ture, as shown in Fig.7, for the purpose of pointing
out the contribution of inverse exponential map layer.
With reference to this architecture, the performance
of our proposed method improves with 4.84% using
cross-subject protocol and with 8.71% using cross-
view protocol.
Table.2 shows also that our non-Euclidean CNN-
LSTM based model achieves competitive result to the
state of the art (Shahroudy et al., 2016) in terms of
cross-subject accuracy. In fact, our model reaches
61.45% accuracy versus 62.93% in (Shahroudy et al.,
2016). For cross-view accuracy, our method outper-
forms the state of the art with 0.76% increase.
In this paper, we have proposed, for action recogni-
tion, to map skeleton sequences from the Riemannian
manifold to linear spaces, previous to feature extrac-
tion and learning layers. We proposed a first non-
Euclidean architecture based on CNNs to extract a
compact representation of each skeletons frame.We
then propose a second non-Euclidean temporally-
aware architecture based on CNN-LSTM networks.
We have tested the proposed approaches using two
datasets, namely Parkinson’s Vision-Based Pose Es-
timation dataset and NTU RGB+D dataset. Exper-
imental results have shown the effectiveness of the
proposed architectures compared to state of the art
models. However, for future work, we are working
1) on integrating our method with state of the art ar-
chitectures to consolidate its performance and 2) on
improving the geometry awareness of deep learning
architecture for action recognition by modifying the
inner operations of the CNN network.
This work has been jointly supported by Talan In-
novation Factory, Talan Tunisia, Talan Group. Talan
is a French digital transformation Consulting Group,
based in Paris, with offices in London, Geneva,
Madrid, Luxembourg, New York, Chicago, Montreal,
Toronto,Tunis, Rabat and Singapore. Talan Innova-
tion Factory provides expertise relative to disruptive
technologies such as Blockchain, Artificial Intelli-
gence, Data Science and Internet of Things. In the
frame of an academic-industry collaboration, Talan
has been persistently contributing to this work by pro-
viding Hardware resources (Deep learning platform),
mentoring and financial support.
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