then, it has been further developed (e.g., (Macklin
et al., 2019) proposed recently some speed and ac-
curacy improvements) and has found many (close to)
real-time applications, not only in computer graph-
ics but even in other domains. For example, Kotsalos
et. al. use PBD to model blood cells (Kotsalos et al.,
2019). As far as we know, however, there is no PBD-
based method for muscle modelling even though one
could expect a good compromise between speed and
accuracy from such a method.
A mass-spring system (MSS) is another approach
to consider. Janak et al. use MSS to approxi-
mate muscle (Janak, 2012), showing promising, sim-
ple method with visually plausible results. How-
ever, there are some issues in the approach they pro-
posed. First, to avoid penetration between muscles
and bones, the authors choose a particle-based colli-
sion detection method requiring many particles to get
reasonable results, which, however, causes high time
and memory complexity. Secondly, and more impor-
tantly, the main issue is that muscle volume is not pre-
served during deformation. This could be probably
solved using the approach described in (Hong et al.,
2006), however, it would increase computational time
dramatically. Finally, our experiments show that al-
though this method retains the smooth shape of ili-
acus muscle during flexion, it twists the part of the
muscle close to the insertion. This is because, un-
like our method, the particles are in the entire volume
of the muscle, which results in a model that is much
more rigid, and as anisotropy is not exploited, rigid in
all directions. Our method supports anisotropy, pre-
serves the volume and runs in a fraction of time while
requiring no extra parameter or input in comparison
with this method.
On the contrary to line segment approximation,
finite element method (FEM) is the most complex
method. Well discretized muscle provides a phys-
ically very accurate result (see e.g., (Delp, 2005)).
However, computational complexity is high, mean-
ing the FEM-based methods are unsatisfactorily slow.
Therefore, it is quite impractical for real-time appli-
cation or even clinical assessments. Next issue is a
difficult set up of FEM methods, making them un-
suitable for personalised musculoskeletal method de-
formation. Despite these facts, these methods can be
seen in the movie industry, see e.g. Ziva VFX
gin for Maya, and in muscle physiology research, see
e.g. (Oberhofer et al., 2009) or (Kojic et al., 1998). In
comparison with these methods, our method is quite
simple to set up and runs fast providing the promising
results in most cases.
The proposed muscle deformation technique is capa-
ble to do fast and relatively accurate simulation. De-
spite problems with muscle trapped in the hip joint,
we believe that a better collision detection can fix the
Moreover, the method is ready to be included in
OpenSim (a state-of-the-art simulation software) as
a plugin, allowing common users to use the method
more intuitively. Its source code is available at https:
In this paper, we verified the method, but to prove
correctness, the method needs to be validated in real
life. There are some works (e.g. (Modenese et al.,
2018)) providing correct momentum values during
muscle movement, which can be useful for validation.
Authors would like to thank their colleagues and stu-
dents for valuable discussion, worthful suggestions
and constructive comments. Authors would like to
thank also anonymous reviewers for their hints and
notes provided.
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HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics