(a) (b)
Figure 8: t-sne plot for the expressions of facial paralysis
using MBH and GMM-MIK dynamic kernel based SVM
for 256 components for 3-class grading score (best viewed
in color). In (a) t-sne plot for expression blowing out cheeks
(EP6) and whistling (EP8) and in (b) for expression wrinkle
forehead (EP1) and wrinkle nose (EP5).
In this paper, we introduce a novel representation
of the facial features for variable length pattern us-
ing dynamic kernel-based classification, which pro-
vide the quantitative assessment to the patients suffer-
ing from facial paralysis. Dynamic kernels are used
for representing the varying length videos efficiently
by capturing both local facial dynamics and preserv-
ing the global context. A universal Gaussian mixture
model (GMM) is trained on spatio-temporal features
to compute the posteriors, first-order, and second-
order statistics for computing dynamic kernel-based
representations. We have shown that the efficacy of
the proposed approach using different dynamic ker-
nels on the collected video dataset of facially par-
alyzed patients. Also, we have shown the compu-
tation complexity and classification performance of
each dynamic kernels, where the matching based in-
termediate matching kernel (IMK) is computationally
efficient as compared to other dynamic kernels. How-
ever, probability-based mean interval kernel (MIK) is
more discriminative but computationally complex. In
the future, the classification performance has to be im-
proved further by improving the modeling of expres-
sions for better quantitative assessment of the facial
paralysis. Also, various quantitative assessment using
Perveen et al. (2012); Perveen et al. (2018); Perveen
et al. (2016) are need to be explore and compare for
better classification performance.
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Quantitative Analysis of Facial Paralysis using GMM and Dynamic Kernels