In this paper, we present an automatic, recomposition
to retargeting method for stereoscopic images using
a global optimization algorithm, namely S3D-R2R.
To maximize stereo image composition, we minimize
a set of aesthetic quality errors formulated based on
two photo composition rules during the warping pro-
cess. Besides, our method can modify the depth per-
ception in 3D space. It also minimizes the changes the
vertical alignment between the left and right stereo
image pair. Compared to stereo cropping and warp-
ing, our method can better preserve the global im-
age context and able to modify depth perception for
better 3D viewing experiences. The unavoidable fea-
ture distortions are found for the large scale warping,
particularly stereoscopic images with complex/ geo-
metric structures. Moreover, the aspect ratio of the
salient objects can not be protected in our method. A
shape preservation constraint and/or object segmenta-
tion can be used to solve this problem. In the future
work, we would explore the stereoscopic video retar-
geting through recomposition.
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VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications