Informatics as Support for Changes in Health Policy: A Case in
Giovana Jaskulski Gelatti
1,2 a
, Pedro Pereira Rodrigues
2,3 b
and Ricardo Jo
ao Cruz Correia
2,3 c
Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences of University of S
ao Paulo, 13566-590, S
ao Carlos, Brazil
Centre for Health Technology and Services Research, 4200-450, Porto, Portugal
Universidade do Porto, Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto, 4200-319, Porto, Portugal
Health Policies, Medical Information, Health Data Science, Computer Support, Robson Classification,
Introduction: In 2015 the Directorate-General for Health of Portugal published new standards (DGS
001/2015) for the registration of cesarean section indicators. The existing scenario was the lack of data,
influencing the quality of indicators and analyses on them. The use of a single computer tool was encouraged
to register and compare indicators between hospitals with special attention to the Robson Classification as it
employs basic information of pregnancy to classify all deliveries in 10 groups. The selected tool was Obscare
Aim: Describe the scenario on data quality by analyzing the completeness of obstetric records from 2016 to
2018 of the variables used in Robson’s classification collected by the Obscare tool.
Methods: The completeness is evaluated using a number of missing values. The lower the completeness, the
higher the number of missing values. Also, we perform the imputation of data based on basic concepts and
analyzed the participation of this data in the indication of the type of delivery to be performed according to
classification suggested by DGS 001/2015.
Results: From 2016 to 2018, 5922 number of pregnancies resulted in 5922 of Robson Classifications. The
variables with lower completeness were related to previous cesarean section (77%) and previous pregnancies
(43%). After imputation, it fell to 3.9% and 0.56%, respectively causing 4.6% of discarded data from the total.
Discussion: There is a significant amount of missing data in basic variables used to study the classification of
delivery type. We believe that encouraging data completion with the possibility of comparing data between
hospitals should be a priority in the health area.
Cesarean section is a surgery that provides a high risk
of complications to both the pregnant woman and the
baby, its rate is used as one of the health indicators.
However, the current scenario reveals high rates of
this type of delivery (Betr
an et al., 2016) and the de-
crease in cesarean rate has become a governmental
concern. To reverse this framework, changes in health
policies have been designed.
In Portugal, the Directorate-General for Health
(DGS, Portuguese acronym) published Standard No.
001/2015 which defines concepts of cesarean sec-
tion, reasons for its performance and classifications
of cesarean types regarding the urgency of surgery,
absence or labour phase of delivery, main reason
of indication to surgery and main characteristics of
pregnancy, indicating the Classification of Robson
(Robson, 2001) for the latter. By implementing na-
tional health policy in northern Portugal, the Regional
Health Administration of the North I.P. (ARSN), re-
sponsible for propose the committee for the reduc-
tion of the rate of cesarean sections (CRTC). This
committee, when evaluating the frequency and rea-
sons for cesarean sections, was faced with the lack of
standardized computerization of maternal-fetal data,
which makes it difficult to understand the current sit-
uation. As a result, one of the first measures of the
CRTC was to propose ”the implementation of a single
computer program for hospital registration of perina-
Gelatti, G., Rodrigues, P. and Correia, R.
Informatics as Support for Changes in Health Policy: A Case in Obstetrics.
DOI: 10.5220/0009173807450749
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2020) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 745-749
ISBN: 978-989-758-398-8; ISSN: 2184-4305
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
tal data (...) to allow the automatic export of perinatal
indicators to ARSN” and ”annual public disclosure by
the ARNS of the cesarean rate of each hospital cen-
ter”(Campos et al., 2010), thus contributing to the im-
provement of indicators.
One system used in hospitals in Portugal that
meets all DGS and ARSN requirements and chosen
by the Northern Region Operational Programme for
this purpose is Obscare. Obscare is used in 15 hospi-
tals in Portugal and through Obscare, the reports com-
posed of obstetric indices and all required in the DGS
Standard are generated.
This article aims to describe the current scenario
on data quality after changes required by DGS and
ARSN. Besides, some findings and discussions are re-
1.1 Implementation of the Policies
Required by DGS
In 2015, the carelessness was reported with health
data and, for this reason, hospitals are required to fol-
low Standard No. 001/2015. The standard requires
hospitals to deliver to DGS a detailed annual report
with the definitions described in its standard. One of
the definitions is to include Robson Classification on
these reports.
The Robson Ten Group classification (RTGC) has
four criteria and, from them, all pregnant women
can be classified into 10 mutually exclusive and fully
inclusive groups. The criteria are on obstetric his-
tory (nulliparous or multiparous with or without an-
terior cesarean section), the type of pregnancy (sin-
gle cephalic or pelvic or transverse fetus, multiple
pregnancy), how childbirth is triggered (spontaneous,
induced or cesarean section and the gestational age
at which childbirth occurs (before or from the 37th
week). Based on these criteria, pregnant women are
classified into one of the groups described in Table 1.
The criteria are of simple identification and classifi-
cation, clinically relevant. And so, obstetric centres
from around the world begin to use this classification.
1.2 Obscare
Obscare (see
obscare/) is an electronic clinical obstetrics and
gynaecology registration system designed to be used
by doctors, anesthesiologists, nurses and adminis-
trative staff. The system is installed in 15 hospitals
in Portugal, 37% of Portugal’s public hospitals
(data provided by Virtualcare enterprise, owner of
Obscare), and has a proper semi-structured form with
support for user input per clinical event. Each event
Table 1: Characteristics of each group of Robson’s classifi-
Group 1 Nulliparous, singleton, cephalic,
37 weeks’ gestation, in sponta-
neous labour
Group 2 Nulliparous, singleton, cephalic,
37 weeks’ gestation, induced
labour or caesarean section be-
fore labour
Group 3 Multiparous (excluding previous
caesarean section), singleton,
cephalic, 37 weeks’ gestation,
in spontaneous labour
Group 4 Multiparous without a previ-
ous uterine scar, with singleton,
cephalic pregnancy, 37 weeks’
gestation, induced or caesarean
section before labour
Group 5 Previous caesarean section, sin-
gleton, cephalic, 37 weeks’
Group 6 All nulliparous with a single
breech pregnancy
Group 7 All multiparous with a single
breech (including previous cae-
sarean section)
Group 8 All multiple pregnancies (includ-
ing previous caesarean section)
Group 9 All women with a single preg-
nancy in transverse or oblique
lie (including those with previous
caesarean section)
Group 10 All singleton, cephalic, <37
weeks’ gestation pregnancies (in-
cluding previous caesarean sec-
has forms defined with experts in the field that meet
all requirements defined in DGS standards. It is also
possible to export monthly, quarterly, half-yearly
and annual reports used to compare the indicators
and data quality in these periods. In addition to the
presence in several hospitals in Portugal, there was a
growing use of the system and records for scientific
production in the country (Pereira et al., 2019). This
growing demand for the use of its data has generated
concern about the quality of what is being shared.
Obscare discloses in its reports the information on
the quality of data in the period examined. Informing
the quality of data to hospitals encourages the search
for an increasing data fill. Although it is a robust
and complete system that allows the registration and
analysis of data for hospitals, the quality of health
research is related to this quality in filling out data by
Despite the concern stemming from data computeri-
zation and implementation of new policies, many ret-
rospective data are uncertain. When deploying the
HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics
new rules, cases of empty of basic data for classifi-
cation or any use of the data were reported. (Vogel
et al., 2015) says that ”the population level CS rate is
too crude to be useful as clinical indications for CS
data are missing” and this causes a great risk to the
academic community that relies on the data for re-
production and development of new knowledge from
From 2015 to the current year, hospitals paid
greater attention to the misconceptions of filling and
validating their data to fit DGS standards. Hospitals
were required to adopt the rules for building DGS re-
ports, including Robson’s classification and interpret-
ing the classification for an improvement in their data
and reporting cesarean rates in their hospitals.Despite
the new rules, there are missing data in the vari-
ables used for RTGC (Begum et al., 2019; Linard
et al., 2019; Senanayake et al., 2019; Ming et al.,
2019; Zimmo et al., 2018; Kacerauskiene et al., 2018)
and limitations in the application of the same (Betr
et al., 2014; Rebelo et al., 2010). As small as the limi-
tations for applying classification or missing data are,
the variables used are basic for obstetric data analysis.
To develop the analysis on the quality of health
data in recent years, data on obstetrics, specifically the
variables used for Robson’s classification of a hospital
using the Obscare system, were used. An analysis of
data completeness and deterministic imputation was
performed in missing data.
2.1 Case of Study
The data collected by the Obscare system of a Por-
tuguese hospital refer to the variables used for Rob-
son’s classification in 2016, 2017 and 2018. At first
instance, a large number of missing data was found.
However, it was possible to perform a deterministic
imputation through the concepts present in non-empty
variables, for example, as per Robson’s associated
group. With most of the records identified by these
groups, it was possible to fill values on the character-
istics associated with the group, performing a deter-
ministic imputation.
Another definition was the variable of the number
of deliveries prior to pregnancy. Observations classi-
fied as group 1, 2 or 6 are nulliparous, without pre-
vious deliveries, so the verification and/or imputation
of value 0 was applied in the delivery variable already
made. It also serves in the case of the variable regard-
ing the number of pregnancies, including current: if
1 is the first pregnancy and there are no pregnancy or
background deliveries, the amount of pregnancies and
previous deliveries is 0.
The observations classified in group 1 and 2 of
Robson’s classification refer to nulliparous pregnant
women and those in group 3 and 4 are multiparous
but without antecedent cesarean sections. The vari-
able referring to previous cesarean sections of the ob-
servations identified in these groups were filled with
the zero value.
Information was also searched in structured or
free text variables that could have relevant informa-
tion from each observation with the unknown Robson
group for it to be filled. In total, there were 39 ob-
servations without group identification. Using vari-
ables of cesarean section motif and diagnoses that
contained obstetric antecedents, Robson’s group of 4
observations were identified.
13 cases with gestation week values in -1 were an-
alyzed on a case-by-case basis. 12 cases were classi-
fied in group 10 corresponding to pregnant women of
a baby with cephalic presentation and preterm. The
value was corrected for the average of weeks of ges-
tation in group 10 (35 weeks). No relevant informa-
tion was found for filling weeks of gestation from the
remaining observation since it is classified as group 6
and this does not concern this. For this reason, it was
filled with the average of weeks of gestation (
was completed as 39 weeks).
Performing a simple deterministic imputation, we
were able to decrease the missing rate from 42.6 to
0.56%, filling out the observations regarding the data
of previous pregnancy, and from 76.97 to 3.91% in
observations filled with data on Previous Cesarean
sections. After completing the data through deter-
ministic imputation, 5922 valid records were selected,
representing 95.34% of the total observations (4.66%
of missing values).
Table 2: Table referring to the amount of missing data on the
total observations before and after deterministic imputation.
Missings (%total)
data after imputation
Robson’s group 39 (0,6279) 35 (0,5635)
Previous pregnancies 2646 (42,6018) 35 (0,5635)
Previous cesarean sections 4781 (76,9763) 243 (3,9124)
The contribution of each variable to cesarean
delivery, including Robson’s associated group, de-
scribed in Table 3, also present another form of inter-
pretation of Robson’s groups as it indicated. In it, the
groups are also classified as very preventable cesarean
section (groups 1, 2, 3 and 4), avoidable (5, 6 and 9) or
not avoidable (7, 8 and 10), indicated in the interpre-
Informatics as Support for Changes in Health Policy: A Case in Obstetrics
tation of RTGC. The probability of significance, p, re-
sulting from statistical tests, Pearson or Fisher, is ag-
gregated. The χ
, or Pearson test was used in samples
with frequencies greater than 20% of the expected fre-
quency in observations per case in contingency tables.
This is thus defined because in small samples the ap-
proximation of the χ distribution is affected and not
considered satisfactory. For the other cases, the exact
Fisher test was used (Christensen, 2005).
Table 3: Frequencies and p value produced.
p value
n (%) n (%)
Total 1316 (22.22) 5922 (100)
Number of fetuses 1 1191 (21.31)
5589 (98.97)
2 or more 40 (68.97) 58 (1.03)
Robson Groups CS very preventable 533 (11.92) <0.001 4471 (79.17)
Group 1 159 (9.61) 1654 (29.29)
Group 2 281 (36.07) 779 (13.79)
Group 3 37 (2.30) 1608 (28.48)
Group 4 56 (13.02) 430 (7.61)
CS avoidable 549 (65.12) 843 (14.93)
Group 5 406 (58.17) 698 (12.36)
Group 6 143 (98.62) 145 (2.57)
Group 9 0 (0) 0 (0)
CS not preventable 149 (44.74) 333 (5.90)
Group 7 65 (100) 65 (1.15)
Group 8 40 (67.80) 59 (1.04)
Group 10 44 (21.05) 209 (3.70)
Labour absent 484 (99.38) 0 487 (8.62)
induced 330 (25.80) 1279 (22.65)
spontaneous 417 (10.74) 3881 (68.73)
Previous deliveries
0 683 (23.57)
2898 (48.94)
1 482 (20.65) 2334 (39.41)
2 or more 151 (21.88) 690 (11.65)
Pregnancies 1 560 (22.54)
2485 (41.96)
2 454 (20.94) 2168 (36.61)
3 191 (22.82) 837 (14.13)
4 or more 111 (25.69) 432 (7.29)
Previous CS
0 806 (15.89)
5073 (85.66)
1 405 (54.51) 743 (12.55)
2 or more 105 (99.06) 106 (1.79)
* CS = cesarean section
In Table 3, it is seen that the highest cesarean
section is of the preventable cesarean section group
(65.12% of cases). This group is composed of groups
5, 6 and 9, the latter of which had no contribution.
The largest amount of data taken from the analysis
was made due to the missing data on the cesarean
section before pregnancy. Although most excluded
cases had this characteristic, having previous cesarean
section the pregnancy was also the characteristic of
the group with the greatest contribution to the per-
formance of cesarean delivery. According to RTGC,
65% of deliveries considered cesarean sections avoid-
able belong to pregnant women with a history of ce-
sarean section or pregnant women with breech preg-
nancy with no history of pregnancies. The great con-
tribution of cesarean deliveries in pregnant women
who already have a history with this type of delivery,
suggests that greater information should be made and
implementation of discussions about the dangers that
cesarean section causes the pregnant woman and the
Furthermore, may the classification does not re-
flect the real reasons for a cesarean section to have
been performed. Therefore, it cannot be affirmed that
the result of the classification in this group is faith-
ful to the condition that the delivery was performed.
The inclusion of other variables or alteration of the
variables that the classification uses results in a more
accurate description, as well as in the reinforcement
in the completion of the data.
The high rate of cesarean sections classified as
preventable and the lack of completeness and data
sharing between hospitals remains worrying and may
be related. We believe that measures to cohere and en-
courage data completion with the possibility of com-
paring the rates among hospitals should be a main
concern and priority in the health area. With increased
information sharing between hospitals, the exchange
of health strategies increases, which can generate a
global improvement in health and data quality indices.
To improve it quality and analysis, simple strategies
can be adopted such as deterministic imputation en-
sured the reduction of missing data; which shows the
lack of completion of these by hospital units.
Other computer techniques for imputation and dis-
covery of new knowledge, as proposed by the ap-
proach of machine learning and data mining tech-
niques, may be another alternative for increasing data
quality. Their use in the clinical, medical and data
management context can help routine and discover
strategies for reducing cesarean rate, for example. As
future work, the study of computational techniques
used in the obstetric context for imputation or a new
discovery in the area will be developed, besides con-
tinuing the study and analysis on the significance of
obstetric variables in the classification of the type of
Health policy change has encouraged the creation of
tools for storing and visualizing data. With the imple-
mentation of tools, the analysis of data and especially
the quality of data created is made easier. Quality is
directly affected by the number of fields filled in by
professionals and by the strategies adopted in storage.
It can be seen that simple auto complete strategies can
be adopted to increase quality. This study showed that
identifying simple strategies with deterministic impu-
tation ensured the reduction of missing data. On this
case, only 4.66% of the data was discarded.
HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics
To add, our study showed the contribution of each
group of Robson in the cesarean section and that the
group with the highest index is defined as preventable
cesarean sections. We also demonstrated that the vari-
ables used for this classification are significant to the
analysis. This importance is reflected in the addi-
tion of features that inform the quality per registra-
tion tool. However, there is a significant amount of
missing data in basic variables used to study the clas-
sification of delivery type. We believe that encourag-
ing data completion with the possibility of compar-
ing data between hospitals should be a priority in the
health area.
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Informatics as Support for Changes in Health Policy: A Case in Obstetrics