Table 1: Results for recorded camera path in four path
traced scenes.
Metric Scene Anisotropic Proposed
PSNR Classroom 26.1 26.6
Fireplace 31.8 32.1
Sponza 22.1 22.4
SanMiguel 22.0 22.1
SSIM Classroom 0.826 0.835
Fireplace 0.899 0.902
Sponza 0.695 0.704
SanMiguel 0.613 0.625
VMAF Classroom 26.7 37.7
Fireplace 37.6 47.3
Sponza 11.4 22.0
SanMiguel 10.9 16.5
frame on a single GeForce RTX 2080 Ti GPU. The
timing is likely fast enough, because it is measured
on a single contemporary GPU. This means that either
the quality or the speed, or both, can be improved sig-
nificantly on the next generations as inference hard-
ware acceleration support evolves. Furthermore, in
this experiment the network used 32-bit floating-point
precision. Using reduced precision would make net-
work faster likely without significant reduction in the
quality Venkatesh et al. (2017).
In this position paper we argued that machine learn-
ing algorithms are going to play a critical role in re-
constructing foveated rendering. Specifically, an in-
teresting option is to perform machine learning-based
reconstruction in the reduced foveated resolution to
reduce the computational complexity. In order to
provide initial proofs, we built a preliminary spatio-
temporal super-resolving CNN to reconstruct the pe-
riphery part of a foveated rendering pipeline which
functions in the reduced foveated resolution. The
method was tested with four different scenes in which
it improved the PSNR, SSIM and VMAF scores com-
pared to anisotropic filtering. In our opinion, af-
ter a more comprehensive architecture and parame-
ter search, a similar idea could be used to greatly re-
duce the computational complexity and improve the
result of the reconstruction in foveated photorealistic
rendering, making it usable in realistic mixed reality
setups of the future.
We believe that the improved quality of the ma-
chine learning based reconstruction can be translated
to more reduced foveated resolution and, therefore,
less overall rendering workload, but this is yet to
prove with more extensive user studies.
This work was supported by ECSEL JU project
FitOptiVis (project number 783162), the Tampere
University of Technology Graduate School, the Nokia
Foundation and the Emil Aaltonen Foundation.
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GRAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications