clouds. The initial experimental evaluation reveals the
promising properties of our proposed model. How-
ever, further investigation into the multi-scale gen-
erative learning methods is needed, including adop-
tion of more recent deep architectures (Zhang et al.,
2019; Uy et al., 2019). Other promising directions
include exploring the limits of the Laplacian pyra-
mid representation and a more extensive experimental
evaluation of our approach. To this end, we plan to
(i) further extend our work, considering deeper pyra-
mid levels and larger upsampling factors (e.g. ×64),
and (ii) conduct a comparative investigation of our
framwork using more challenging tasks such as shape
completion, using deep learning methods, e.g.,. (Yu
et al., 2018b; Yifan et al., 2019; Yu et al., 2018a;
Li et al., 2019; Mandikal and Radhakrishnan, 2019;
Chen et al., 2019).
The work of Youyi Zheng is partially supported
by the National Key Research & Development Pro-
gram of China (2018YFE0100900). The work of
Vage Egiazarian, Alexey Artemov, Oleg Voynov
and Evgeny Burnaev is supported by The Min-
istry of Education and Science of Russian Fed-
eration, grant No. 14.615.21.0004, grant code:
RFMEFI61518X0004. The work of Luiz Velho is
supported by CNPq/MCTIC/BRICS-STI No 29/2017
— Grant No: 442032/2017-0. The authors Vage
Egiazarian, Alexey Artemov, Oleg Voynov, and
Evgeny Burnaev acknowledge the usage of the
Skoltech CDISE HPC cluster Zhores for obtaining re-
sults presented in this paper.
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Latent-space Laplacian Pyramids for Adversarial Representation Learning with 3D Point Clouds