All in all, as expected we found that using car sig-
nals on vehicle-shaped mobile robots is a good idea
and a design recommendation for the robotics com-
munity. What we did not expect was that the less vis-
ible bottom lights were at least as important for sig-
naling as the top LED rings, which we expected to
be more informative. We also noticed a tendency of
people passing by an oncoming robot from the right
side, as in vehicular traffic. We might have expected
this to be more significant, which it was not, because
many participants chose to go on the left side of the
robot too. As future work it might be interesting to
compare this effect with populations where the driv-
ing is on the left-hand-side of streets. We will also
consider redesigning our robots lights and enforcing
the ones near the bottom of the robot, according to our
findings. Finally, based on the conclusions from this
controlled study on the most efficient ways to signal
turning intent, we plan to drive the robot on the uni-
versity hallways and collect data in this uncontrolled
environment and analyze how people flow around it
depending on turn signaling.
This work was supported by the project Health-CAT,
funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
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HUCAPP 2020 - 4th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications