A Mobile Application for Physical Activity Recognition using
Acceleration Data from Wearable Sensors for Cardiac Rehabilitation
M. Chaari
, M. Abid
, Y. Ouakrim
, M. Lahami
and N. Mezghani
National School of Engineers of Sfax, Sfax University, Tunisia
LICEF Research Center, TELUQ, Montreal, Canada
Laboratoire de Recherche en Imagerie et Orthop
edie (LIO), CRCHUM, Montreal, Canada
mHealth, Mobile Application, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Human Activity Recognition (HAR), Wearable
Sensors, Classification.
mHealth applications are an ever-expanding frontier in today’s use of technology. They allow a user to record
health data and contact their doctor from the convenience of a smartphone. This paper presents a first ver-
sion release of a mobile application that aims to assess compliance of cardiovascular diseased patients with
home-based cardiac rehabilitation, by monitoring physical activities using wearable sensors. The application
generates reports for both the patient and the doctor through an interactive dashboard, as initial proposal, that
provides feedback of physical activities of daily living undertaken by the patient. The application integrates a
human activity recognition system, which learns a support vector machine algorithm to identify 10 different
daily activities, such as walking, going upstairs, sitting and lying, from accelerometer data using a connected
textile including movement sensors. Our early deployment and execution results are promising since they are
showing good accuracy for recognizing all the ten daily living activities.
Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is a systematic model of
chronic vascular disease care that pro-actively moni-
tors these conditions using a multi-faceted approach.
This approach includes behavior change strategies re-
lated to a sustainable lifestyle and adherence to phar-
macological treatment as well as therapeutic exercises
and physical activity programs to improve secondary
prevention outcomes in patients with cardiovascular
disease or recovering from surgery. CR reduces to-
tal mortality and cardiac mortality by 20 to 25% (Cyr
et al., 2018). It may also reduce the number of
hospitalizations related to heart disease and the need
for new revascularization procedures in patients with
coronary artery disease. However, only a minority of
eligible patients participate in CR programs. Home-
based cardiac rehabilitation (HBCR) is definitely one
of the new urgently needed strategies to improve the
participation rate. It uses remote coaching with indi-
rect exercise supervision and helps limit hospital or
clinic visits (Thomas et al., 2019). In recent decades,
CR has evolved from simple surveillance aimed at a
safe return to physical activity, to a multidisciplinary
approach focused on patient education, personalized
physical training, changing risk factors and the well-
being of cardiac patients (Mampuya, 2012). More-
over, recent advances in information and communica-
tion technologies have been used to enhance HBCR
programs (Varnfield et al., 2011). Besides improv-
ing the quality of measures, wearable devices and
portable medical sensors have also proven effective
in monitoring a greater number of patients in pre-
vention and rehabilitation programs in a personalized
manner. As a result, and thanks to recent tools, the
use of home-based mHealth programs has been in-
creasing, achieving good control over vital signs and
physical activities (Medina et al., 2017). Recent re-
search studies in human activity recognition (HAR)
have focused on sensor-based home monitoring sys-
tems. HAR is defined as the ability of an intelligent
system to infer temporally contextualized knowledge
regarding the state of the user and to classify a set of
human activities on the basis of a set of sensor read-
ings. Its role, extremely important in the burgeon-
ing healthcare field, is to provide all the necessary
data on the patient’s health and well-being outside a
hospital setting. Technological advances have made
HAR a rapidly growing area, thanks to the use of af-
fordable mobile platforms such as smart phones and
other personal tracking devices (Damasevicius et al.,
2016), which, together with body-worn sensors, can
solve the cardiac patient monitoring problem. There
are countless examples of applications that use hu-
Chaari, M., Abid, M., Ouakrim, Y., Lahami, M. and Mezghani, N.
A Mobile Application for Physical Activity Recognition using Acceleration Data from Wearable Sensors for Cardiac Rehabilitation.
DOI: 10.5220/0009118706250632
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2020) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 625-632
ISBN: 978-989-758-398-8; ISSN: 2184-4305
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
man activity recognition to indicate the health status
of humans. Fitbit, for example, offers smart watches
and fitness bands to allow healthcare professionals
to track individuals and monitor their activity trends
over time (Paul et al., 2015). Tactio Health, Samsung
Health and many more are able to track the number of
steps, sleep patterns, passive periods, etc (Voicu et al.,
2019). They are designed to facilitate monitoring pa-
tients efficiently so doctors can have better control of
their chronic conditions. Although these apps recog-
nize a very limited number of activities, they have ex-
cellent results, being extremely accurate in detecting
the type of activity performed.
Our study aims to develop a mobile application for
monitoring physical activities by using wearable sen-
sors as part of a HBCR program which is designed for
patients who are unable to attend the traditional fa-
cility based cardiac rehabilitation. The application’s
goal is to help clinicians perform remote follow-up
on their patients. It displays their daily routine activi-
ties on a simple dashboard, providing doctors with the
necessary information to check patient’s health condi-
tion. So this allows patients to exercise in their own
homes while being supervised by one of the clinicians
in cardiac rehabilitation all done using the mobile ap-
plication. Patients also have access to the application
so they can also check their improvement.
This work will be presented as follows: Section 2
analyzes the methods used in this project. In Section
3, the system architecture is explained, with specifica-
tion of the technologies chosen for the application de-
velopment. Section 4 focuses on presenting the main
results, and, finally, the conclusion is given in Section
The work presented here was carried out as a joint
academic-industry research project designed to mea-
sure patient adherence to HBCR programs. In the
present study, a mobile application is developed for
activity monitoring based on data acquired by the
Hexoskin intelligent textile shirt
, developed by Carr
Technologies (Montreal, Canada). The Hexoskin is
an easily donned, comfortable stretch shirt that can
be used in any ambient environment. Data acquisi-
tion by the Hexoskin is non-invasive and can be per-
formed continuously without hampering the move-
ments of the person wearning it. Hexoskin offers the
only clinically validated system that allows precise
ECG cardiac monitoring with lung function and ac-
tivity monitoring over the long-term (Banerjee et al.,
2015). Its measurements were found to be reliable in
many research studies. This system offers a recording
capacity of over 42,000 data points of scientific infor-
mation per minute. The sensors are placed away from
the chest area so users can safely engage in contact
sports (Cherif et al., 2018a). A cable running from
the shirt is plugged into the companion device that is
secured in a waist pocket (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Hexoskin shirt, smart device and USB cable.
Once reception of body metrics data begins, the
Hexoskin device can wirelessly stream the data to a
mobile device in real-time, or store the information
until the user is able to transfer it via the supplied
USB cable. In practice, the Hexoskin enables real-
time monitoring of cardiac, respiratory and 3D accel-
eration data via cardiac, breathing and movement em-
bedded sensors, respectively (Figure 2). In this paper,
we focus on movement sensors that calculate 3-axis
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2: Hexoskin embedded sensors : (a) cardiac, (b)
breathing and (c) movement sensors. The cardiac sensors
allow to track the heart rate and display the electrocardio-
gram (ECG) in real time. The breathing sensors indicate the
breathing capacity for a given activity. The movement sen-
sors calculate 3-axis accelerations, activity levels and steps.
This study extends previous research (Cherif et al.,
2018b), by implementing a HAR framework on a
HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics
mobile phone using 3D acceleration data. As illus-
trated in Figure 3, the HAR framework consists of
two phases: the offline data training and the online
Figure 3: The HAR framework includes an offline learning
and an online classification.
2.1 Data Collection for Offline Learning
The data collection has been approved by institu-
tional ethics committees and all subjects provided
written informed consent before participating. Data
collection was performed at the research center of
the University of Montreal Hospital Center (Mon-
treal, Canada) and recruited participants were in good
health and didn’t have chronic pain or known loco-
motor or heart problems. Fourteen more healthy vol-
unteers have been included in the pre-established data
base with the same data collection protocol. A to-
tal of 40 voluntary participants wore the smart textile
Hexoskin and performed 5 repeats of a sequence of
10 tasks: going up the stairs, going down the stairs,
walking, running, sitting, falling right, falling left,
falling backward, falling forward and lying down.
The choice of these selected activities was made to
represent the majority of everyday living activities
(Attal et al., 2015). To ensure a good recording sig-
nal, patients were instructed to moisten the three gray
electrodes inside the shirt, connect the Hexoskin de-
vice to the shirt connector and insert it horizontally
into the shirt pocket with the wire upward and the
light outward.
The accelerations were collected from the 3-axis
sensors integrated into the Hexoskin. In total, the
acceleration data of 40 healthy volunteers perform-
ing the same data collection protocol was collected
and considered in the classification model. A video
recording was made during the whole session. Its se-
quences were used later to label the different classes
of physical activities.
Figure 4: A scenario of data collection with a participant
wearing the Hexoskin. Each sub-image corresponds to a
task, i.e., an activity.
2.2 Data Transmission for Online
When the shirt is unplugged, data recording ceases
and the device automatically shuts down after 60 sec-
onds. The administrator logs in to the participant’s
Hexoskin account, connects the device to the com-
puter with the USB cable and launches the HxSer-
vices application. The data start to synchronize auto-
matically and are saved on the Hexoskin server.
In a real-life context, the patient would perform
the data transmission daily using his own computer
to transfer his records from the smart device to the
Hexoskin server. Then, he can launch the mobile ap-
plication. Once he does, a request is sent to the Hex-
oskin server via the Application Programming Inter-
face (API)
(Application Programming Interface) to
get the patient’s data. Upon receiving the request, the
Hexoskin server sends a response.
2.3 Classification
The collected acceleration data are trained, during the
offline phase, using a machine learning classification
algorithm which returns the resulting activities in la-
bel form.
As shown in Figure 5, the machine learning clas-
sification algorithm consists of the following steps:
First, the acceleration norm is computed from the
three axis acceleration signal. The sequence of the
acceleration vector norm is then segmented into short
time sequences using a rectangular window around
each detected peak. More precisely, peaks are de-
tected by thresholding the norm. Time-domain and
frequency domain features are computed on 1s-length
windows from the 3D acceleration data. The Relief-F
algorithm is then used to rank individual features ac-
A Mobile Application for Physical Activity Recognition using Acceleration Data from Wearable Sensors for Cardiac Rehabilitation
cording to their relevance scores. After the selection
process, the top ten features were retained to be used
for the classification. The next step is a physical ac-
tivity classification system developed using Matlab.
The classification uses the Support Vector Machine
(SVM) classifier. It is a supervised machine learn-
ing algorithm that aims to find the optimal separating
decision hyperplanes between classes with the max-
imum margin between patterns of each class. The
tests were done according to the process of Leave-
one-subject-out cross validation for the SVM model.
Tests of its performance, evaluated in terms of correct
classification rates, have demonstrated the reliability
of the approach with an accuracy of 95.4%.
There has been numerous studies to investigate dif-
ferent machine learning models for physical human
activity recognition using wearable sensors for accel-
eration signals. In (Attal et al., 2015), the authors
proposed a classification methodology to recognize,
using acceleration data, different classes of daily liv-
ing human activities, by comparing different machine
learning techniques namely, k-Nearest Neighbor (k-
NN), SVM, Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM), and
Random Forest (RF). In our paper, the choice of the
feature extraction, selection and classification meth-
ods was made just for deploying the HAR framework
on mobile devices. The next step, which is our con-
cern, is the implementation of the mobile application,
and the deployment of our own custom model for
HAR. We’ll be detailing this step in the next section.
Figure 5: Block diagram of the proposed physical activity
classification system as proposed in (Cherif et al., 2018b).
In their work, the authors tested an SVM and a KNN clas-
The objective of this project part was to develop a
mobile application for physical activity classification
from data collected by the Hexoskin textile. The ap-
plication will be used to implement a tool to measure
compliance with home rehabilitation treatments. The
physiological classification and analysis systems as
Figure 6: System scenario: data reception, HAR classifi-
cation and local visualization. The Data is located in the
Hexoskin server. The offline data training is performed in
the backend server. Only the results are transplanted onto
the mobile device dashboard.
well as the compliance measurement tool will be in-
tegrated in the future into the Hexoskin platform.
The collected data, analysis and patient local inter-
face of the project was implemented in a smartphone
application compatible with Android or iOS. This ap-
plication as show in Figure 6 has the following main
Data reception (steps 1, 2 and 3): After data trans-
mission from the Hexoskin shirt to the server, the
application has to receive Hexoskin information
packages from the server using an API. Then, the
system has to extract the acceleration, cardiac and
respiratory data.
HAR classifier (step 4): The app uses a classifier
algorithm to build a recognition model to estimate
the current activity.
Local visualization (step 5): All the latest sensor
data can be seen in the mobile screen, in conjunc-
tion with the latest recognized activity.
Figure 7 presents the different parts of our appli-
cation. The frontend comprises the presentation layer
based on an Ionic 4 (Dunka et al., 2017), Angular
and Cordova
framework to produce a multiplat-
form application imitating the native behavior, group-
ing the Man-Machine interfaces and scripts that com-
municate with the backend based on the protocol Hy-
pertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Java Script Ob-
ject Notation (JSON) exchange format.
The backend, corresponding to the second part,
comprises the application server developed using
technology, since the classification model
HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 7: Global architecture of the application.
was converted from Matlab to Python in order to facil-
itate the connection with the front end. We used the
framework provided with a lightweight Web
server, which requires minimal configuration, can be
controlled via Python code and can easily exchange
information with MongoDB
, in which the data is
The third part, the Hexoskin Web server (Webster
et al., 2017), contains the data for the patient wearing
the connected textile, and it is the Hexoskin Rest API
and the classification system that make it possible to
interact and manipulate the Hexoskin data via HTTP
requests. This includes access to biometrics and user
information, but also data annotation, advanced report
visualization, metrics retrieval, and more.
This mobile application is developed for an mHealth
context, that may be used for communication be-
tween a patient undertaken a HBCR and a clinician.
However, we will only present screenshots and func-
tionalities to illustrate the dashboard dedicated to the
doctor. The patient’s perspective will be considered
in future work.
