This paper proposes a novel 3D location estimation
pipeline for spheres. It consists of two steps: (i) the
ellipse is estimated first, (ii) then the spatial location
is computed from the ellipse parameters, if the ra-
dius of the sphere is given and the cameras are cal-
ibrated. Our ellipse detector is accurate as it is vali-
dated by the test. The main benefit of our approach is
that it is fully automatic as all parameters, including
the RANSAC (Fischler and Bolles, 1981) threshold
for circle fitting, can adaptively be set in the imple-
mentation. To the best of our knowledge, our second
method, i.e. the estimator for surface location, is a
real novelty in 3D vision. The main application area
of our pipeline is to calibrate digital cameras to Li-
DAR devices and depth sensors.
T. T
oth and Z. Pusztai were supported by the project
EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00001: Talent Man-
agement in Autonomous Vehicle Control Technolo-
gies, by the Hungarian Government and co-financed
by the European Social Fund. L. Hajder was sup-
ported by the project no. ED 18-1-2019-0030: Ap-
plication domain specific highly reliable IT solutions
subprogramme. It has been implemented with the
support provided from the National Research, Devel-
opment and Innovation Fund of Hungary, financed
under the Thematic Excellence Programme funding
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Automatic Estimation of Sphere Centers from Images of Calibrated Cameras