Optical Flow Estimation using a Correlation Image Sensor
based on FlowNet-based Neural Network
Toru Kurihara
and Jun Yu
Kochi University of Technology, 185 Miyanokuchi, Tosayamada-cho, Kami city, Kochi, Japan
Optical Flow, Correlation Image Sensor, Deep Neural Network, FlowNet.
Optical flow estimation is one of a challenging task in computer vision fields. In this paper, we aim to combine
correlation image that enables single frame optical flow estimation with deep neural networks. Correlation
image sensor captures temporal correlation between incident light intensity and reference signals, that can
record intensity variation caused by object motion effectively. We developed FlowNetS-based neural networks
for correlation image input. Our experimental results demonstrate proposed neural networks has succeeded in
estimating the optical flow.
Optical flow is the two-dimensional velocity field that
describes the apparent motion of image patterns. It
has large applications such as detection and track-
ing of an object, separation from a background or
more generally segmentation, three-dimensional mo-
tion computation, etc. One of the most established
algorithms for optical flow determination is based on
the optical flow constraint (OFC) equation describing
the intensity-invariance of moving patterns with reg-
ularization term(Horn and Schunck, 1981).
These days a deep neural network methods with
convolutional neural networks(CNNs) are applied to
estimate optical flow (Weinzaepfel et al., 2013).
FlowNet(Dosovitskiy et al., 2015) is one of the suc-
cessful neural network for optical flow estimation.
They adopted FCN-like structure without Fully Con-
nected layers so that their method didn’t depends on
the input image size. They also proposed good refine-
ment structure, they successfully estimated fine flow
Ando et. al. applied correlation image sen-
sor(Ando and Kimachi, 2003) and weighted integral
method(Ando and Nara, 2009) to optical flow estima-
tion(Ando et al., 2009). They started from optical
flow partial differential equation(Horn and Schunck,
1981) and formulated exposure time in integral form
and developed a sensing system that detects velocity
vector distribution on an optical image with a pixel-
wise spatial resolution and a frame-wise temporal res-
olution. Kurihara et. al. implemented fast optical
flow estimation algorithm achieving 3ms for 640x512
pixel resolution, and 7.5ms for 1280x1024 pixel reso-
lution using GPU(Kurihara and Ando, 2013). They
also applied total variation minimization technique
for direct algebraic method of optical flow detection
using correlation image sensor(Kurihara and Ando,
In this paper, we propose to combine correlation
image that enables single frame optical flow estima-
tion and deep neural networks. In the following sec-
tion, we review the correlation image sensor, and
show proposed FlowNetS-based neural network for
correlation images. Then we showed experimental re-
2.1 Correlation Image Sensor
The three-phase correlation image sensor (3PCIS) is
the two dimensional imaging device, which outputs
a time averaged intensity image g
(x,y) and a corre-
lation image g
(x,y). The correlation image is the
pixel wise temporal correlation over one frame time
between the incident light intensity and three external
electronic reference signals.
The photo of the 640 × 512 three-phase correla-
tion image sensor is shown in Figure 1, and its pixel
Kurihara, T. and Yu, J.
Optical Flow Estimation using a Correlation Image Sensor based on FlowNet-based Neural Network.
DOI: 10.5220/0009172708470852
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2020) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-402-2; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved