that is, how large can the missing regions be reduced.
This parameter should be one of the factors affecting
the accuracy improvement.
This paper proposed a recursive framework for rain-
drop removal in a vehicle video camera. The method
first detects raindrops in each of an input image se-
quence by using a method based on the technique
(Qian et al., 2018), and then restored each image con-
sidering the temporal consistency by using a method
based on the technique (Xu et al., 2019). The results
of the first preliminary experiment showed the effec-
tiveness and the problem of the method without intro-
ducing the concept of the recursive image restoration
toward raindrop detection and removal. The second
preliminary experiment showed the validity of the as-
sumption of the proposed concept, that is, the assump-
tion that the accuracy of optical flow restoration in the
outer part of the missing region is higher than the in-
ner part. The results of the main evaluation experi-
ments showed the proposed recursive framework has
the potential for improving the restoration accuracy.
The future work includes the study on 1) how to
deal with the error propagation and 2) how to reduce
missing regions over time in the proposed recursive
restoration. In addition, we will study a way for tak-
ing various possible situations into account, such as
small vehicle motion and many raindrops attached to
the lens of a camera, which may be the factors to
decrease the accuracy of raindrop removal. Further-
more, the proposed method restores the middle frame
of input frames. We will also investigate the restora-
tion accuracy with the last frame of input ones in order
to remove raindrops without delay.
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VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications