the 3D modeling pipeline enable fast iteration cycles
in the planning and development phase. A complete
automation, i.e. the automatic generation of all de-
rived models, offers many possibilities: the current
planning status would be always visible for a coop-
erative VR meeting – without delay due to manual,
time-consuming model preparation, which means that
the current planning status is never used, but the status
from a few days ago.
Figure 5: The 3D model (and all its derived versions) have
already been shown in Figure 1. This Figure illustrates
the impact of an automatic solution to generate the derived
models. If the grey files can be generated automatically,
even in this toy example the workload can be reduced by
Figure 5 illustrates the amount of work that may not
be necessary any more. In a non-representative, ad-
hoc survey among project partners, the savings po-
tential was estimated at 25% of the research project
costs in the field of visual computing. The total mar-
ket potential (in Germany) for a functioning solution
can be guessed using the study of (Astor et al., 2013)
which lists around 2 500 enterprises within the value
chain of 3D data processing.
As a consequence, this position paper should
therefore encourage a solution-oriented discussion.
This work is part of the strategic project “COntinuous
Model Integration Chain (COMIC)” funded by
Furthermore, the authors acknowledge the gen-
erous support of the Carinthian Government and
the City of Klagenfurt within the innovation center
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