Secure Audit in Support of an Adrenal Cancer Registry
Anthony Stell, Vedant Chauhan and Richard Sinnott
School of Computing and Information Systems, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Keywords: Adrenal Cancer Registry, Clinical Process Audit, Blockchain.
Abstract: This paper describes the use of blockchain technology to ensure the integrity of data logs for a clinical registry,
providing a technological means for a secure audit of that registry. The characteristics of a secure audit
tamper-resistance, verifiability, searchability and privacy – are described in their application to this registry,
then an evaluation is performed detailing the use of blockchain to achieve these audit goals. The clinical
registry tested supporting ENSAT (the European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumors) – is a
production repository of clinical, phenotypic and genetic information about patients with adrenal cancer, a
rare but often serious condition that affects approximately 1 in 600,000 of the world population. The registry
is implemented using a standard n-tier web application, with a MySQL database back-end, and Java/JSP
business logic and user interface. The information contributing to the full audit of data and usage of the
registry, is captured in the application log-files, which are stored in two “mirrored” formats: ASCII text files
compiled through the Java log4j project and in a MongoDB NoSQL database. Following a discussion of the
relevant supporting features, the fully implemented solution – a private blockchain known as “ensatChain” –
is evaluated for overall security, using the Microsoft “STRIDE” threat model.
Due to the increasing sophistication and influence of
digital technologies, online disease registries are a
growing source of clinical and research endeavour.
Many are established as web-accessible applications,
built upon cloud infrastructures, for instance with
web servers, databases and operating systems running
on virtual machines. Often capturing phenotypic and
genotypic information, such resources allow
information on patients and their conditions to be
shared by clinicians with wider research communities
outside of a given clinical setting, and also potentially
with patients and their advisory groups.
Such registries are particularly useful when the
condition is serious but rare. In recent decades,
research into the diagnosis and treatment of rare
diseases has started to attract larger-scale
international funding such as the European Union
FP7 (FP7, 2019) and Horizon 2020 (Horizon 2020,
2019) programs. One of the main goals of such
initiatives has been to overcome the lack of data
which impedes the development of knowledge about
the conditions, and their causes and potential
treatments. Due to the nature of these rare conditions,
multi-centre, international studies have nearly always
been necessary to move the clinical science forward,
and this is one of the primary drivers of the utility of
online registries.
Such registries are now widespread, and as is
common with maturing generations of technologies,
the focus of their development is now more often on
the quality of the data they contain. Key aspects to
ensuring high quality of data include understanding
the mechanisms that provide assurances about the
provenance and security of that data. A fundamental
feature therefore is the establishment of an effective
audit of the registry.
The ENSAT (European Network for the Study of
Adrenal Tumours) (ENSAT, 2019) registry is a
production repository of data and information about
adrenal cancer in Europe and requires just such tools
and methods for audit. The registry itself was
designed and released in 2009, has gone through three
version upgrades, and is currently operational with
over 400 clinical users, and over 16,000 unique
patient records (a very high number for a condition as
rare as adrenal cancer). The registry collects
phenotypic, genetic and biomaterial information,
with almost 100,000 distinct clinical annotations. It is
housed at the University of Melbourne in Australia, is
used for multiple full-phase clinical trials and studies,
and has global data interconnections, in particular to
Stell, A., Chauhan, V. and Sinnott, R.
Secure Audit in Support of an Adrenal Cancer Registry.
DOI: 10.5220/0009160402370248
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2020) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 237-248
ISBN: 978-989-758-398-8; ISSN: 2184-4305
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the American Asian Australasian Adrenal Alliance
(Else, 2019).
In this project, we propose a technique using
blockchain technology (Nakamoto, 2008) to ensure
the required aspects of audit meta-data in log files
generated by a clinical registry using both ASCII text
files (captured using the Apache log4j (Apache log4j,
2012) project) and the same log information stored in
a NoSQL database (MongoDB (MongoDB, 2019) ).
The rest of this paper is structured with a
discussion on the clinical and technical motivation,
related literature, the implementation of this solution
applied to the ENSAT adrenal cancer registry, an
evaluation of the solution security when applied to the
Microsoft STRIDE threat model (Potter, 2009), and a
final discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of
the solution.
Two considerations motivated this work: the
increasing need for close and accurate audit of digital
assets, especially in the clinical sphere, and the
emergence of “one-way” trust establishment
technologies such as blockchain.
2.1 Clinical Audit Requirements
In the clinical and healthcare industry, there are many
requirements to maintain compliance with
regulations and organizational policies. At a technical
(“low”) level, a successful audit requires the
comprehensive documentation of all transactions
within a process. In a clinical context, transactions
can be defined as a sequence of activities that have a
source and destination. Building upon this history of
transactions, an organisation/process should have a
complete audit log (or “trail”) detailing the start and
completion of every single transaction in
chronological order.
In common with the use-cases of audit generally,
there are four well-defined characteristics of a
successful audit: tamper-resistance, verifiability,
searchability and privacy (Waters, 2004). To make
these abstract concepts more concrete, consider the
following two examples of inconsistent data:
1) An administrative error, where a clinical
organization have modified a patient’s details,
only discovered in post-hoc analysis. This
incident could be handled more swiftly and
accurately if there was an easily-accessible audit
2) A clinician deliberately modifies a piece of
patient information without authorization, such
as the chemotherapy dosage of the patient. An
audit check of information only would not pick
up such an edit, but if a tamper-proof solution
was engaged, the inconsistency of provenance
would be highlighted, helping to identify
modifications after-the-fact.
In both of these examples tamper-resistance and
verifiability are clear requirements. Possibly less
obviously, searchability (the ability to find and
identify the issues) and privacy (the ability to protect
a patient’s details from outside/undue influence) are
also key to ensuring both issues are fixed correctly.
Applying these considerations to an online
disease registry, the question then becomes how
technology can be applied to establish these four
characteristics, ensuring that the information in
permanent (e.g. in a database or logfiles) or volatile
(e.g. rendered through business logic) memory are
transparent, consistent and secure (i.e. have not been
tampered with).
Blockchain technology (Nakamoto, 2008) is
known for its ability to provide tamper-resistance,
and therefore allows a metric of trust to be defined.
This would appear to be an appropriate solution to
establish the tamper-resistance and verifiability
requirements described above. Within blockchain, a
chain of blocks is created and if one of them has been
tampered with, then the chain is inconsistent, and the
details of these inconsistencies are readily available
as notifications of potential modifications. In this
project, we propose the use of MongoDB to provide
searchability and PKI-style authentication and
authorization methods to implement privacy.
2.2 Trust-establishment Technology
Developed to maturity in the late 00’s and given
public prominence by its use in cryptocurrencies such
as Bitcoin (Bitcoin, 2019), blockchain is a
decentralized distributed ledger which has a key
characteristic of immutability, allowing the integrity
of the entities within it to be asserted (or not).
Conceptually it is described as a chain of blocks, with
attributes made from the previous hash, the root hash,
a timestamp, a nonce (seeding “number once”), and
data. Each subsequent hash is derived from the root
hash through the hyper-repetitive process of
A technique that underlies the properties of
Blockchain are Merkle Trees tree data structures
where the child nodes produce a hash of each non-leaf
node. As idempotent information is retained
HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics
throughout the hash information within the nodes (i.e.
information about the tree root can be inferred from
isolated node information), Merkle Trees enable
scaling with reliable data integrity.
Transactions identified as critical to both
clinical audit processes and to the development of a
ledger technology are atomic events that are
authenticated, validated, and tracked. Security of
transactions is established using cryptographic
techniques and their integrity are determined using
consensus algorithms, which is the process of
decision-making by a network (one of the major
unique strengths of blockchain and the source of the
“mining” process). Examples of consensus
algorithms determining a transactions authenticity are
the use of Proof of Work or Proof of Stake
(101Blockchains, 2018).
Access to a blockchain determines its access
“type” (or visibility), which has ramifications for its
effectiveness. A public blockchain (with no access
restrictions) provides high integrity, but completely
open transparency to its content. A private blockchain
(with access control strictly enforced) conversely
provides high privacy only a small group of selected
individuals can view the content but low integrity
as verification is similarly restricted to that small
group of individuals. A combination of these two
access types (“consortium”) attempts to find a
reasonable compromise between the two.
Whilst blockchain still has underlying challenges,
such as a heavy reliance on one-way cryptographic
protocols, the similarity to the requirements and
structure of a typical audit, clinical or otherwise, is
apparent. With the emergence of this technology, the
opportunities for verifiability of transactions, the
immutability of records and transparency in the entire
audit process, are many.
Studying the related literature in this space broadly
falls into two categories: the history of trust-
establishment technologies leading to the
development of blockchain, and current solutions
providing secure audit.
3.1 Historically-relevant Technology
Traditionally, data protection in logs were maintained
by writing once and reading multiple times on an
optical drive (Bellare and Yee, 1997). In the early
days of the Internet, the (reasonable) assumption was
that a single computer was not likely to be
compromised. If an attack happened then the local log
data could be sent over the network to a remote
logging site. Replicating the log data over multiple
locations was the only solution if any site was
compromised, providing a disaster recovery strategy,
but poor privacy of potentially sensitive
organisational data.
(Schneier and Kelsey, 1999) made a significant
improvement to this problem by creating log files,
which were in an encrypted format. The proposal was
to share a secret authentication key from an untrusted
machine, with a trusted machine. To add another log
entry required computing an encryption key to create
encrypted log entries. These encrypted log entries
would make it difficult for the attacker to decrypt the
file without the correct key. However, under this
system, if the network contained an insecure machine,
then it could be compromised by an attacker by
creating new log entries without changing other
existing entries (i.e. an undetected insertion attack).
Snodgrass et al. (Snodgrass, Yao, and Collberg,
2004) focused on the integrity of audit logs, using
SHA1 signatures on database management systems.
Their system contained a separate audit log validator
which was set up to provide diagnostic information if
the system was compromised. This generated files
very similar to a ledger maintaining the overall state
of the system, a clear precursor to blockchain.
(Waters et al., 2004) proposed a system similar to
that created by Snodgrass et al, but used additional
hash functions to maintain the integrity of the
database system, and to aid in searching the encrypted
log. Two complementary techniques based on
symmetric and asymmetric key encryption were used,
allowing the shared secret challenge of symmetric
encryption to be solved. The practical advantage of
this approach is the ability to search encrypted data
results over many applications. However, the
technique results in a significant overhead of identity-
based encryption leading to performance limitations
(in common with many public-key cryptography
3.2 Current Solutions
The closest contemporary solution attempting to
achieve similar audit security as proposed here, is a
commercial application known as LogSentinel
(White Paper - SentinelTrails Documentation, 2019).
It provides a secure audit log service that is “simple
to integrate and guarantees the integrity of all your
audit data”. The system addresses the challenges of
being tamper-proof and searchable with a solution
that uses a hash chain mechanism (similar to, but
Secure Audit in Support of an Adrenal Cancer Registry
distinct from, blockchain) to audit log entries. As of
the current date of publication, the application runs as
an alpha (non-production) version on an Ethereum
blockchain. The most significant limitation of this
appears to be the confidentiality of the data, which is
open to all as it is implemented on a public
blockchain. This was a defining reason why this
solution was not chosen to implement an audit on the
ENSAT registry.
Whilst the technologies reviewed here provide
aspects of the functionality required, none are
comprehensive. There also exist other techniques
such as remote logging and replication, but these have
been deemed outside the current scope of this project.
Each of the approaches listed so far in this section
provide additional concepts to the notion of auditing
log files. In nearly all cases, the applications are
improving the security, but also have to compromise
in terms of performance or the confidentiality of data.
It has been identified, therefore, that a solution is
required to assure all four characteristics of secure
audit, mentioned previously: tamper-resistance,
verifiability, searchability and privacy.
4.1 Tamper-resistance
The primary nature of tamper-resistance is that there
should be a guarantee that only a specified user with
appropriate privileges can create and alter valid log
entries. If a system is compromised (e.g. a bad actor
gains root access to a machine) it is very difficult to
prevent modifications of a log, either through editing,
deletion or modifying the mechanism for future
outputs. Therefore, a mechanism for preventing such
modifications must be inherently resistant to even
high-privilege system access. An ideal extra function
would be the ability to "checkpoint" the log creator's
status periodically - either through copies of the
actual log data or through another function (e.g. a
signature) of it's log data to another owner, to ensure
credibility via a trusted third party.
4.2 Verifiability
There must be a mechanism to definitively verify the
integrity of a log, for a secure audit. Audit logs can
either be verified publicly - i.e. validated by anyone
with properly-authenticated public information, such
as a public key of the log systems server, or an
authenticated hash of all existing audit entries. Or,
they can be verified in a private manner, using a
trusted verifier, such as a designated party holding
one or more secrets, such as a message authentication
code (MAC) key.
4.3 Searchability
Given that the data in an audit log may be sensitive,
it can be encrypted or secured privately for authorized
parties. However, for secure - but functional - audit,
legitimate search access should be allowed to an
appropriate subset of all audit log entries (e.g., all
valid entries that match the "Smith" keyword).
Therefore, capability delegation is essential to allow
an investigator to search and view a narrow scope of
log entries. For instance, if Alice Smith wanted to
investigate all records related to her, the audit escrow
agent could give her the ability to search for all
records that match the "Smith" keyword, but not give
her anything more. The alternative is to provide
searchability for authorized peers to access the system
and data.
As an aside, with the development of the
European General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR) legislation in 2017, an interesting paradox
has developed in this regard: how to make
information immutable and resistant to modification,
whilst simultaneously maintaining the “right to be
forgotten” of data subjects (van Humbeeck, 2017).
Research into this issue will likely be the subject of
the next iterations of this work.
4.4 Privacy
A final consideration is the type of data contained in
an audit log-file. Generally, this is not considered
when discussing functional audits, but is critical to the
provision of a secure audit, as the content type
potentially relates to privacy/confidentiality of data,
especially in a clinical context. To provide this, each
application should provide access to data to
authorized users only and data should not be available
to outside entities.
Given the discussion above, the solution presented in
this paper has been designed to provide tamper-proof
and verifiable integrity of a set of log data (either in
file or database format), which is also searchable,
whilst maintaining appropriate levels of privacy.
HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics
The base technology for this solution is the use of
a private blockchain with a secure block and
transaction structure, and a “proof-of-work”
consensus algorithm. This private blockchain has
been called “ensatChain” and has been developed
keeping the four fundamental aspects of secure audit
in mind. The ENSAT registry environment is
described first, followed by the detail of ensatChain,
which covers three of the secure audit aspects:
tamper-resistance, verifiability and privacy. The
searchability aspect is described across two contexts:
the searchability of the ensatChain ledger, and the
searchability of the log information content itself (in
both Apache log4j and MongoDB NoSQL format).
Figure 1 outlines a schematic of the log information
output and its translation into a blockchain.
Figure 1: Hierarchical architecture of log information and
their translation into blocks, using both Apache log4j and
MongoDB formats.
5.1 Registry Environment
ENSAT (European Network for the Study of Adrenal
Tumours) is an online adrenal cancer registry
detailing associated phenotypic, genetic and bio-
sample information. Though pseudonymously de-
identified, it nevertheless holds sensitive information
about patients and clinical trials/studies. It is
implemented as an online web application, holding
data in a MySQL database, controlled through
business logic and user interfaces coded in Java and
JSP (Java Server Page).
The registry log information is generated through
outputs from the application to Apache log4j files,
which are parsed and input into a MongoDB
(NoSQL) database. Notifications about the status of
the registry, the log-files, and the disaster recovery
functions (nightly database dumps, zipped, encrypted
and archived off-site) are sent to a small group of
privileged administrators.
The web container itself is Apache Tomcat (v8)
running on Ubuntu OS (v16), on a dedicated virtual
machine, hosted at the University of Melbourne,
through the NeCTAR cloud infrastructure program
(National eResearch Collaboration Tools and
Resources). The log information is stored on a virtual
machine with similar underlying infrastructure, and
the MongoDB database primarily accessed through a
Robo3T viewer (Robomongo, 2019).
5.2 ensatChain
ensatChain is a Java-based blockchain application,
utilising an AMD Radeon RX 500 Series processor
for mining.
5.2.1 Blocks, Hashes and Cryptographic
Protocols (Tamper-resistance)
Each block (whether an “actual” block or “virtual”
discussed further in section 5.3) in the ensatChain has
its hash, data, time-stamp, nonce (number once), and
the hash of the previous block as outlined in figure 2.
This means that each block contains a hash of the
previous block as well as its own hash, which is
mathematically derived from that prior hash.
Figure 2: Chained block structure.
Therefore, if the last block’s data is modified then this
block’s hash will also vary from what is expected and
this will, in turn, affect all of the hashes of the
subsequent blocks. This calculation helps to decide
whether the block’s signature has been altered, and
therefore whether the ledger has been tampered with.
A strong cryptographic algorithm is desirable to
generate a reliable hash, so ensatChain utilizes the
SHA3-256 algorithm. SHA3 (Secure Hash Algorithm
3) practices sponge construction to make the
randomness generation flexible. Sponge construction
uses random permutation to “absorb” (or input) any
size of data and to “squeeze” (or output) any volume of
data whilst acting as a pseudo-random function with
regard to all previous inputs (Wikipedia, 2019d).
It is a more modern, and notably stronger protocol,
particularly when protecting against “length
Secure Audit in Support of an Adrenal Cancer Registry
extension” attacks (where the size of an encrypted
value is used for an attack), than previous successors
(e.g. SHA1 and SHA2), and in terms of performance,
can run at similar speeds with the same accuracy, to
SHA2-256 and SHA2-512, by cutting the “pre-image
resistance” (a known encrypted value) in half. For any
size of string input, SHA-3 generates a 256-bit output
size. This predictable size of output makes the
algorithm ideal for calculating the hash for the block
using the previous hash, time-stamp, data, and nonce.
5.2.2 Proof of Work (Verifiability)
Proof of Work (PoW) is a consensus algorithm that
supports the flat architecture of the network of nodes
that run ensatChain. Each node is equivalent to others
with no elected leaders and promotes direct
communication between nodes on the network.
“Mining” is the process by which proofs for block
addition to the blockchain are generated, with each
participant in the mining process called a “miner”.
PoW expects miners to add a block to the blockchain
by solving complicated mathematical puzzles. These
puzzles require massive computational power for
instance, hash functions or integer factorization, or
finding the output to other challenges without knowing
the input. The complexity of the puzzle is very difficult
to guess and usually depends on the maximum number
of users, minimum power and total load on the
network. A new block is created and added once a
miner solves the puzzle, and the transaction is
confirmed by the other network nodes.
Due to this high barrier of complexity, this
consensus process imbues trust and reliability to the
network by producing a portion of the information that
is hard to break by external malefactors. The difficulty
level of the PoW determines the overall chain’s level
of difficulty, and hence is a useful measure of strength
of resistance to external attack.
The reason that PoW was chosen for ensatChain (a
public blockchain feature applied to a private one) is to
maintain the decentralized nature of ensatChain (i.e. as
mentioned above, none of the nodes are “leaders”)
compared to consensus algorithms more typically
found in private blockchains, such as Proof of
Authority (PoA) (101Blockchains, 2018), which tend
towards a more centralised nature.
A major drawback of PoW is that it suffers from
slow throughput if the number of nodes is large and
there is a correspondingly high energy consumption for
the mining process. For future developments of
ensatChain, other approaches may be explored such as
Proof of Stake (PoS) or Practical Byzantine Fault
Tolerance (pBFT) (101Blockchains, 2018). Figure 3
(at the end of the paper) gives a pictorial summary of
the strengths, weaknesses, and other features of
different consensus algorithms (101Blockchains,
Finally, the actual individual validation process in
ensatChain is similar to most blockchain solutions.
ensatChain compares the hashes by checking through
all blocks in the chain. If a peer wants to verify that,
say block 101, has not been tampered with, then the
peer will compute the appropriate hash, check it with
the hash stored on block 101 on ensatChain and repeat
the same process for the previous block’s hash (also
stored in block 101). If all comparisons result in
Figure 3: Variants of consensus algorithms (101Blockchains, 2018).
HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics
equality, then the chain is valid and unbroken.
However, if the comparison is false, then the ledger
has been altered.
5.2.3 Structure and Access (Privacy)
ensatChain is a hybrid development using features
from both private blockchains (permissioned access
control) and public blockchains (a consensus
algorithm to establish integrity).
The private blockchain feature is the role-based
application access which controls the privileges
assigned to authorized individuals, providing limits
of privacy to the network and data. This is obviously
desirable in an environment such as ENSAT, where
confidential clinical information should be handled
with clear privacy bounds.
Additional benefits are that it is faster and cheaper
compared to public blockchains because of the lower
number of nodes on the network, which in turn
requires significantly less energy and resources to
reach a consensus.
5.2.4 Transaction Structure and
Implementation (Searchability)
A transaction in ensatChain is a collection of meta-
data log information. In common with most public-
key cryptographic systems, for signing and verifying
the transaction, each user must have a public and
(secret) private key. The public key acts as the
recipient's address while the private key signs the
transaction as a method of authentication. The public
key is utilized to verify that the signature in the
transaction is authentic, and that the information has
not been tampered with. ensatChain uses an ECDSA
elliptic curve algorithm (Wikipedia, 2019a) to
generate these key-pairs.
To facilitate the secure audit, every transaction
has the following structure:
• The sender’s address
• The receiver’s public key (as address)
• The log meta-data to be stored on the ledger
A reference to the previous transactions, i.e.
The sender’s private key signing the transaction
with an ECDSA signature
ensatChain uses MongoDB as a distributed database
for storage of the current state of the ledger (not to be
confused with the use of MongoDB to store the actual
log-file data content). This implementation provides
decentralization and transparency within the (private)
5.3 Performing the Log Audit
The ENSAT registry generates a vast amount of log
information reflecting the application-level usage and
user behaviour. It also makes connections to the lower
levels of infrastructure, such as web container,
database, and even in some cases, the underlying
operating system. This allows the log to form an audit
trail that can aid with diagnosing system or
application issues, disaster recovery, and to monitor
user behaviour. As described previously, there is a
large motivation to make this audit trail secure and to
develop a deep understanding of the activities within
a complex system.
Currently the ENSAT registry is set up to generate
and store log information in two ways: 1) ASCII text
files generated by the Apache log4j project, and 2) a
searchable MongoDB NoSQL database. The content
of each mirrors the other. It should be noted that the
reason for the two formats is due to production
migration of one format (Apache log4j) to the other
(MongoDB), which has been a necessary feature of
system maintenance, but has also provided an
opportunity to compare the efficacy of each format
against the other.
Conceptually, the log4j method lends itself to the
notion of a “chain of blocks” more naturally, as
distinct files are generated on a daily basis. Therefore,
the insertion of a hash into the already-delimited
blocks (the individual files) is somewhat intuitive.
In the MongoDB implementation a further step of
outlining what constitutes a block is required. In this
case the delimiter is the date, as this then matches the
natural delimiters of the log4j method. The storage
implementation for MongoDB is a collection of
documents, bound together using standard NoSQL
methods, and a natural side-effect of database storage
is the improvement in efficiency of scalability and
storage space.
5.3.1 Hash Generation
Vast amounts of data are contained in a single days
log information, therefore an efficient way of
generating and storing a hash is to convert it into a
segment of a hash chain, which provides a stripped-
down version of a blockchain, but with the same
properties of immutability (Wikipedia, 2019b). These
segments are then stored in ensatChain, rather than
the entirety of the day’s log information itself. This
hash is generated in the same way as the hash of a
block (see section 5.2.1) using the SHA3-256
cryptographic algorithm on the same set of data
outlined in section 5.2.4.
Secure Audit in Support of an Adrenal Cancer Registry
Once the hash of a day’s log file is generated, it is
added to the log file itself with an ECDSA digital
signature of the created owner. This creates a segment
of a hash chain and a full chain is created by
appending the corresponding log files to each
For the Apache Log4j project, these
considerations of generated hashes are represented
using standard ASCII text. In MongoDB the data
records are stored as binary representations of JSON
objects, known as BSON (JSON and BSON 2019).
Therefore, the hashes are generated, used to create
hash chains as above, but then are converted into
BSON format, and attached to the document
collection within the database.
5.4 Threat Models (STRIDE)
To perform a basic evaluation of the responsiveness
and resilience of this system, a threat model was used
to attempt to obtain definitive metrics of the security
of the overall system, as well as considering the four
characteristics identified. In general, a threat is a
potential or actual adverse situation that can be
accidental, such as a storage device failure, or
malicious such as a Denial of Service (DoS) attack.
Threat modelling improves security by clearly
defining vulnerabilities and describing
countermeasures to prevent or mitigate the impact of
threats to the system.
The central aim of threat modelling is to allow an
informed decision to be made about the commitment
of resources and effort in order to keep a system safe,
to whatever level of risk is deemed acceptable. This
variable changes as technology, and the associated
threat landscape, evolves. Therefore, threat modelling
can be considered an iterative process of determining
a security profile for every asset within an
Developed at Microsoft, the STRIDE threat
model (Potter, 2009) is used here to assist in that
process of understanding the vulnerabilities of the
ensatChain system with regard to the overall security,
but also with particular focus on the four
characteristics of a secure audit.
The component vulnerabilities of the STRIDE model
are defined as follows:
Identity Spoofing: this is the act of illicitly
accessing and using another entity’s authentication
information. For example, obtaining the username
and password of doctor to modify chemotherapy
dosage data.
Data Tampering: this is the unauthorized
alteration of information. For instance, the
modification of data by an unauthorized party,
whether in storage in a database, or in flow across a
Repudiation: this vulnerability occurs when
parties deny executing an action, and the alleging
other party does not have a piece of compelling
evidence otherwise. Non-repudiation is a technique to
counteract such repudiation threats. For instance, if a
doctor updates a patient’s medicine in the system,
with his signed digital credentials, then bad
consequences occur and the doctor attempts to
(falsely) repudiate the action, an administrator can
show the doctor’s timestamp digital signature as
evidence (i.e. non-repudiation).
Disclosure of Information: this is a
vulnerability where protected information is exposed
to unauthorized parties.
Denial of Service (DoS): this vulnerability is
where valid users are denied access to a service. For
instance, temporarily disabling access to a web
server, or a dedicated attack on a server to disrupt its
function availability to a large user base.
Privilege Elevation: this vulnerability is where
an unprivileged entity obtains access to a restricted
The overall system is evaluated against this specific
list of vulnerabilities, with the relevance to the four
characteristics of secure audit highlighted.
The evaluation relates to the four characteristics of
secure audit and to the overall security of the system
as evaluated through the STRIDE threat model. This
section outlines the conclusions reached about each.
6.1 Secure Audit Feature Evaluation
Evaluating the four characteristics of secure audit, the
following conclusions were drawn:
Privacy: ensatChain correctly hides protected
information from external parties and exclusively
provides data access to authorized users. The
mechanism for this is a password file combined with
identity key. However, complete public key-pair
access would be a more secure and hence desirable
Tamper-resistance: integrity is maintained in the log
information by comparing the hashes computed and
stored in ensatChain against those in the log4j files or
MongoDB document collections.
HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics
Searchability: this aspect depends on the storage
mechanism of the log information. In log4j the
searchability was very limited (string matching
within bulk text files). However, in either the ledger
chain or the MongoDB log storage, searchability is
facilitated through the document query tools, and is
much more flexible and powerful.
Verifiability: by sustaining the transaction history in
the ensatChain, all the entries are accessible to
authorized users, and can be validated individually
and retrospectively through the consensus algorithm
driven by all the network nodes.
6.2 STRIDE Threat Model
Evaluating the overall system security against the
STRIDE model, the following conclusions were
6.2.1 Spoofing
The ENSAT registry log information is stored on a
central server, with replicated backups on separate
servers and archived copies off-site. ensatChain is
implemented to operate at each server (on both log4j
and MongoDB formats), each being designated as a
“peer node”. Each peer node has the same view as the
others, every new transaction modifies the state of the
system overall and is replicated at each node using
MongoDB as the distributed blockchain database.
User authorization is maintained using a protected
password file, and associated identity key for all
authorized peers (users), though as mentioned in 6.1,
a full public key-pair mechanism would be
preferable. Only these peers will be able to access the
network. If these measures are breached, then a
further layer of protection is that the network must
still confirm any modifications by this breached node
as valid.
ensatChain currently does not provide any device
authorization. Any device would be able to connect to
the distributed ledger as long as they produce the
correct credentials. There is also currently an inability
to distinguish clearly between remote and local
commands issued over the peer network.
6.2.2 Tampering of Data
ensatChain introduces immutability through the
blockchain mechanisms described in section 5.
Immutability in this sense indicates that an entity can
still modify the records, but that these modifications
will be tracked and notified to the appropriate
administrative authorities. Related to this, is that the
validation process of ensatChain allows the integrity
of log information in the registry to be maintained.
To protect information over the network (c.f. at
rest in storage) secure channel protocols (TLS, SSH,
etc.) allow message integrity to be ensured. In this
context, the “message” is the transfer of log
information from the central ENSAT server to the
distributed nodes, and the publishing of block
contents to the rest of the ensatChain ledger. The
message packets are encrypted with the digital
signature of the owner and can only be decrypted by
authorized parties.
6.2.3 Repudiation
A transaction in ensatChain is digitally signed and
time-stamped to a particular date and time, with the
same signature applied to the content of the log files
(in both log4j and MongoDB formats). The use of the
time-stamp information in hash generation allows the
property of non-repudiation to be enforced. If a user
logs into the ensatChain network, their activities are
tracked, and all access to all information is also
tracked. If any deviation or discrepancy is noticed, an
alert to the administrator is issued.
6.2.4 Information Disclosure
ensatChain is a permissioned blockchain with strictly
enforced access control. Similar to that described in
section 6.2.1, the enforcement of this is through an
identity key and password file, which in turn enforces
privacy/confidentiality to authorized entities only.
These authentication barriers are implemented “in
depth” at many layers - for instance, even if an
attacker manages to access the entire the ensatChain
network, the binary data of the log files is encrypted,
and the secure channels used on network traffic
ensure privacy on those exchanged messages.
6.2.5 Denial of Service (DoS)
These attacks are amongst the most commonly
encountered on blockchain networks. The disruption of
service provision and the creation of an unresponsive
environment are the most significant effects of such an
attack (i.e. service availability).
As ensatChain is a distributed blockchain network,
it is similarly susceptible to such attacks. The
decentralised nature does mitigate somewhat against a
DoS attack, as remaining uncompromised nodes could
continue to operate whilst others are down, and no
central hub acts as a single point of failure. Similarly,
the use of a Proof of Work algorithm would mitigate
Secure Audit in Support of an Adrenal Cancer Registry
against a DoS attack as it requires an attacker to
exhaust a larger amount of resource than otherwise.
However, as ensatChain is a private blockchain, the
number of peers will be limited, and this would also
amplify the effects of a DoS attack.
6.2.6 Elevation of Privilege
Similar to “insider attacks”, this is one of the most
challenging vulnerabilities to protect against. A well-
secured application can be protected with multiple
internal security layers like virtual private networks,
firewalls, etc. and still an insider attack could penetrate
all these layers of defence. The authentication and
authorization mechanisms provided by ensatChain are
unlikely to be enough to withstand such an attack. The
only guaranteed defence in this case is the tamper-
resistance property of blockchain to track
modifications, though this would be unlikely to be a
sufficient full defence (as it can only act
Table 1 gives an overview of the threats evaluated
with this threat model.
Table 1: The STRIDE evaluation of ensatChain.
Type of threat
Spoofing Device authz No
User authz Yes
Tampering Data integrity Yes
Message integrity Yes
Repudiation Non-repudiation Yes
Message integrity Yes
Denial of
Yes (with
Authorization No
According to the table, “No” means the technique
is still susceptible to the threat, while “Yes” means a
technique can be used to counter or mitigate the
attack. The use of binary “Yes”/“No” responses gives
a broad sense of the security for simplicity, but within
those responses are further grades of subtlety (e.g.
there are mitigations against DoS attacks, but their
effectiveness depends on the scale of the attack).
The system described in this paper attempts to
provide the mechanism for a secure audit of an online
clinical registry. This chapter discusses the relative
strengths and weaknesses of the system developed to
date, both in terms of general security and design and
implementation choices.
7.1 Strengths
The main strength of this project is that the
implementation of ensatChain is believed to achieve
the four significant characteristics of a secure audit:
Tamper-resistance: with the integration of
ensatChain into the ENSAT registry, it is now
possible for administrators to be notified about
unauthorized modifications of the log information in
the system.
Privacy: with the use of private blockchain
features in ensatChain, such as authorized access
control, the benefits of other blockchain features such
as tamper-resistance are realised, whilst maintaining
the privacy of system and user information.
Searchability: the use of MongoDB to support
both the log information and the ensatChain ledger,
allows for searchable stored log and hash data.
Verifiability: the use of blockchain consensus
algorithms, allows the ensatChain transactions to be
verified by the network of users and nodes.
From a security perspective, the system strengths
include protection against immediate threats such as
user authorization, data integrity, message integrity,
confidentiality, non-repudiation, and availability.
In the context of performance, strengths include
the use of the AMD Radeon RX 500 series Graphical
Processing Unit (GPU), which has a better cost to
profitability ratio than the nearest alternative, which
is the Antminer S9 Hydro. Also the overall
performance (accuracy at set speed) is high, due to the
low number of nodes in the ensatChain network
(currently five), requiring a small amount of time to
process and mine. However, as the system scales,
block generation time would increase non-linearly
and this would become a weakness.
7.2 Weaknesses
The main weaknesses of this project include the use
of the Proof of Work (PoW) consensus algorithm
which is often inefficient and can consume a high
amount of energy and resources. The functionality of
the system is not currently hindered by this
HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics
inefficiency due to the low number of nodes in the
network. However, as mentioned in section 7.1, as the
system scales this will likely become an issue. The
solution in this case will be to use a faster and more
efficient consensus algorithm, such as Proof of Stake
(PoS) or Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (pBFT).
Related to this is the fact that PoW provides a
weaker difficulty level of hash generation, therefore
making the mining process less resilient to external
attack. Choosing a different consensus algorithm,
such as pBFT, would also have the effect of
increasing this difficulty level.
The ensatChain implementation overcomes most
threats as outlined in the STRIDE model. However,
threats like device authorization and elevation of
privilege are still potential vulnerabilities.
It is also vulnerable, as are most closed systems,
to internal or insider attacks, which are the most
dangerous yet difficult to protect against. The most
ensatChain can do to counter such a threat is to assert
authorization challenges using a “defence in depth”
modality, but these are mitigations, not complete
Similarly, there are a family of blockchain-
specific attacks (e.g. 51% attack (51% Attack, 2014),
or Sybil attacks (Wikipedia, 2019c)) which are
difficult to protect against. ensatChain suffers from
these vulnerabilities as well. Developing further
mitigations against these attacks either within
ensatChain or at a higher application level will be the
focus of future work.
This paper has presented a description of an
implemented technology that attempts to provide
secure audit of the meta-data generated by an adrenal
cancer registry, where “secure” is defined by the four
characteristics of tamper-resistance, verifiability,
searchability and privacy. The potential applications
of such audit security are many and are particularly
relevant to the clinical and health domains, where vast
amounts of sensitive and important data are stored
and transmitted on a daily basis.
The use of blockchain technology has allowed an
exploration of the benefits of public features (e.g. a
Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm) versus private
features (e.g. permissioned access control) to attempt
to gain the benefits of both. Additionally, the
application was implemented on both log files
generated as ASCII text, and those stored in a NoSQL
The overall system was tested against the
Microsoft STRIDE threat model and was found to
perform well on many of the aspects of security and
secure audit previously discussed but still had overall
security weaknesses when addressing device
authorization or privilege elevation vulnerabilities.
The implementation is now operating in
production on the ENSAT adrenal cancer registry and
with some improvements, will be applied to other
clinical registries developed by the Melbourne
eResearch Group (MeG) in the near future.
The work leading to this solution has received
funding from the European Union Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant
agreement n° 259735 and from the European Science
Foundation (ESF).
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