Table 4: Active sampling strategy versus Heuristic Approaches to sampling the scene. We allot each algorithm 100 actions to
find a coarse registration of the scene. The non-trivial rotation case, i.e. 10 rotation bins, is shown in parentheses along side
the rotation-free, i.e. 1 rotation bin, case. The heuristic methods present a competitive benchmark in the rotation-free case
due to the simplicity. Moreover, it presents a good scenario for eliciting insights on the inner workings of the active-sampling
strategy. Our approach can be seen to learn effective strategies relative to the pragmatic heuristic approaches as seen in our
high recognition rate and low pose-error, i.e. high registration accuracy.
Sampling Approach Recognition Rate Pose-Error Average # of Measurements Average # of Rotations
Our approach 0.997 (0.966) 0.0541 (0.0627) 4.084 (8.524) 9.777 (26.552)
blind-0 0.987 (0.862) 0.0595 (0.1740) 5.354 (13.355) 16.214 (39.891)
blind-1 0.977 (0.794) 0.0706 (0.2549) 11.179 (27.894) 11.146 (27.941)
blind-2 0.698 (0.243) 0.2150 (0.8040) 15.468 (28.837) 30.079 (56.506)
heuristic-0 0.989 (0.891) 0.0651 (0.1525) 9.323 (24.026) 8.544 (23.429)
heuristic-1 0.994 (0.940) 0.0507 (0.0921) 3.199 (7.248) 11.539 (32.390)
heuristic-2 0.951 (0.640) 0.0644 (0.3861) 2.439 (4.577) 25.506 (65.097)
heuristic-3 0.639 (0.115) 0.2117 (0.9036) 1.713 (1.961) 54.447 (93.563)
This work was enabled by the Competence Cen-
ter VRVis. VRVis is funded by BMVIT, BMWFW,
Styria, SFG and Vienna Business Agency under the
scope of COMET - Competence Centers for Excel-
lent Technologies (854174) which is managed by
FFG. We acknowledge the support of the Natural Sci-
ences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
(NSERC) [516801].
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VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications