Deep-learning in Identification of Vocal Pathologies
Felipe L. Teixeira
and João P. Teixeira
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB), Bragança 5300, Portugal
Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics (CEDRI), Applied Management Research Unit (UNIAG),
Bragança 5300, Portugal
Keywords: Vocal Acoustic Analysis, Leave-one-out, Deep Neural Network, Architecture of Deep-NN, Dysphonia,
Vocal Fold Paralysis, Laryngitis Chronica.
Abstract: The work consists in a classification problem of four classes of vocal pathologies using one Deep Neural
Network. Three groups of features extracted from speech of subjects with Dysphonia, Vocal Fold Paralysis,
Laryngitis Chronica and controls were experimented. The best group of features are related with the source:
relative jitter, relative shimmer, and HNR. A Deep Neural Network architecture with two levels were
experimented. The first level consists in 7 estimators and second level a decision maker. In second level of
the Deep Neural Network an accuracy of 39,5% is reached for a diagnosis among the 4 classes under analysis.
Voice is a sound resulting from a set of events in the
vocal apparatus and along the vocal tract, with a
certain force, sound, duration, speed and rhythm,
subconsciously regulated by the information sent
from the brain (Panek, Skalski, Gajda, &
Tadeusiewicz, 2015).
The vocal acoustic analysis allows quantifying
some characteristics of a sound signal. Using this
technique for the study of voice, it is possible, in a
non-invasive way, to determine and quantify the
vocal quality of the individual through the different
acoustic parameters that make up the signal
(Guimarães, 2004).
Only the self-parameters obtained with the vocal
acoustic analysis are not very conclusive, however, if
they are properly associated with an Artificial
Intelligence (IA) tool, the results are considerably
better (Guimarães, 2004; Matuck, 2005; Teixeira J. P.
et al, 2017)
The tools of IA are, therefore, an added value to
take into account, since analyzing a large number of
data, with several variables, it becomes difficult for
the human being. After performing the training of an
IA system, it is expected that the system be able to
generalize. This means, for a new situation, never
seen before, the system should be able to make a
decision based on similar parameters seen before
(Teixeira F., et al, 2018; Guedes et al, 2019).
A Deep Learning technic is based on the so-called
artificial neural network. However, they have a
greater number of hidden layers in their architecture,
which helps in the processing of information and it
can still have different activation functions in each
hidden layer. The purpose of additional hidden layers
is to have some more objective but non-final ‘image’
of the output.
In this work it was intended to do the same study
that Teixeira F. et al (2018) did, however, instead of
Support Vector Machine, a Deep Learning approach
is used.
The main objective of this work is to distinguish
between pathological and healthy subjects and to
distinguish the different pathologies under study.
In this work, three groups of subjects were used.
Subjects with Dysphonia, Vocal Fold Paralysis and
subjects with the Laryngitis Chronica
These diseases are the ones that most often cause
disturbances in the human voice (University, 2018),
being sometimes undetectable to the human ear.
Dysphonia is a disorder of the voice, often caused
by abnormalities that affect the vibration of the vocal
chords. This affects the ability to speak easily and
clearly. Dysphonia is characterized by the symptoms
of hoarseness, weak voice, changes in voice tone and
it may arise suddenly or gradually (Teixeira J. P. &
Fernandes P. O., 2015).
Laryngitis Chronica consists of an inflammation
that can result from inhalation of irritants or by the
intensive use of voice. Symptoms include gradual
Teixeira, F. and Teixeira, J.
Deep-learning in Identification of Vocal Pathologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0009148802880295
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2020) - Volume 4: BIOSIGNALS, pages 288-295
ISBN: 978-989-758-398-8; ISSN: 2184-4305
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
loss of voice, hoarseness, and sore throat (Huche, F.,
& Allali, A., 2005; Kumar et al., 2010).
Paralysis of the Vocal Folds is the total
interruption of the nervous impulse. Being this total,
it happens in the two Vocal Folds, or being partial,
occurs only in one of the Folds. This situation can
occur at any age and the problems associated with this
condition correspond to voice change, respiratory
problems and swallowing problems.
For the analysis, the following parameters are
used: relative jitter, relative shimmer, Harmonic to
Noise Ratio (HNR), Noise to Harmonic Ratio (NHR),
Autocorrelation and Mel Frequency Cepstral
Coefficients (MFCC). These parameters were
extracted from sustained vowels /a/, /i/ and /u/ in high,
low and normal tones. The MFCC’s were also
extracted from continuous speech.
Next section describes the used methodologies. In
this section, the parameters are presented, the
materials used are identified and the methodology,
based on deep neural network, is also presented. The
section 3 presents the results and discussion. Finally,
the last section summarizes the work developed and
the conclusions.
The parameters used in this work combine source
parameters that are related with vocal folds and
therefore with low frequency components (jitter,
shimmer, HNR and Autocorrelation), with
parameters related with vocal folds and vocal tract,
spreading a large bandwidth of frequencies (MFCCs).
The first set of parameters were extracted from a
sustained speech of vowel. The MFCCs were
extracted both from the same vowels but also from
continuous speech.
The parameter used were just retrieved from the
cured database (Fernandes, J. et al, 2019) with the
parameters extracted from the Saarbrucken Voice
Database (SVD) as detailed below. This cured
database contains only the subjects diagnosed with
just one pathology/condition, been rejected all
subjects with more than one pathology/condition.
The speech samples were classified into 4 classes
(3 pathologies/conditions and control) using one
Deep Artificial Neural Network with architecture
projected for this specific purpose.
2.1 Parameters
For this work, it was necessary to extract a set of
parameters from acoustic speech files to build the
cured database of speech parameters (Fernandes, J. et
al, 2019). These parameters are relative jitter, relative
shimmer, HNR, NHR, Autocorrelation and 13
The jitter analysis for a speech signal is the mean
absolute difference between consecutive periods,
divided by the mean period and expressed as a
percentage (Eq. 1).
where T
is the length of the glottal period i, and N
the number of glottal periods.
The relative shimmer is defined as the mean
absolute difference between magnitudes of
consecutive periods, divided by the mean amplitude,
expressed as a percentage (Eq. 2).
where A
is the magnitude of the glottal period i,
and N the number of glottal periods.
The HNR is a parameter in which the relationship
between harmonic and noise components provides an
indication of overall periodicity of the speech signal
by quantifying the relationship between the periodic
component (harmonic part) and aperiodic (noise)
component. The overall HNR value of a signal varies
because different vocal tract configurations imply
different amplitudes for harmonics. HNR can be
given by Eq. 3.
where H is the normalized energy of the harmonic
components and 1-H is the remaining energy of signal
considered the non-periodic components (noise).
In the autocorrelation function, the similarity of
periods along the signal is evaluated. The greater the
similarities, the greater the autocorrelation value
(Guedes et al, 2019).
According to (Fernandes J. et al, 2018),
mathematically the autocorrelation can be determined
in 3 steps.
In the first step (equation 4), having a signal x(t)
uses a segment of the same signal of duration T,
centered on tméd. From the selected part, the average
Deep-learning in Identification of Vocal Pathologies
of μx is subtracted and the result is multiplied by a
window function w(t) to obtain a signal window:
The window function w(t) is symmetrical around t
and 0 everywhere outside the time interval [0, T].
(Boersma, 1993) mentions that the window must be a
sine or Hanning window, given by equation 5.
=1212 2
Then the normalized autocorrelation ra(
) of the
selected signal part is calculated (equation 6). This is
a symmetrical function of delay τ:
Finally, it is necessary to calculate the normalized
autocorrelation rw(τ) of the window function used.
Using the Hanning window, autocorrelation is
obtained through equation 7.
To estimate the autocorrelation rx(τ) of the
original signal segment, the autocorrelation ra(τ) of
the signal window is divided by the autocorrelation
rw(τ) of the window used (Eq.8).
where ra(t) is the normalized autocorrelation of
the signal and rw(t) is the normalized autocorrelation
of a window used.
Therefore, the autocorrelation function of a
sustained speech signal displays the local maxima for
multiples of τ, so it is only necessary to identify the
first local maxima, which will correspond to the
harmonic part.
The NHR parameter quantifies the relationship
between the aperiodic component (noise) and the
periodic component (harmonic part). Although it is
the inverse of HNR, it is not measured in the
logarithmic domain, so the values are not the inverse
(Fernandes, J. et al, 2018). The NHR parameter can
be given by equation 9.
The MFCC’s parameters are based in the
spectrogram of the signal. The extract process can be
divided in 7 steps (Lindasalwa Muda, 2010).
The first step (Pre-Emphasis) is to emphasize the
higher frequencies by increasing the signal energy at
these same frequencies. The calculation for Pre-
Emphasis is given by equation 10 where x[n] is the
speech signal.
The second step (Framing) consists of dividing the
signal into small frames, where it is advised that each
frame should be between 20 and 40 milliseconds. The
third step (window) is to multiply a window function
by each frame of the signal.
In the fourth step, it is necessary to convert the N
samples of each frame from the time domain to the
frequency domain, using the discrete Fourier
transform (Lindasalwa Muda, 2010).
Equation 11 is used for its calculation, where X(k)
are the spectral coefficients, x(n) the signal frame. It
should be noted that the values of n and k must be
greater than or equal, to zero and less than or equal,
to N-1.
The fifth step serves to make the transformation to
the Mel scale.
To make this transformation, equation 12 is used.
In this process, triangular filters are applied to the
spectrum to make the conversion.
In the sixth stage comes the discrete cosine
transform, which consists in transforming the Mel
spectrum into the time domain. This transformation
can be referred to as Mel Frequency Cepstrum
Coefficient, where the lowest order coefficients
represent the vocal tract shape and the higher order
coefficients represent the waveform periodicity
(Lindasalwa Muda, 2010; Tiwari, V., 2010).
Finally, in the last step the signal energy of a signal
is calculated for a segment at time t1 to time t2 using
equation 13.
In this work 13 MFCC were used, and the first
coefficient is the energy of the signal.
BIOSIGNALS 2020 - 13th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
2.2 Materials
In this work, we used the German Saarbrucken Voice
Database (SVD) (Barry, W.J., Pützer, n.a.) to extract
the parameters associated with the various subjects
used for the study. In this database is possible to find
more than 2000 subjects. For each subject it is
available a recording for 3 sustained vowels (/a/, /i/,
/u/) in three different tones. There is also the German
phrase: ”Guten Morgen, wie geth es Ihnen?” (Good
morning, how are you?). The sampling frequency of
voice signals is 50 kHz. The file size is between 1 and
3 seconds with a resolution of 16 bits.
Subjects with Dysphonia, Laryngitis Chronica and
Vocal Fold Paralysis were used because they are the
pathologies with higher number of subjects. Subjects
with more than one pathology/condition were
The parameters were extracted for 473 subjects,
according to the groups shown in table 1.
In the work of (Teixeira J. P. et al., 2018) it was
proved that there is no difference between the male
and female gender for the parameters relative jitter,
relative and absolute shimmer, HNR, NHR and
autocorrelation for control subjects and Laryngitis
Chronica subjects. Therefore, there was no separation
made by gender.
The subjects available in SVD limited the size and
mean age of each pathological group.
Table 1: Dataset ages by each pathologic group and control
of ages
Control 194 38,1 14,4
Dysphonia 69 47,4 16,4
41 49,7 13,5
Vocal Fold
169 57,8 13,8
Total 473
For every subject the parameters were extracted
from sustained vowels, and the MFCC’s parameters
were also extracted from the continuous speech
sentence. Three groups of parameters were organized.
The first group contains only parameters related with
the source. This group I, actually was structured into
group I(a) and I(b).
Group I(a) contains the parameters Jitter, Shimmer
and HNR for the 9 vowels by subject, in a total of 27
The group I(b) contains the parameters Jitter,
Shimmer, HNR, NHR and Autocorrelation for the 9
vowels by subject, in a total of 45 features.
The group II contains the 13 MFCC’s extracted
from the 9 sustained vowels, in a total of 117 features
by subject.
The group III contains 13 MFCC’s extracted from
50 overlapped segments of the continuous speech, in
a total of 650 features by subject.
The jitter and shimmer parameters were extracted
using the algorithm developed by Teixeira and
Gonçalves (2016). The HNR, NHR, Autocorrelation
and MFCC’s parameters were extracted with the
work developed by Fernandes J. et al (2019).
2.3 Deep Learning Architecture
The basic structure of the developed architecture is to
have two levels. The first level consists in a set of
multi-layer-perceptron neural networks (NN). Each
one will give a guess if the sample corresponds to the
class 1, class 2 or none (3 output classes). The 4
classes (3 pathologies and control) were combined
into 6 NN. One additional NN were considered to
classify between control/pathologic, only with binary
classification. Therefore, the first level consists into 7
NN, presented in Table 2. The organizations of NN
with 3 classes were used to allow the use of the all
dataset to trains each NN.
The second level consists in a NN with 7 nodes in
the input, hidden layers, and one output. The input
receives the output of the 7 NN of first level. The
output is the classification of one of the 4 classes.
Figure 1 presents a representation of the Deep NN
It is expected that each NN of first level be
specialized in the classification between two
pathologies. The second level would receive the
guess of this 7 specialized NN and take a final
Table 2: Neural Networks for first level of Deep Learning.
N N 1 Healthy / Pathological
N N 2 Healthy / Dysphonia / Other
N N 3 Healthy / Laryngitis / Other
N N 4 Healthy / Paralysis / Other
N N 5 Dysphonia / Paralysis / Other
N N 6 Dysphonia / Laryngitis / Other
N N 7 Laryngitis / Paralysis / Other
Deep-learning in Identification of Vocal Pathologies
Figure 1: Deep Learning architecture.
For each parameters group, different NN
Architectures were experimented.
The best architecture for the second level was
achieved experimentally. It has 7 nodes in input layer
(outputs of first level), 75 nodes in hidden layer and
the training function is Levenberg-Marquardt
(Marquardt, D., 1963).
The second level of Deep- Learning is responsible
for classify the pathology of each subject. It is
possibel classify between four classes, three
pathological and one healthy.
The number of hiddden layer were also
experimented. One architecture with 2 hidden layer,
where the second layer had 4 nodes has expected to
achieve better acuracy, suposing that each of this 4
nodes will classify one of the 4 classes. But the
experimental result did’t show what was expected.
The “leave-one-out” method has implemented to train
the Deep-NN. This method consists of testing all
subjects, performing as many training sessions as
subjects exist in the sample size. In N session of
training, N-1 subjects were used to train and the
remaining used to test. At the end, the all subjects
were tested and never were used in the train process.
This methodology is a time consuming process but
allows using larger number of subject to train and to
The result presented was measured for the subject
in the test.
3.1 First Level
Table 3 show the results for the NN of the first level
to classify between control/pathologic, using the tree
groups of parameters. Acc is the Accuracy, Pre is the
Precision, Sen corresponding to Sensibility, Spe is the
Specificity and F1 corresponding to F1-Score. It can
be seen that the higher accuracy is 72.7% using the
parameters of group I(a).
Table 4 shows the results obtained in one of the
remaining 6 NN of first level as example
(Healthy/Paralysis/Others). The result for the
remaining 5 NN has similar numbers. The measures
are presented grouping the 3 output classe into groups
of two classes to allow the determination of the all
measures presented.
It can be seen that parameters of group I(a) achive
again, generally, higher accuracy.
Table 3: Measured values to classify healthy / pathological
Group of
I(a) I(b) II III
Acc (%)
72.7 72.3 67.2 71
Pre (%)
69.6 68 53 57.2
Sen (%)
65.9 65.7 61.7 67.3
Spe (%)
78 77.2 70.3 73
67.7 66.8 57 61.8
BIOSIGNALS 2020 - 13th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Table 4: Obtained values for classification between Healthy/Paralysis/Others with the different parameter groups.
Healthy / Paralysis / Others
Parameters Group I (a) Group I (b) Group II Group III
Healthy / Others
Accuracy (%) 61,3 58,2 54,6 59
Precision (%) 41,2 32,5 36 46,9
Sensibility (%) 74,8 80,8 62,5 65,5
Specificity (%) 55,6 51,7 51,2 55
F1 53,2 46,3 45,8 54,7
Paralysis / Others
Accuracy (%) 63,7 60,8 59,2 60,5
Precision (%) 60,1 71,1 67,4 63,1
Sensibility (%) 45 37,9 35,5 38,5
Specificity (%) 81,2 84,2 82,8 80
F1 54,5 49,4 46,5 47,8
Others / (Healthy +
Accuracy (%) 49 43,6 45,3 49,8
Precision (%) 60,9 69,1 63,6 55,5
Sensibility (%) 26,2 24,9 25,7 26,4
Specificity (%) 78,4 78,9 76,5 76,1
F1 36,6 36,6 36,7 35,8
3.2 Complete Deep-NN
As mentioned previously, “Leave-one-Out” method
has used, therefore, each subject was classify by eight
neural networks (seven in first level and one in second
leve), this process was repeat 473 times (number of
Table 5 presents the accuracy of the complete
Deep-NN using three alternatives for the number of
nodes in the hidden layer of the second level. It also
presents the time consuming to train and test the all
dataset using the “Leave-one-out” method. This
values was obtained with processor Intel ®
3337u CPU@ 1.80GHz.
Table 5: Accuracy obtained and time consuming for the
Nodes in
hidden layer
Accuracy (%) Time (minutes)
50 30.4 141.1
75 39.5 168.5
80 36.4 116.4
Table 5 shows the best accuracy to classify
between the 4 classes is 39,5% using 75 nodes in the
hidden layer.
Table 6 presents the confusion matriz for the best
classification situation. The column of ‘Target’
corresponding the real situation of the subject, in
‘Classification’ line is mentioned the Deep-NN
classification. The diagonal line has the number of
subjects correctly classified. Where H is the Healthy
subjects, D the Dysphonia, L the Laryngitis and P
corresponds to Paralysis.
The confusion matriz shows that there is no
problem with unbalance of the dataset.
Table 6: Confusion matrix.
H 98 62 27 7
D 20 21 13 15
L 9 13 8 11
P 24 38 47 60
Deep-learning in Identification of Vocal Pathologies
3.3 Discussion
Although several methodologies was tried, this article
only contain the best results achieved.
The results shown that the neural network is a
promising tool for voice pathology classification. In
the work presented in (Teixeira F,, Fernandes J.,
Guedes V., Junior A., & Teixeira J. P., 2018) the
Support Vector Machines (SVM’s) was used to
classify between control/pathologic with the same
dataset with best results about 70% accuracy.
Comparing with present results of the first level NN
an accuracy of about 73% was achieved,
demonstrating the improvements introduced using
Guedes et al, 2019 developed a system to classify
between the same 4 classes but using parameters from
continuous speech and using transfer-learning
technics to do the classification. Very similar results
was achieved, with F1-score of 40% for classify
between four categories.
No separation by gender was used because for
Laryngitis Chronica it was reported in (Teixeira J. P.
et al., 2018) no gender difference for the relative
jitter, relative and absolute shimmer, HNR, NHR and
Autocorrelation. Anyhow, other conditions like
Dysphonia and Vocal Fold Paralysis was used, and
maybe some gender difference can exist for these
subjects. Therefore, it is recommended to experiment
a gender separation in future work.
This article describes the experience of using neural
networks for diagnosis between healthy subjects and
subjects with one of the three pathologies under study
(Laryngitis Chronica, Dysphonia or Vocal Fold
Paralysis). The parameters used in this analysis were
extracted from sustained vowels or from a sentence.
A Deep NN was developed in two levels to
classify between 4 classes.
The best results in the first level between
control/pathologic subjects were an accuracy of 73%.
The best results between the 4 classes in the
second level was an accuracy of about 40%.
The best results, in some cases, were not obtained
with the same parameters group, however generally
de parameters of group I(a) demonstrate the best
results in higher number of cases. Therefore, for the
uniformity reasons it was considered that group I(a)
is the best group of parameters experimented. These
parameters are relative jitter, relative shimmer and
As a final conclusion, the accuracy of about 40%
to make the identification between healthy subjects
and 3 pathologies still below the requirements to
became a real application. These results demand more
research on this type of classification, experimenting
different models of classification, different type of
features, more subjects and maybe gender separation.
This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação
para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope:
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