Table 4: Comparison result of the proposed method on Flavia dataset with the state-of-the-art other methods.
Method Accuracy (%)
Thi-Lan Le,2014 (Nguyen et al., 2017) 97.5
Wu et al., 2007 (Wu et al., 2007) 90.3
Kadir, 2014 (Kadir, 2014)
Pierre Barr, 2017 (Barr
e et al., 2017) 97.9
Serestina Viriri, 2016 (Kala et al., 2016b) 95.0
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ferent plant species identification. Furthermore, this
work can also be extended to achieve favorable results
by utilizing deep convolutional neural networks in or-
der to evaluate their ability to identify plant species at
a large-scale.
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by the Centre for Computer Vision Research (C
and Swarm Robotics Lab-NCRA, University of Engi-
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Plant Species Identification using Discriminant Bag of Words (DBoW)