Some researches show that glasses cause a nega-
tive effect on ratings of social appearance. The stud-
ies from (Terry and Kroger, 1976) and (Thornton,
1944) showed that people with glasses were judged
to be less attractive than those without glasses, and a
statistically significant effect was found (p < 0.05).
Figure 7 demonstrates experiments on the AF-dateset
across different cultures, subjects and annotators. We
can show that humans with glasses are older on av-
erage and therefore the glass-wearer-ratings become
reasonable based on the demonstrated correlation of
aesthetics and age as shown in in Figure 10 and Fig-
ure 11.
Confucius has never seen one who loves virtue as
much as he loves beauty (Confucius, 1999). The
reader of the paper has seen that aesthetics is complex
correlated to culture. The Aesthetic-Faces-dataset can
be used to quantify this effect by classifying face im-
ages and prove hypothesis on a new level. We pro-
vide a huge database with many labels and a tool-
box with useful AI regression approaches for further
work and the research community in machine learn-
ing, aesthetics and even social ethics. We want to pro-
pose and use 3D Morphable Model face shape analyse
and synthesise technologies combined with research
with conventional and innovative Convolutional Re-
gression Networks and Extreme Gradient Boosting.
The next step is to publish our database on GitLab.
After that, the machine learning and face modelling
algorithms will be tested, evaluated and published as
tool box on GitLab too.
This work is partially supported by a grant of the
BMBF FHprofUnt program, no. 03FH049PX5
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Who Loves Virtue as much as He Loves Beauty?: Deep Learning based Estimator for Aesthetics of Portraits