Table 3: Background Subtraction.
First Video Second Video
SSD 93.8%/66.7% 72.6%/98.4%
Faster R-CNN 99.3%/88.4% 5.5%/0.8%
250 frames trained from first video with background subtracted
from both - values represent Precision/Recall.
tle human intervention as possible. Here we illus-
trate Faster R-CNN and SSD (R-FCN behaved sim-
ilarly to Faster R-CNN) in Table 3. We can see that
in the case of SSD, background subtraction improved
transferability considerably at the cost of precision.
With additional data manipulation we can likely cre-
ate a model, which will be more robust towards light-
ing and color. Faster R-CNN on the other hand pro-
vided no noticable performance uplift and as a result
still needs training from the other video. When com-
paring our two background subtraction methods, tem-
poral and static image, both provided similar results.
Our first video has an accidental camera shift, and the
temporal method mitigated this issue after the frames
in mind going out of history.
Figure 5: Example of false negatives.
When analysing all of our results, specifically
false negatives (Figure 5), we came to a conclusion
that the CNN performance is starting to outperform
humans in certain cases. We took a closer look at
cells which caused a Precision downgrade and when
looking at multiple frames in a sequence, we noticed
that manual annotations for our dataset were missing
certain cells. After visualisation, this enabled us to
improve our dataset, further improving the results of
our trained CNNs.
As last verification, we performed 5-fold cross
validation on our test case of 250 images from first
video and 50 images from second video. The vari-
ance of Faster R-CNN precision was 99 % ± 1 % and
Recall 94 % ± 4 % with SSD and R-FCN giving very
similar results, with variance being within 1% of val-
ues from Faster R-CNN.
The presented results highlight the importance of pre-
processing and data acquiry for the performance of
CNNs. Their performance out of the box is already
very good, but with certain additions and alterations
they perform well enough to even challenge manual
human processing.
The detection step after careful evaluation is ro-
bust enough for us to use for data gathering. The next
step for evaluating this work is to use the output as
the input of a tracking algorithm to determine whether
the minor localisation issues are a problem for piecing
together tracks of cells. After evaluating the whole
pipeline, we will not only have concrete data for val-
idating simulation experiments, but we will also be
potentially able to improve detection further through
additional metrics.
This work was supported by the Slovak Research
and Development Agency (contract number APVV-
15-0751) and by the Ministry of Education, Science,
Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (contract
number VEGA 1/0643/17).
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BIOINFORMATICS 2020 - 11th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms