evaluation on part A are shown in Table 5. Our MUD-
NN network slightly outperforms the state-of-the-art
approaches on this part. The results of our evaluation
on part B are shown in Table 6. Here our network per-
forms on par or slightly worse than the best-performing
methods. Notably, our method appears perform better
on denser crowd images, and ShanghaiTech Part B is
by far the least dense dataset we tested.
The third dataset we evaluated our approach on
is the UCF-CC-50 dataset (Idrees et al., 2013). We
followed the standard evaluation metric for this dataset
of a five-fold cross-evaluation. The results of our eval-
uation on this dataset can be seen in Table 7.
Overall, our network performed favorably com-
pared with existing approaches. An advantage to our
approach is that the our modifications can be applied
to the architectures we’re comparing against. The most
relevant comparison is between the i
NN version of
the MUD network, and the density map version. Here,
the i
NN approach always outperformed the density
version. We speculate that the state-of-the-art meth-
ods we have compared with, along with other general-
purpose CNNs, could be improved through the use of
ikNN labels and upsampling map modules.
We have presented a new form of labeling for crowd
counting data, the i
NN map. We have compared
this labeling scheme to commonly accepted labeling
approach for crowd counting, the density map. We
show that using the i
NN map with an existing state-
of-the-art network improves the accuracy of the net-
work compared to density map labelings. We have
demonstrated the improvements gained by using in-
creased label resolutions, and provide an upsampling
map module which can be generally used by other
crowd counting architectures. These approaches can
be used a drop-in replacement in other crowd counting
architectures, as we have done for DenseNet, which
resulted in a network which performs favorably com-
pared with the state-of-the-art.
The research is supported by National Science Foun-
dation through Awards PFI #1827505 and SCC-
Planning #1737533, and Bentley Systems, Incorpo-
rated, through a CUNY-Bentley Collaborative Re-
search Agreement (CRA). Additional support is pro-
vided by the Intelligence Community Center of Aca-
demic Excellence (IC CAE) at Rutgers University.
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VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications