Adopting the Mediterranean Diet Score in a Diet Management System
Luca Anselma, Mirko Di Lascio, Antonio Lieto and Alessandro Mazzei
Dipartimento di Informatica, Universit
a di Torino, Corso Svizzera 185, Torino, Italy
Diet Management, Mediterranean Diet, Artificial Intelligence, Constraints, Ontology.
In this work we want to study the possibility to integrate a Mediterranean Diet Score into an existing diet
management architecture. The main goal is to integrate the quantitative constraints on macronutrients with the
qualitative constraints encoded in the Mediterranean Diet. This paper presents some preliminary results on
this roadmap.
Diet formalization can be understood by humans as
the fulfillment of some numeric constraints on quan-
tity and time for food consumption. However, for psy-
chological and cognitive reasons, it can be very diffi-
cult for a user to understand the numeric constraints
regarding micro and macro nutrients. For this specific
task, computers can help people both in (1) comput-
ing the values of the macronutrients in the meal ac-
tually eaten, and (2) reminding the best choices for
next meals (Anselma and Mazzei, 2015). However,
it remains open the problem of explanation, that is,
in order to guide an user to improve its dietetic be-
haviour, the computer needs to explain in details of
the diet transgression (Anselma and Mazzei, 2017).
In contrast to numeric constraints, Mediterranean
diet is an example that, at a high level, can be formal-
ized as a set of qualitative constraints on food (Pana-
giotakos et al., 2007; Panagiotakos et al., 2006). In
particular, by assuming a standard quantity for a sin-
gle portion of an ingredient in a recipe (Societ
a Ital-
iana di Nutrizione Umana (SINU), 2014), we can ex-
plain the diet using simple sentences in natural lan-
guage, for instance Use daily olive oil in cooking. In
this way, also diet transgressions and their possible
compensation can be communicated to the user in a
more transparent and efficient way, e.g. You shouldn’t
eat again red meat now because this week you have
eaten it twice. However, it is not trivial to “integrate”
high-level rules of the Mediterranean diet with the
food actually eaten for various reasons. For exam-
ple, if a user eats “caponata”, it is not trivial to in-
fer that (i) the dish contains eggplants, (ii) eggplants
are vegetables (thus the dish contributes to the con-
straint Eat more than 18 servings of vegetables each
month, see Table 1), (iii) it is cooked using olive oil
(thus, it contributes also to the constraint Use daily
olive oil in cooking). Notice that using the recipe of
caponata could be not enough. For example, point
(ii) is a piece of information not usually available in a
recipe (Mazzei, 2014).
In this paper we describe the first steps towards
the integration of Mediterranean diet into an exit-
ing framework for the management of the diet called
MADiMan (Multimedia Architecture for Diet Man-
agement) (Anselma et al., 2018). In previous work,
some questions concerning the general architecture of
the MADiMan system (Mazzei et al., 2015; Anselma
and Mazzei, 2015), concerning the capacities of the
reasoning module with a number of computer simu-
lations with virtual agents based on hospital menus
(Anselma et al., 2017) and on Mediterranean menus
(Anselma et al., 2018) and concerning the Natural
Language Generation module (Anselma and Mazzei,
2018) have been addressed.
To the best of our knowledge there is no other
proposal for the automatic computation of a Mediter-
ranean score. However, some researchers proposed
some forms of perfect diet and implemented systems
for their computation. Some authors applied Opera-
tional Research techniques for the planning of a per-
fect diet (see the survey in (Lancaster, 1992) or, more
recently, (Bas, 2014)). Operational Research tech-
niques (often based on the simplex method) plan an
entire diet and they do not support the user in choos-
ing a meal. In (Buisson, 2008) a user can assess the
compatibility of a single meal to a norm and the sys-
tem suggests some actions for balancing the user’s
meal. A different approach was proposed in (Mai-
Anselma, L., Di Lascio, M., Lieto, A. and Mazzei, A.
Adopting the Mediterranean Diet Score in a Diet Management System.
DOI: 10.5220/0009162506700676
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2020) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 670-676
ISBN: 978-989-758-398-8; ISSN: 2184-4305
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
DB Recipes
DB Users
[2270·4, 2270·4]
Sun Mon Tues Weds
Fri Sat
reference values
Reasoner service
LARN portions
Figure 1: The current MADiMan architecture (on the left) and a detail of the reasoner module (on the right). Note that the
reasoning is based on STP numeric constraints for macronutrients, on ontological constraints for Mediterranean References
Values (MRVs), and on standard LARN portions definition.
mone et al., 2018), where “a motivational platform for
supporting the monitoring of users’ behaviors and for
persuading them to follow healthy lifestyles” it has
been presented. In (Maimone et al., 2018), the au-
thors provide a case study based on diet and physical
activity that implements an ontological reasoner.
The specific research questions that we want to in-
vestigate on in this paper are (1) the use of ontologies
for formalizing the Mediterranean score as defined in
(Panagiotakos et al., 2007; Panagiotakos et al., 2006)
(see Section 3), (2) the design of a procedure, based
on ontological formalization, for the computation of
this Mediterranean score on some human-produced
data (see Section 4).
MADiMan (Multimedia Application for Diet Man-
agement) is an ongoing project
with the aim of build-
ing a virtual assistant that is able to: recover the nu-
tritional information directly from a specific recipe,
reason over recipes and diets with flexibility, i.e. by
allowing some forms of diet disobedience, and per-
suade the user to minimize such acts of disobedience
(Anselma et al., 2017).
The MADiMan architecture is composed by var-
ious modules (Fig. 1): a mobile app called CheckY-
ourMeal!, a numerical reasoner that decides the com-
patibility of a specific dish in some point of the diet
(Anselma et al., 2017), an information extraction
module used to compute the nutrient values of a spe-
cific recipe, a Natural Language Generation service
that converts the results of the computation to a tex-
tual form (Anselma and Mazzei, 2017).
In Fig. 1 we depict the architecture of the system
implementing the MADiMan virtual dietitian. The in-
formation flow is: (1) A user, by using the CheckY-
ourMeal! app, recovers the specific recipe of a dish
which she wants to eat. (2) The app, communicating
with the DietManager service, retrieves the user diet
together with the list of the food that the user has eaten
in the last days. (3) The NLU/IE module computes the
salient nutrition information about the specific meal.
(4) The Reasoner, using the user diet and the list of
the food that she has been eaten in the last days, pro-
duces the final recommendation about the dish for the
user. (5) The NLGenerator uses the recommendation
given by the Reasoner, produces an explanation for
the user in simple natural language. (6) The DietMan-
ager sends the result produced by the NLGenerator to
the app: the user will see this final result on her smart-
phone. If the user decides to eat the dish, the app will
send this information to the DietManager that will up-
date the list of food eaten.
A crucial point in the proposal of new methods
for helping people with computer is their evaluation.
With this aim, some different paradigms have been
used for evaluating MADiMan.
At first, a simulation was performed by using vir-
tual agents, modeling different kinds of users, and real
data regarding hospital menus, for evaluating the nu-
Adopting the Mediterranean Diet Score in a Diet Management System
meric reasoning module of MADiMan. In particular,
it has been proved that MADiMan overcomes a rea-
sonable baseline (Anselma et al., 2017). Then, the
same experiment has been replicated by using menus
from the Gedeone database, that is a collection of 500
Mediterranean recipes annotated with their macronu-
trient contents (Anselma et al., 2018).
More recently, it has been developed the Check-
YourMeal! app in order to evaluate the performance
and the usability of the whole architecture with hu-
man evaluation into a realistic context. This app has
been used in a first human-evaluation experiment to
test the appealing of the automatically generated text
messages (Anselma and Mazzei, 2018). The authors
asked the testers to play a diet game for a simulated
period of two weeks, spending at least 15 minutes
of their time. A tester had to imagine to eat for
two weeks in a restaurant: for each slot of the week
(breakfast, lunch, supper from Monday to Sunday)
she had to choose only among the menus proposed in
the app. In the simulation, the menus were randomly
generated by considering the recipes of the Gedeone
database (Anselma et al., 2018). During the game,
the behaviour of the tester has been logged and at
the end of the week a diet score has been automati-
cally computed. This score measured the proximity
on macronutrients to their ideal values. The logs of
the interaction of the tester with MADiMAn contain
information on which menus – and thus which dishes
of the Gedeone recipe book have been actually eaten
by the user during the week
(Anselma and Mazzei,
In this paper, we will use the information con-
tained in the logs of the experiment described in
(Anselma and Mazzei, 2018) as input data for com-
puting the adherence of a tester to the Mediterranean
diet. Indeed, the Mediterranean diet is often described
as a number of prescriptions over one week.
In Section 3 we formalize the Mediterranean score
by using ontological models and in Section 4 we use
data from (Anselma and Mazzei, 2018) in order to
validate the formalization.
The Mediterranean diet has been largely investigated
in the medical and cultural heritage literature since
it has a proven relation with longevity and a healthy
Moreover, at the end of the experiment, the testers had
to compile a feedback web form.
life (Keys and Keys, 1975; Sofi et al., 2008; Estruch
et al., 2013; Moro, 2016). In particular, the Mediter-
ranean diet is an overall dietary pattern that has long
been associated with lower incidence of cardiovascu-
lar disease and cancer (Keys et al., 1986). This diet
is an example of a lifestyle guide that can be formal-
ized as a set of qualitative constraints about various
categories of foods and their frequency of consump-
tion. Its formalization and application in a diet man-
agement system is particularly interesting since it can
be viewed as a different source of information with
respect to the standard account of calories among the
various (macro and micro) nutrients. Moreover, as
stated in (Panagiotakos et al., 2006): “It has been sug-
gested that overall dietary patterns and not single nu-
trients should be studied, since food items might have
a synergistic and antagonistic effect on health.”.
In (Panagiotakos et al., 2006; Panagiotakos et al.,
2007) the authors proposed a number of Mediter-
ranean food intake reference values (MRVs) for com-
puting a a monthly Mediterranean diet score (MED).
In Table 1 we adapt the MRVs reported in (Panagio-
takos et al., 2006) after changing the frequency of
consumption from month to week (e.g. a frequency of
5-8 servings/month becomes 1-2 servings/week). In
the table there are eleven food categories and for each
category a score in the range 0-5 is given by consid-
ering the number of servings with respect to the MRV
(so the MED score is an integer between 0 and 55).
Most categories i.e. those that include foods close
to the Mediterranean dietary pattern – have a more is
better score: for instance the Fruits category gives 5
points if the user assumes more than 4.5 portions in
a week. In contrast, red meat, poultry, full fat dairy
products that are discouraged in the Mediterranean
diet have a less is better score: for instance the red
meat category gives 5 points if the user does not eat
any red meat at all during the week. An peculiar case
is the consumption of alcoholic beverages, where a
non-monotonic function has been adopted: the low-
est score is given both when more than 700 ml/day
or 0 ml/day is consumed (the motivation is that in the
Mediterranean diet a moderate consumption of alco-
holic beverages is recommended).
In order to compute the MED score, it is necessary
to map the specific ingredients of a specific recipe into
the categories of Table 1. In particular, for the exper-
iments described in Section 2, we need to map the
ingredients used for the Gedeone recipes. We decided
to employ an ontology for this specific task and cast
this problem as a typical ontological problem of in-
stance checking. By starting from an existing ontol-
ogy called PerkApp
(Bailoni et al., 2016; Dragoni
HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 2: An Extended Branch of the PerkApp ontology showing the connection between Food types and LARN portions.
et al., 2017; Maimone et al., 2018; Donadello et al.,
2019), we defined a number of subclasses needed to
encode the Gedeone ingredients as instances of the
ontology. The PerkApp ontology is built around the
basic concepts of Food (e.g. Pasta alla Carbonara),
Nutrient (e.g. Carbs, Protein, Lipids, Vitamin, Min-
eral), Timespan and Meal (e.g., Lunch, Afternoon).
All these classes, and a number of derived subclasses,
are necessary to encode the elements of a (healthy)
We have extended the PerkApp ontology by in-
cluding a class LarnPortion encoding a conversion
table defined in (Societ
a Italiana di Nutrizione Umana
(SINU), 2014) that maps, for each Food type avail-
able in the ontology, the corresponding quantity in
standard servings assumed in the Mediterranean Diet
(more detailed information about the LARN are avail-
able in the next section). Fig. 2 presents a branch
of the extended ontology connecting Food types and
LARNPortion. Such expansion allowed us to model,
for example, the standard Mediterranean Diet portion
for the Food type Fish by explicitly including the ax-
iom that any instance x Fish has a corresponding
FishPortion (a reified instance of the class LARN
Such reified instance is then additionally linked,
via the datatype property hasLARNvalue, to a cor-
responding integer representing the effective LARN
value, in grams, for all the instances of the Fish cate-
gory (that is 150 grams in such case). The same mod-
elling procedure has been followed for each Food type
available in the ontology. Such ontological extension,
as a first consequence, directly helped us to deal with
point (ii) described in the introduction (e.g., eggplants
are vegetables) concerning the completion, with taxo-
nomical information, about single instances of Food.
In addition, such encoding allowed us to query the ex-
tended ontology in order to ask, for each instance of
food acquired from the log coming from the CheckY-
ourMeal! app, the associated portions assumed in the
Mediterranean Diet, as indicated in the LARN guide-
lines (Societ
a Italiana di Nutrizione Umana (SINU),
2014). Note that the mapping between the instances
of food available in the log and the instances in the
ontology is currently obtained with a simple string-
matching procedure. An example of SPARQL query
extracting the corresponding Food category for an in-
stance labelled as Swordfish, and additionally asking
for the associated LARN portion is the following:
SELECT DISTINCT ?food ?type ?portion
?food a ?type .
?type rdfs:subClassOf* ?x .
?food rdfs:label "Swordfish" @en.
?food pka:hasLARNportion ?p .
?p pka:hasLARNvalue ?portion .
We have additionally started the population of the
ontology with instances of Food belonging to the
Gedeone ingredients that were not originally avail-
able in the PerkApp ontology. The current version
of the ontology contains 150 out of 700 instances of
the Gedeone ingredients.
The process used for the computation of the MED
score starting from the simulation log produced in
the experiment with CheckYourMeal! (Anselma and
Mazzei, 2018) (see Section 2) can be understood as
composed by four basic steps. Assuming to have
the list and quantity of the food eaten during a week
thanks to the respective recipes, we have to:
1. Convert the quantity of ingredients into grams,
2. Convert the quantity of ingredients in grams into
standard servings defined in (Societ
a Italiana di
Nutrizione Umana (SINU), 2014),
3. Convert the ingredients into the corresponding
MED category defined in (Panagiotakos et al.,
2006) by using the food ontology described in
Section 3,
Adopting the Mediterranean Diet Score in a Diet Management System
Table 1: The Mediterranean food intake reference values (MRVs) which are used to compute the MED diet score (adapted
from (Panagiotakos et al., 2007; Panagiotakos et al., 2006)).
Frequency of consumption
How often do you consume (servings/week) Never 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4.5 >4.5
Non-refined cereals (whole grain bread, pasta, rice, etc.) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Potatoes 0 1 2 3 4 5
Fruits 0 1 2 3 4 5
Vegetables 0 1 2 3 4 5
Legumes 0 1 2 3 4 5
Fish 0 1 2 3 4 5
Red meat and products 5 4 3 2 1 0
Poultry 5 4 3 2 1 0
Full fat dairy products (cheese, yogurt, and milk) 5 4 3 2 1 0
Use of olive oil in cooking (times/week)
Never Rare 0-1 1-3 3-5 Daily
0 1 2 3 4 5
Alcoholic beverages (ml/day, 100 ml=12 g ethanol)
<300 300 400 500 600 >700 or 0
5 4 3 2 1 0
Table 2: The weekly MED scores computed for three dis-
tinct users participating to the CheckYourMeal! experi-
ment. The maximum score is 55.
User 1 User 2 User 3
Non-refined cereals 5 5 5
Potatoes 2 2 2
Fruits 3 5 4
Vegetables 5 5 5
Legumes 3 1 2
Fish 2 2 3
Red meat and products 4 5 4
Poultry 5 5 5
Full fat dairy products 1 1 3
Use of olive oil 5 5 5
Alcoholic beverages 5 5 5
MED score
40 41 43
(73%) (75%) (78%)
4. Sum and normalize the score of the categories
over the week by using the scoring of Table 1.
There are two challenging issues arising from step
(1) of this process, that are: (i) in order to normalize
all quantities in grams, we have to know the specific
weight of each liquid mentioned in the recipe, and (ii)
often some quantities occur under vague expressions
(“a glass of water”, “a handful of almonds”, etc.).
These problems can be solved assuming standard
quantities for the various expressions (e.g. a glass
of water contains approximately 200 milliliters and
weighs approximately 200 grams) since conversions
between expressions and volumes are quite standard-
A key point of step (2) regards the encoding of
See volume
cooking.htm for a possible reference.
standard quantities for servings. We decided to use
the standard quantities suggested by SINU (Societ
Italiana di Nutrizione Umana Italian Society for Hu-
man Nutrition) (Societ
a Italiana di Nutrizione Umana
(SINU), 2014). SINU publishes the “LARN” (Liv-
elli di Assunzione di Riferimento di Nutrienti ed en-
ergia per la popolazione italiana Nutrient Refer-
ence Intake and Energy Levels for the Italian Popula-
tion) (Societ
a Italiana di Nutrizione Umana (SINU),
2014), which are the standard reference for the nu-
trition of Italian people (analogous documents exist
for other countries); in particular in LARN it is possi-
ble to find a quantitative standard for defining a serv-
ing amount. For example, a serving of dried legumes
is defined as 50 grams, corresponding to 3-4 table-
spoons, and a serving of fresh legumes is defined as
150 grams, corresponding to half a plate. Note that
the food categories described in LARN (Societ
a Ital-
iana di Nutrizione Umana (SINU), 2014) are distinct
from the MED categories described in Table 1. Thus,
we need to enrich the ontological model, as described
in Section 3, with a number of subclasses connecting
the two knowledge sources. For instance, we need to
implement the concept of dried legume, which was
not originally present in the PerkApp ontology.
In order to give an example of computation of the
MED score, let us suppose that we found from the
log that during the week the user ate 3 cups of whole
grain rice. In step (1), knowing that a cup of whole
grain rice is equivalent to 190 grams, this quantity is
converted into 570 grams of whole-grain rice. In step
(2), we find from LARN that a serving of whole grain
rice is 80 grams, so that the user ate 7 servings of
whole grain rice. In step (3), using ontological rea-
soning (i.e., SPARQL queries) we find that 7 servings
HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 3: Amounts of macronutrients in kcal for the food
ingested by the three users participating to the CheckY-
ourMeal! experiment.
User 1 User 2 User 3
Carbohydrates taken 9993 6810 15128
Proteins taken 1819 1200 1937
Lipids taken 4906 3845 7078
Total energy taken 16718 11855 24143
of whole grain rice correspond to 7 servings of non-
refined cereals. Finally, in step (4), from Table 1 we
find that this quantity contributes to the weekly MED
score with 5 points.
In Table 2 we report the MED scores for three dis-
tinct users participating to the CheckYourMeal! ex-
periment. The three users have assumed consider-
ably different amounts of food and of macronutrients,
as shown by Table 3, where User 3 has consumed a
high amount of food during the week (in average 3442
kcal/day), User 2 a low amount (1694 kcal/day) and
User 1 an intermediate value (2388 kcal/day). The
MED scores for the three users are similar (Table 2).
One can notice that the use of a Mediterranean recipe
book has resulted in a high MED score for all three
users. In particular, there are high scores for the con-
sumption of non-refined cereals, olive oil and vegeta-
bles for all the users, and a moderate score for the
consumption of potatoes. This example confirms the
intuition that quantitative constraints arising from di-
etary reference values on macronutrients and qualita-
tive constraints arising from the principles of Mediter-
ranean diet are two different notions that needed to be
treated with different mechanisms.
In this paper we have described a first proposal for the
ontological formalization of the Mediterranean score
MED as proposed in (Panagiotakos et al., 2007; Pana-
giotakos et al., 2006) as an extension of the food on-
tology PerkApp (Maimone et al., 2018). Moreover,
we have discussed how to effectively implement the
computation of MED in the framework of MADiMan,
a system for diet management. By using data from the
CheckYourMeal! experiment, we have computed in
MADiMan the MED score for three distinct users and
so we have empirically showed that macronutrients
and MED score are independent measures for rating
the quality of meals for a healthy diet, and as a conse-
quence it necessary to compute both independently.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work
that formalizes the MED score in terms of ontolog-
ical constraints and proposes an effective procedure
for computing it.
In future work we intend to use the computation
of the MED score to augment the answers returned
by MADiMan with an explanation about the compat-
ibility of a specific dish with the Mediterranean diet.
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