*a*b* color space on both, subtype
and supertype costume classification.
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VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications