Table 1: Goodness of fit - parametric models.
Binomial Multinomial model
Group 1 0.141 0.163
Group 2 0.121 0.134
Group 3 0.101 0.987
Group 4 0.098 0.081
Table 2: Probabilities of error binomial model.
flat task upstairs task
Group 1 0.101 0.143
Group 2 0.087 0.076
Group 3 0.075 0.081
Group 4 0.072 0.061
Table 3: Probabilities of error multinomial model.
flat task upstairs task
Group 1 0.121 0.152
Group 2 0.101 0.92
Group 3 0.082 0.115
Group 4 0.088 0.072
Table 4: Probabilities of error histogram model.
flat task upstairs task
Group 1 0.132 0.141
Group 2 0.085 0.094
Group 3 0.099 0.101
Group 4 0.102 0.098
number of respondents being equal to 6524.
In Table 1 we illustrate the goodness-of-fit for two
parametric models and all age groups. As it can be
seen the parametric models seem to perform better
for older patients. In Tables 2 - 4 we illustrate the
overall probabilities of errors for all of the proposed
models. The performance of the proposed models in-
creases with the age of respondents and as expected
this improvementis best for the age dependent model.
In this paper we proposed several models that can be
used to predict pain outcomes using health indicators
and demonstrated their performance using a real data
set obtained from the national health survey. From the
academic standpoint the proposed models can provide
additional insight into intricate multidimensional de-
pendencies between pain and health indicators. From
the clinical standpoint it could enable practicians to
attempt to manage pain effectively by focusing on the
parameters of interest. Therefore, further studies are
advised on multidimensional levels of pain and its ef-
fects on physical functioning in patients with param-
eters that could have effects not only on pain severity
degree but disability degree as well. Furthermore, ad-
equate detection of potential patients with this model
will effect decision making policies for diagnosis and
treatment of both components of disability (pain and
physical functioning). An effort should be placed on
defining similarity measures that would enable us to
create homogeneous groups of patients and then eval-
uate our ability to predict the pain within those ho-
mogenous groups. To this purpose we also plan to
develop fully multinomial models including both ex-
planatory and outcome variables. Since perception of
pain is rather subjective, this model would enable us
to identify parameters of interest and thus design sur-
veys that will be focused on particular groups of pa-
tients. Ultimately we expect that it would create mod-
els that would enable us to study personal biases and
potentially remove them from outcomes thus enabling
health care system to deliver optimized pain manage-
ment to the general population.
In addition we plan to compare our results to the
performance of machine learning techniques such as
support vector machines (SVM) and random forrest
(RF). Since the accuracy of these techniques depend
on availability of large data sets we expect to be able
to obtain a good benchmark. Furthermore, since the
number of respondents is large we expect to be able to
define a deep learning model by by using more than
half of the data for the neural network training. We
plan to compare the performance as a function of the
training set size.
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