Authentication. Authentication is a process that
performs identity verification. It is an important
phase in order to secure the application. To access
the various features of the application, the user must
type his credential (login and password) into the
corresponding fields (Figure 8).
Patient’s Profile. The profile interface, as shown
in Figure 8, is the first interface the user sees
and interacts with. It provides a variety of pa-
tient information such as name, birth date, heart
rate, weight, height,etc. The user can then access the
main menu to discover the features of our application.
Dashboard. The dashboard depicted in Figure 9
shows the activities corresponding to the chosen
record. Each activity is described by its name and
duration. The patient’s advancement is also recorded
in the form of progress bars, allowing the doctor to
check whether the patient is following the exercice
Medical Report Generation. After consulting the
dashboard, the doctor can write his medical report.
To do so, he clicks on ”Write a report” to access
the report form. He indicates his patient’s state
(improved, not improved or deteriorated), and then
writes his notes concerning the records he has seen.
Medical Reports List. Each report is saved in the
list (Figure 8) where it is indexed by date, content,
doctor’s name, record id and duration.
A Mobile Application for Physical Activity Recognition using Acceleration Data from Wearable Sensors for Cardiac Rehabilitation
Figure 8: Login, patients profile and medical reports pages.
Patient’s Program. The doctor can set out an exer-
cice program for his patients, setting the performance
durations of the individual activities as goals to reach.
This mHealth solution gathers information from
the wearable sensors incorporated in an intelligent
textile and process it using a HAR approach accessi-
ble via a mobile application. These kinds of applica-
tions provide a novel approach to the health care sys-
tem, resulting in new and better services such as con-
stant monitoring of patients and remote consultation
services. Together, these services yield a faster and
more reliable health care industry with almost zero
waiting time, changing the classical approach of the
health care system as a reactive service to that of a
preemptive industry. In this project, the main focus is
to improve the health care services for patients who,
while their health status is not critical, still need con-
stant monitoring. We have used the Hexoskin as an
easy-to-wear washable textile that tracks heart rate,
breathing rate and acceleration and has been used in
several research studies showing its efficiency (Villar
et al., 2015). Moreover, having all the data recorded
in the server allows it to be accessed rapidly when-
ever needed, which is profitable in terms of energy
and time. The classification model has an overall ac-
curacy of 95.4% and a very short response time. In
addition, we have developed an interactive interface
which allows the doctor to monitor his patient’s health
easily from home.
The proposed HAR system is used for training and
recognition of human activities in daily living, and in-
tegrated in a mobile device as a first release version.
An extensive work will be accomplished for train-
ing and recognition of physical excercices in rehabil-
itation process. The key requirements for the HAR
system designed to support the rehabilitation process
will be specified in conjunction with the rehabilitation
In this paper, we have presented a multi-platform
HAR-based mobile application for HBCR. We devel-
oped an application that allows doctors to monitor
targeted patients at their homes, using the Hexoskin
intelligent-textile shirt. The shirt records accelera-
tion signals which are then sent to our application for
analysis and classification, in order to recognize one
of the following activities: walking, running, falling
right, falling left, falling backward, falling forward,
going up stairs, going down stairs, sitting and lying.
The application allows the doctor to visualize the tex-
tile recordings, each representing wearing of the Hex-
oskin for one day, and to write reports about these
records. The idea was to design an archive of medi-
cal reports as a reference the doctor can use to better
judge a patient’s condition. We aim to increase the
patients particpating rate in HBCR programs thanks
to this system, so that they can lead a normal and safe
life without having to worry about their health. The
work process involved several stages in order to ac-
complish the development and implementation of the
HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 9: The dashboard page.
application and to collect the data. The collection of
data for the new database was also an important phase
in developing the classification system. However, this
application is not limited to integrated functionalities
such as monitoring patient’s activity and writing re-
In future work, we aim to add several types of
exercises that are included in a cardiac rehabilitation
program according to the guidelines of the American
College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). In conjuction
with a cardiac rehabilitation team, we will work on
gathering empirical data from a set of patients with
heart failure following a cardiac rehabilitation pro-
gram. While, the activities we have examinated so far
are quite simple, many of them could in fact be part
of more complex routines or behaviors. For instance,
swimming and cycling are composed of several in-
stances of walking, running, and sitting (among other
activities) characterized by a certain logical sequence
and duration. Moreover, integrating cardiac and res-
piratory signals into the medical decision and the clas-
sification system would be important for a better clas-
sification rate. Future expanded datasets should also
include more participants, especially patients in reha-
bilitation. We intend also to conduct an extensive set
of experiments to compare different machine learn-
ing and deep learning approaches, especially ensem-
ble methods, for human activity recognition using the
acceleration data from the Hexoskin.
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HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics