simplified 2D scenario which can be easily gener-
alised to the more complete and realistic case of three-
dimensional breast.
In the framework of imaging techniques,
microwave-based tomographic breast imaging may
represent a valid alternative or a complementary
medical exam, since it is safe compared to the
standard mammography and less expensive rather
than magnetic resonance imaging.
For the generation of the training data set, a
randomly-shaped breast profile generator has been
proposed whose tissues electric parameters were se-
lected according to proper statistical distributions as
reported in the scientific literature (Lazebnik et al.,
2007). Regarding the network design, a three fully-
connected layers network architecture was proposed
and compared with a classical inversion scheme
(DBIM). It is worth to underline the capability of the
proposed approach to retrieve the imaginary part of
complex permittivity with a good accuracy compared
with classical approaches, as well as the capability of
correctly estimating the thickness of the skin layer.
Future work will focus on testing new network ar-
chitectures and on the proper design of the training
data set.
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BIOIMAGING 2020 - 7th International Conference on Bioimaging