• Spectral Rendering: computes the fluorescent
components according to eq.(2) under the condi-
tion that all the spectral data, i.e. the absorption
spectrum a(λ), the emission spectrum e(λ), the
spectral sensitivity c
(λ), and the spectral illumi-
nation distribution l(x
x, λ) are given.
• Our Proposed Method: computes the fluores-
cent components according to eq.(6) under the
condition that the 3-band absorption spectrum
), the 3-band emission spectrum e(λ
), and
the 3-band spectral irradiance s(x
x, λ
are given.
• Naive Method: computes the fluorescent com-
ponents according to eq.(6), but the pixel values
of the input image are used instead of the 3-band
spectral irradiance without using intrinsic image
We synthesized the image of a sphere illuminated by
a distant light source from the frontal direction. The
spectral data used for synthesizing the input image are
shown in Figure 1: (a) the spectral intensity of a light
source, (b) the spectral sensitivity of a camera, (c) the
spectral reflectances of a reflective object (red: left,
blue: right), and (d) the absorption and emission spec-
tra of fluorescent materials (red: upper, green: lower).
Figure 2 shows (a) the input image of a reflective ob-
ject, (b) (d) (f) the fluorescent components, and (c)
(e) (g) the result images, i.e. the fluorescent com-
ponents are added to and the reflective components
due to absorption are subtracted from the input image.
The spectral rendering, our proposed method, and the
naive method are used for (b) (c), (d) (e), and (f) (g)
First, we can see that the fluorescent components
and the result images computed by using (b) (c) the
spectral rendering and (d) (e) our proposed method
are similar to each other. The SSIM (Wang et al.,
2003) and PSNR between (c) the result image of
the spectral rendering and (e) that of our method are
0.971 and 40.41 respectively. Those results qualita-
tively and quantitatively show that our approximation
represented by using the 3-band spectral irradiance
works well.
Second, we can see that the fluorescent compo-
nents and the result images computed by using (f)
(g) the naive method are significantly different from
those computed by using (b) (c) the spectral render-
ing. Specifically, (f) the fluorescent components are
brighter at the area with bluish reflectance. This is be-
cause we specified fluorescent materials which absorb
bluish light as shown in Figure 2 (d) and the naive
method uses not the 3-band spectral irradiance but the
In the experiments using synthetic images, we assume
that the 3-band spectral irradiance is known.
Figure 3: The experimental results using real images: an
object with uniform reflectance. (a) the input image, (b) the
3-band spectral irradiance, (c) the fluorescent components,
and (d) the result image computed by using our proposed
pixel values of the input image without using intrinsic
image decomposition. The SSIM and PSNR between
(c) the result image of the spectral rendering and (g)
that of the naive method are 0.791 and 20.64 respec-
tively. Those results qualitatively and quantitatively
show that the use of the 3-band spectral irradiance
is important for computing photorealistic fluorescent
3.2 Real Images
To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed
method for real images, we tested our method on three
different conditions: (i) an object with uniform re-
flectance, (ii) an object with texture, and (iii) an object
illuminated by an additional light source. In our ex-
periments, we used SIRFS (Barron and Malik, 2015)
for intrinsic image decomposition.
First, we tested an object with uniform reflectance
as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 shows (a) the input
image, (b) the 3-band spectral irradiance, (c) the flu-
orescent components, and (d) the result image com-
puted by using our proposed method. Here, we spec-
ified the 3-band absorption and emission spectra as
a = (0, 0, 0.4)
and e
e = (0.8, 0.2, 0)
respectively. In
other words, we assume that a fluorescent material ab-
sorbs bluish light and emits reddish light. We can see
that (c) the fluorescent components and (d) the result
image computed by using our method on the basis
of the 3-band spectral irradiance are photometrically
consistent with the input image; the object is illumi-
nated mainly from the upper-right direction.
GRAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications