be segmented and normalized using elbow flexion and
shoulder flexion as reference to identify each part of
the protocol.
Figure 7: Graphics of Left Shoulder Flexion and Left Elbow
The figure 7 shows raw data from shoulder and
elbow of a test subject. Both graphs shows clearly
that the protocol starts around the 750th time sample
(sample rate of 100Hz) because both shoulder and el-
bow angles have a significant variance starting in this
timestamp. This pattern is repeated for each spot, in-
dicating that is possible to identify when the patient is
reaching each spot. Hence, it’s possible to calculate
maximum and minimum values for flexion angles.
In conclusion, the preliminary study has brought
some evidences that could lead on a innovative treat-
ment for tetraplegics. A few improvements such as
setup and an appropriate support for the controller
should be made before the VR environment is used
with SCI subjects. However, the main mechanics of
the VR environment worked which may suggest that
it could work with SCI. The next steps are: a) Create a
baseline calibration for VR environment; b) Polish the
3D models to create a better immersive experience;
c) Ethics committee approval for VR experiments on
SCI subjects; d) Validate the VR Environment with a
SCI population.
This work was supported by grants from S
ao Paulo
Research Foundation (FAPESP) and from National
Council for Scientific and Technological Develop-
ment (CNPq)
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BIODEVICES 2020 - 13th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices