Figure 1: Fabrication process of CAR-T cells (Wang 2016).
these operations within a miniaturized and
autonomous device. One of the main constraints that
needs to be lifted is the following.
The requirement of no contamination of the
products requires working in a controlled
environment and preserving the closed system as
often as possible. This is frequently made difficult by
the absence of containers, reagents or materials
adapted to the protocol. This constraint implies many
samplings during the protocol such as sampling for
the evaluation of bacteriological contamination. This
increases the risk of contamination, the time of
completion and requires increased traceability. These
evaluations being long, the fabrication process
continues in parallel, sometimes requiring to stop
production after several days in case of a
contamination. These stops actually increase the cost
and delay or even stop the delivery of the drug to the
The work presented in this paper addresses the
constraint of closed system and real time control of
what happens in the bioreactor during the expansion
phase. The goal is twofold, monitor the cell growth
and detect early contaminations. In-line or real time
measurement techniques have been widely studied
either for cell culture or contaminant development
monitoring, very rarely for both.
For example concerning cell culture, various
techniques have been presented in Teixeira review
(Teixeira, 2009). Techniques based on ultrasonic
measurements (Melchor, 2018) or capacitive
techniques (Lee, 2016) have been proposed.
Impedance monitoring, either in a bulk system
(Cacopardo, 2019) or in a microfluidic chip (Fong
Lei, 2014) has also been presented. In these
references however, indications whether or not the
proposed method can be adapted in a closed system
configuration were not discussed.
Concerning bacteria detection or monitoring,
different sensors to detect Escherichia coli (hereafter
E. coli) have been proposed by Ikonen (Ikonen,
2017). These bacteria can also be detected using
modified Field Effect Transistors (Thakur, 2018).
Detecting several contaminants with a single device
has been demonstrated. The use of fiber optic Fourier
Transform Infra-Red spectroscopy (Hassan, 2016),
quartz crystal sensors (Chang, 2006), and
electrochemistry (Safavieh, 2014) has been reported.
Only very few papers mention both cell
monitoring and contaminant detection. For example
in (Liu, 2017), advanced signal processing applied to
Raman spectroscopy has been proposed. Together
with normal operation condition monitoring, authors
demonstrated the detection of growth problems 5
hours after they stopped feeding the cells. They also
detected effects of contamination with their
monitoring algorithm. However, the nature of the
contamination and the time required to detect it was
not specified.
In this paper, we propose a proof of concept based
on white light absorption spectroscopy used to
continuously monitor the evolution of cells
concentration in a bioreactor and to issue an alarm
signal about 3 hours after a contamination occurred.
The next section of the paper describes the
experimental set-up and biological samples used in
this study. Section 3 presents the results obtained
using two methods based on spectra shape analysis
and Principal Component Analyses (PCA)
respectively. Short discussions of these early results
and aspects concerning socio-economic impacts will
be given in section 4.
For this proof of concept, measurements are not
performed in a closed system configuration.
Adaptation of the method in this particular
environment is shortly discussed in section 4.
2.1 Experimental Set-up
The extremely simple experimental set-up is
schematically presented in figure 2.
The set-up was composed of a white light source
(Ocean Optics HL 2000) connected to a cuvette
holder (Avantes CUV-UV/VIS) via conventional step
index optical fibers (Thorlabs M25L01). After
propagation through the cuvette, light was launched
into a spectrometer for absorption spectra acquisition
(Ocean Optics QE-Pro). Fluorimeter