rather than resolving classification problem. During
classification, a reconstruction error for the incoming
data point is calculated. The less the error, the more
accurate is the model. The main problems with these
three categories of one-class classification methods
are that none of them consider the full scale of in-
formation available for classification. For instance,
the density-based methods focus only on high den-
sity area and neglect areas with lower training data
density. In boundary-based methods, the solutions
are only calculated based on the points near the deci-
sion boundary, regardless the spread of the remaining
data. A more reasonable method would be to simul-
taneously make use of the maximum margin criterion
(Cristianini and Shawe-Taylor, 2000), while control-
ling the spread of data. Besides, unlike multi-class
classification problems, the low variance directions
of the target class distribution are crucial for OCC.
In (Kwak and Oh, 2009), it has been shown that pro-
jecting the data in the high variance directions (like
PCA) will result in higher error (bias), while retain-
ing the low variance directions will lower the total
error. Boundary-based methods privilege separating
data along large variance directions and do not put
special emphasis on low variance directions (Shiv-
aswamy and Jebara, 2010). Moreover, we need to re-
duce the estimation error by taking projections along
some variance directions and the estimated covari-
ance is not accurate due to the limited number of train-
ing samples.
However, taking these projections before train-
ing leads to an important loss of characteristics.
Some powerful classifiers have been proposed to take
the overall structural information of the training set
into account through the incorporation of the co-
variance matrix into the objective OSVM function
then we can mention the most relevant among them:
The Mahalanobis One-class SVM (MOSVM) (Tsang
et al., 2006), the Relative Margin Machines (RMM)
(Shivaswamy and Jebara, 2010) and the Discrimi-
nant Analysis via Support Vectors(SVDA) (Gu et al.,
2010). In the one-class domain, the most relevant
work is the Covariance-guided One-class Support
Vector Machine (COSVM) (Khan et al., 2014). The
principal motivation behind COSVM method is to put
more emphasis on the low variance directions by in-
corporates the covariance matrix into object function
of the OSVM (Sch
olkopf et al., 2001). In fact, before
training, we want to keep all data characteristics and
use the maximum margin based solution, while taking
projections in specific directions. In terms of classi-
fication performance, COSVM was shown to be very
competitive with SVDD, OSVM and MOSVM.
However, there are still some difficulties asso-
ciated with COSVM application in real case prob-
lems, where data are highly dispersed and the tar-
get class can be divided into subclasses. In order to
handle spherically distributed data, in a proper man-
ner, we intend to exploit the subclass information. In
one class classification process, many recently pro-
posed methods try to incorporate subclass informa-
tion in the standard optimization problem. We can
mention among them: The Subclass One-Class Sup-
port Vector machine (SOC-SVM) (Mygdalis et al.,
2015) and the Kernel Support Vector Description
(KSVDD) (Mygdalis et al., 2016). The basic prin-
ciple of the SOC-SVM method is to introduce a novel
variant of the OSVM classifier that exploits subclass
information, in order to minimize the data disper-
sion within each subclass and determine the optimal
decision function. Experimental results denote that
(SOC-SVM) approach is able to outperform OSVM
in video segments selection. On the other hand,
KSVDD method modifies the standard SVDD opti-
mization process and extends the proposed method
to work in feature spaces of arbitrary dimensional-
ity. Comparative results of KSVDD with the OSVM,
the standard SVDD and the minimum variance SVDD
(MV-SVDD)(Zafeiriou and Laskaris, 2008) demon-
strate the superiority of KSVDD. We presume that we
should minimize the within-class variance, instead of
minimizing the global variance, with respect to sub-
class information. Thus, a clustering step is achieved
in order to estimate the existing subclasses into the
target class. Furthermore, It has been shown in (Zhu
and Martinez, 2006) that the clustering does not have
a major impact in the classification accuracy. Hence,
any clustering algorithm can work in this approach.
Then, to reduce the dispersion of the target data with
respect to newly obtained subclass information, we
express the within class dispersion and we incorpo-
rate it in the optimization problem of the COSVM.
In this paper, we propose a novel Dispersion
COSVM (DCOSVM), which incorporates a dis-
persion matrix into the objective function of the
COSVM, in order to reduce the dispersion of the tar-
get data with respect to newly obtained subclass in-
formation and improve classification accuracy. Un-
like the SOC-SVM and the KSVDD methods, the
DCOSVM has the advantage of minimizing not only
the data dispersion within each subclass, but also data
dispersion between subclasses, in order to improve
classification performance. Moreover, the DCOSVM
utilizes a trade off controlling parameter to fine-tune
the effect of the dispersion matrix on the classifica-
tion accuracy. The proposed method is still based on
a convex optimization problem, where a global op-
A Novel Dispersion Covariance-guided One-Class Support Vector Machines