In this paper, we proposed a method for tracking
multiple pedestrians in video sequences. The pro-
posed method extracts pedestrian regions in each
video frame, detects obstacle areas in the scene from
the extracted pedestrian regions, and tracks pedestri-
ans while estimating their occlusion states from the
detected obstacle areas. The efficacy of our proposal
was demonstrated through experiments on simulation
video sequences. The experimental results showed
that the proposed method, which estimates the occlu-
sion states of pedestrians and reflects them on region
association process, improves the robustness in visual
tracking multiple pedestrians under situations where
pedestrians are temporary occluded by still objects.
In future work, we plan to investigate a method for
updating detected obstacle areas by new input video
frames, and extend the proposed method in order to
deal with situations where pedestrians are temporary
occluded by occasionally moving obstacles, e.g, tem-
porary parked cars and stacked objects.
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