(a) (b)
Figure 4: Imaging results of the data acquired by the proposed prototype via the linear sampling method. (a) single cylinder
and (b) two-cylinder reconstructions. The references are the light-green circles.
can be easily implemented by employing proper hard-
ware solutions.
Even though the proposed system is air-coupled
and provides a qualitative imaging of targets support,
it can be easily generalised to the underwater acoustic
imaging case, which represents a convenient, prelim-
inary test before moving to the imaging of human tis-
sues. For instance, in the framework of breast cancer
imaging, the use of this kind of systems could be ben-
eficial for early diagnosis, since it is safe and allows
a frequent screening which may be a complementary
exam to support cancer diagnosis and advancing clas-
sic ultrasound.
Future work will focus on the design and build-
ing of a water-matched prototype for the performance
assessment with breast tissue mimicking phantoms.
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BIODEVICES 2020 - 13th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices