Bio-inspired fixational eye movements can transform
a static scene into a spatiotemporal input luminance
signal to the event-based camera. As a consequence,
the low temporal frequency power of a static scene
is shifted into a range that the DVS can properly de-
tect. Besides preventing “perceptual fading” of static
scenes, we show that FEMs can play a central role in
event-based vision by providing an efficient strategy
for acquiring and processing information from nat-
ural images, both enhancing the perception of fine
spatial details in the scene, and facilitating or im-
proving the extraction of important features. Par-
ticularly, due to camera motion, edges in the visual
scene will provoke highly time-correlated activity of
nearby pixels. Due to the randomness of such motion,
events with both polarities can be elicited over time
in each pixel as a result of a same spatial luminance
discontinuity. Therefore, synchronized events with
both polarities eventually encode the spatial structure
of the underlying static image. The push-pull con-
figuration, at which the network operates, exploits
the distinction between events’ polarities, inducing
appropriate excitation or inhibition of ON and OFF
events, for optimizing detection performances. The
whole artificial neural architecture proposed is fully
bio-inspired, both at single unit (neuron model) and at
network level, and is entirely conceived to satisfy the
constrains imposed by ultra low-power mixed signal
analog-digital neuromorphic processors for a future
hardware implementation.
This project has received funding from the European
Research Council under the Grant Agreement No.
724295 (NeuroAgents).
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Dynamic Detectors of Oriented Spatial Contrast from Isotropic Fixational Eye Movements