Using the Toulmin Model of Argumentation to Explore the
Differences in Human and Automated Hiring Decisions
Hebah Bubakr and Chris Baber
The Department of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, U.K.
Keywords: Toulmin Model of Argumentation, Artificial Intelligence, Human Computer Interaction.
Abstract: Amazon developed an experimental hiring tool, using AI to review job applicants’ résumés, with the goal of
automating the search for the best talent. However, the team found that their software was biased against
women because the models were trained on résumés submitted to the company for the previous 10 years and
most of these were submitted by men, reflecting male dominance in the tech business. As a result, the models
learned that males were preferable, and it excluded résumés that could be inferred to come from female
applicants. Gender bias was not the only issue. As well rejecting plausible candidates, problems with the data
lead the models to recommend unqualified candidates for jobs. To understand the conflict in this, and similar
examples, we apply Toulmin model of argumentation. By considering how arguments are constructed by a
human and how a contrasting argument might be constructed by AI, we can conduct pre-mortems of potential
conflict in system operation.
Argumentation technology can help Artificial
intelligence (AI) agents enhance human reasoning
(Lawrence et al, 2017; Oguego et al, 2018; Modgil
and Prakken, 2013). In this context, an ‘argument’
has a ‘scheme’ (which relates to a specific form of
reasoning, often inspired by human behaviour) in
which there is a structure to how information leads to
a conclusion; a ‘format’ (which encodes the
information); and a ‘representation’ (which visualises
the scheme) and for which diagrams are commonly
used (Reed, Walton and Macagno, 2007).
Information in an argument diagram can be either a
proposition or an inference (Bench-Capon and
Dunne, 2007; Freeman, 1991). Toulmin diagrams are
a well-known form of argument representation
(Bench-Capon and Dunne, 2007). In this paper,
Toulmin diagrams represent arguments to consider
bias in hiring decisions.
For jobs with many applicants, an initial sift of
résumés could be performed to reduce the number of
applications to consider. However, there is a risk that
such a sift could be subject to bias. Bertrand and
Mullainathan (2004) sent five thousand fake résumés
for different job adverts in the Boston Globe and
Chicago Tribune newspapers. The adverts were
covered different occupational categories and with
each category the quality of the fake résumés was
either high and low. Identity was assigned to each
résumés using a personal name to suggest the race of
the applicant, for example, Emily, Anne and Brad
suggested white names; Kenya, Lakisha and Jamal
suggested African-American names. There was a
statistically significant difference in call-backs
(Bertrand and Mullainathan, 2004): résumés for
‘white’ applicants received 50% more call-backs than
those applicants with African American names (even
though the content of the résumés was identical).
Further, the call-back rate for ‘white’ applicants with
a high-quality résu was 27% higher than for
‘white’ applicants with low quality résumés. In
contrast, call-back for résumés with African-
American names with high quality résumés was only
8% higher than for low quality résumés.
O’Neil (2016) suggests that the desire to bring
analytical science to human resources is to make
selection fairer (by removing potential for human
bias) but are increasingly being used to filter
applicants. This raises the question of whether they
are optimised for the objective for selection (to aid
picking the most appropriate person for the role) or
rejecting applicants (to aid in filtering applications
down to a manageable set). We propose that these
objectives represent different forms of argumentation
Bubakr, H. and Baber, C.
Using the Toulmin Model of Argumentation to Explore the Differences in Human and Automated Hiring Decisions.
DOI: 10.5220/0009129102110216
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2020) - Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-402-2; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
that place emphasis on different aspects of the resume
and test scores.
The main purpose of using an automatic system is
to ensure efficiency and fairness, and to cut the
thousand applications to a reasonable number for HR
employees to take to the interviewing process.
Moreover, the machine ought to remain unaffected by
bias or prejudices, and each applicant should be
judged by the criteria outlined in the job specification.
However, AI systems can be trained using records of
employment data from many years which could mean
that bias has been institutionalized in favour of
specific employee groups. Gender bias is an issue in
jobs that reflect a male dominance like the tech
business for example. Amazon developed an
experimental hiring tool, using AI to review job
applicants’ résumés, with the goal of automating the
search for the best talent. This would give candidates
a ranking from one to five stars. However, the team
found that their software was biased against women
because the models were trained on résumés
submitted to the company for the previous 10 years
and most of these were submitted by men. As a result,
the models learned that males were preferable, and it
excluded résumés that appeared to come from female
Gender bias was not the only issue.
As well
rejecting plausible candidates, problems with the data
lead the models to recommend unqualified candidates
for jobs.
In this paper, we ask whether representing an
argument in the form of a diagram could help
diagnose possible problems or biases in the output of
an algorithm. The main concern in this paper is to
understand the reason why a machine produces such
unacceptable results. Whether the problem was a
mistake, biased data, or an unethical developer, it will
be always be unacceptable to reject applicants for
these reasons. Thus, people’s beliefs and cultural
values affect how we interact with AI system and
accept its results. Users of the system will have
expectations based on their prior knowledge. This
knowledge is formed by the beliefs and the values of
the users. For instance, the HR department might
expect the AI systems to choose applicants with
higher education and length of experience for
administrative positions. Therefore, when a hiring
system eliminate suitable candidates because of their
name, gender or zip-code, the results will be
prejudicial to them because these outputs conflict
with people’s ethical values and do not match the
expectation they had of the system. Seeking to
understand how the system works and what are the
beliefs, values and expectations of stakeholders we
apply Toulmin’s model of argumentation. We note,
at this point, that other argumentation representations
could be equally appropriate to this aim.
Kareem Bader, a student who was looking for a
minimum-wage job, applied for a part time at super-
market chain store after his friend recommended him.
Kareem had a history of having bipolar disorder but
at the time of sending the application he was a
productive, high-achieving student and healthy
enough to practise any type of work. However,
Kareem was not called for an interview and when he
asked, he was told that he failed the personality test
he answered during the application. The most
commonly used personality test is the Five Factor
Model (Lundgren, Kroon, & Poell, 2017), and this is
the one which Kareem took. Kareem gave honest
answers to mental health questions and real
information about his personal background, and this
led to him being rejected.
This paper will use Toulmin model of argumentation
(Toulmin, 1958). Toulmin provides an argumentation
technique to show that there are other arguments than
formal ones, which offers more logic and further
explanation. His argumentation model distinguished
six different kinds of elements: Data, Claim,
Qualifier, Warrant, Backing, and Rebuttal (Verheij,
2009). The example below illustrates Toulmin’s
classic example of Harry, who may or may not, be a
British subject.
Figure 1: Toulmin’s layout of arguments with an example
(Toulmin 1958, p104, 105).
In Figure 1, D represents the datum “Harry was
born in Bermuda" which is held to be the foundation
HUCAPP 2020 - 4th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
of the claim "Harry is a British subject". What does this
claim stand on? We need to use a warrant; in our
example, this is 'A man born in Bermuda will generally
be a British subject.' A point to keep in mind is that the
warrant is not universal. We are saying that a man born
in Bermuda will more likely be a British subject. The
warrant serves as a hypothetical statement which acts
as a bridge between the Ground (Data that provide
facts) and the Conclusion of an argument (claim). The
warrant can be considered as an inference, and can be
challenged. As a result, a claim needs to be qualified
(Verheij, 2009). In our example, the qualifier is to
presume that Harry is a British Subject. As the
elements in this argument became more explicit, the
Warrant needs further support so that it can provide the
connection between the data and the claim. In
Toulmin’s example this is called the backing and refers
to statutes and other legal provisions without the need
to define them. For this paper, this idea of ‘backing’
helps to illustrate the hidden values and beliefs that
might inform models. The final element, in Toulmin’s
example, is the Rebuttal which indicates any
arguments against the claim or any exceptions to it.
According to Toulmin (2003), the rebuttal indicates
‘circumstances in which the general authority of the
warrant would have to be set aside’ or ‘exceptional
circumstances which might be capable of defeating or
rebutting the warranted conclusion’.
Table 1: Translate the example text to Toulmin elements.
Toulmin element
Text from Motivating
Kareem gave honest
answers to mental health
Productive, high-achieving
student. Healthy enough to
ractise an
pe of work.
Kareem Baderis suitable for
Productive, high-achieving,
, was recommende
Minimum-wage job which
is part time at super-market,
usually does not have hard
to meet criteria.
Rebuttal Unless he is not suitable
Applying this model to the processing of hiring
which include selecting and filtering applicant
depending on their resumes and test results, we can
construct the argumentation scheme shown below.
First to apply Toulmin model of argumentation on the
motivation example we need to interpret the terms. We
convert the text from the example into Toulmin
element’s term as shown in table1.
Using table 1, we consider the applicant’s
argumentation. When a job seeker applies for a
specific job they will have some expectation
regarding their suitability. When an applicant claims
to be suitable for the job, we out to ask why? Their
answers will be based on their educational
background, skills, heath condition and other
information that support their claim. In the Toulmin
model, that supportive information represents the
datum. However, to claim suitability for the job,
providing simple facts is not enough. The Warrant, in
the Toulmin model, bridges between data and claim.
In figure 2, the warrant states that if applicant met the
requirement, they probably will be suitable. That rule
is supported by the backing which is the job criteria
generated from the employers’ job specification.
Rebuttal happens when the rule is not met or does not
apply to the data. So, when Kareem claims he was
suitable for the job, he did not understand why his
suitability got challenged.
Figure 2: Applicant’s argumentation.
Automated systems help HR department hire, fire,
and promote employees efficiently. The hiring system
might be used when there are too many people
applying for the job, and the HR department can only
interview a certain number of applicants. Hence,
when the number of applicants is too high (Claim) the
system must reduce the number by filtering
application. The warrant is the limited time for
interviewing. This rule is supported by (Backing)
which states that this filtering process will save the
HR time and effort. However, in the filtering process
the system might use a model based on current
profiles of employees, job criteria, to judge the
applicants’ resumes and forms. An exception to this
claim is when the system filters good and qualified
Using the Toulmin Model of Argumentation to Explore the Differences in Human and Automated Hiring Decisions
Figure 3: Filtering argumentation.
After reducing the number of applicants to a
reasonable amount, the system could select a set of
best candidates among the applicants by matching the
job criteria with the individual resumes and forms for
the applicants then ranking them based on their match
to the ‘model of employees’, see figure 4.
Figure 4: Selection argumentation.
The last stage in the hiring process is in the HR
department’s hands. As figure 4 shows, the system,
which the HR uses to ensure the filtering efficiency,
will provide a number of ‘best candidates’ for the HR
to select from. The HR will define the best applicant
after reviewing each résumé. This information is
supported by the belief that the system is reliable
enough to trust its results.
The HR department assumes that this process
ensures equality and diversity in its hiring process. It
depends on data from the hiring system and specific
equality criteria applied to all candidates. However, if
the model is inherently biased, e.g., because it is
derived from a homogeneous employee population
that does not reflect diversity, then the process will
have prejudice embedded in it.
As we can see, from figures 2-4, there are
conflicts between different claims in different
situations from different stakeholders. Each claim
represents the values and beliefs of its own claimant.
Moreover, each claim was formed on the available
data in that situation and carries no authorization to
interfere with other claims. Even though the filtering
and selecting processes are dependent on each other,
each had their own criteria. For instance, in the
applicant suitability diagram, figure 2, Kareem
claimed that he was suitable for the job which was
supported by the data and the warrant that he was
good enough for the job. In both filtering and
selecting argumentation’s diagrams, figures 3 and 4,
the system claimed that Kyle was not suitable because
he failed one on the essential tests in his application
form. Therefore, his application was not transferred
to the selecting process nor to the HR department
which claimed nothing about Kareem’s stability,
except that his name was not listed as a possible
candidate. So based on the data, warrant and backing,
he was not defined as a suitable employee. Now,
whether Kareem was filtered from the start or not
selected at the end, the system clearly did not see him
as fit for the position which shows conflict between
values and beliefs’ of the applicant and the system.
This example illustrates that each argumentation has
its own elements that do not interact with elements in
other argumentations. So, the claim that was formed
by the system cannot use the data from either the
applicant or the HR argumentation. Moreover, the
same data were treated differently in the filtering and
selecting stages. From this example, we conclude that
representing argumentation is a way of illustrating
how different criteria support an argument can lead to
a bias decision.
So far, the argumentation has been hand-crafted
and applies Toulmin’s criteria. This is presented as a
‘pre-mortem’ of the process as way of explaining
potential bias and conflict. The question is how this
could be automatic?
Argumentation technology can be supported by
computational models. Argument interchange format
(AIF) supports representation and exchange of data
between argumentation tools (Chesnevar et al. 2006).
As shown in figure 5, AIF uses an argument network
(AN) which contains two types of nodes, information
nodes (I-nodes) and scheme nodes (S-nodes). I-nodes
HUCAPP 2020 - 4th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
represent the contents like data and claims, and S-
nodes represent the applications of schemes like rules
of inference. There are three different types of
scheme-nodes, a rule of inference application node
(RA-node), a preference called a preference
application node (PA-node), and a conflict
application node (CA-node) (Chesnevar et al. 2006).
Moreover, AN has two types of edge, scheme edges
and data edges. Scheme edges originate from S-nodes
and are meant to support conclusions. These
conclusions may either be I-nodes or S-nodes. Data
edges originate from I-nodes, and they must end in S-
nodes, and supply data or information to scheme
applications. I-to-I edges are not an option because I-
nodes needs always an explanation to be attached. I-
nodes can have zero incoming edges, but S-nodes link
two or more elements, i.e., "for RA-nodes, at least one
antecedent is used to support at least one conclusion;
for PA-nodes, at least one alternative is preferred to
at least one other; and for CA-nodes, at least one
claim is in conflict with at least one other" (Chesnevar
et al. 2006).
Using AIF, our Toulmin models can be expressed
in a standard XML-based syntax. Chesnevar et al.
(2006) show how Toulmin elements can be expressed
as I-Nodes: claim, data, backing, rebuttal, and
qualifier (figure 5). The warrant was presented in this
diagram as (S-Node) specifically RA-Node, as it
holds both data nodes and the claim together.
Likewise, an RA-node links rebuttal nodes to claims,
and Qualifier-Application nodes link qualifier nodes
to claims. The result of his ontology is represented in
Figure 5.
Figure 5: Toulmin argument class hierarchy in RDFS
(Chesnevar et al. 2006. P312).
The mark-up language can provide a formalisable
definition of Toulmin’s elements, but this is not
different than what table 1 provides. Indeed, defining
and managing mark-up for argumentation could still
involve a high degree of human intervention
(because, unlike other forms of Natural Language
Processing, it is not always obvious whether a given
word of phrase is being expressed as data, or claim,
or warrant). Hence, an abiding question is how to
automatically generate the argument labels from the
If Kareem was not filtered, does that mean he was
suitable for the job? Not necessarily, because the
system decision could be right. The main issue
concerns the way the system formed its conclusion.
In the above example, when the system is facing a
huge number of applicants, an obvious problem in the
filtering process is the choice of parameter and use of
evidence to accept one of these parameters. A
solution is to conduct sensitivity tests of these
parameters. i.e., remove some parameters and explore
the impact of the resulting decision or consider how
the parameter interacts with be personality test, name,
gender, age etc. of applicants. For example, in the
filtering process all the parameter should be about
skills, education and experience not about name, age,
gender and mental health. O’Neil (2016) advises to,
“…build a digital version of a blind audition
eliminating proxies such as geography, gender, race,
or name to focus only on data relevant to the job
position. The key is to analyse the skills each
candidate brings to the company, not to judge him or
her by comparison with people who seem and
whether or not the output of these systems make sense
to them or not similar.” (p.177)
We conclude by asking whether it is wrong for job
applicants who understand what the system is looking
for to craft their application with these features in
mind, or provide answers to trick the software which
can reduce the chance of early filtering. If we allow
people to challenge the AI hiring systems, how do we
know that they are not going to provide false
information to manipulating it?
Even if we ensure that people are honest and
responsible when they are dealing with the AI, we
cannot ensure the AI is honest and responsible when
dealing people. This manipulation also violates the
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